#summify #curation tool creates a daily summary from #socialmedia #pln #edtech20 | information analyst | Scoop.it

This topic is curated by Lucian http://bit.ly/Lucian20 founder of #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project http://tiny.cc/edtech20 and if you like this post share and comment and also kindly I invite you to join free this project here http://tiny.cc/docedtech20 and follow https://twitter.com/#!/web20education . What are your favorite tools to build a pln . Please add here a comment and collaborate and circle #edtech20 project on #googleplus https://plus.google.com/b/117125932309589630500/117125932309589630500/posts/ak4vedAPCnj discuss with other 511 teachers aboyt best social networking tools https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=266178246753349&id=103495893021586 join our PLN http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/ . Also I write when I don't tweet and curate in gr8 blogs here http://weblist.me/curation. I invite you to subscribe free to #socialmedia #curation blog
http://feeds.feedburner.com/edtech20CurationSemanticProjectInEducation ; web 2.0 blog
http://feeds.feedburner.com/Web20SocialMediaInSafetyModeInEducation ; Google Plus Blog
mLearning blog http://feeds.feedburner.com/MlearningEdtoolsAndAppsIneducation20
and my first blog with gr8 tools and apps

See stories from Twitter, Face- book and Google Reader aggre- gated and de-duplicated in one beautiful place.

Our Story
Summify was started by Mircea Pașoi and Cristian Strat, a team of two Romanian hackers and entrepreneurs, passionate about technology and Internet startups.
They’ve both turned down some cozy job offers from companies like Google and Facebook and moved half-way across the world to build the next fundamental piece of the Internet, the relevancy layer!

Via LucianeCurator