Infographics and Social Media
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Infographics and Social Media
Come here to see the best in data visualizations and infographics. Many of the graphics will involve social media.
Curated by John Boitnott
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Rescooped by John Boitnott from Social Media sites
March 13, 2014 7:25 PM!

2014: The Numbers Behind Social Media [infographic]

2014: The Numbers Behind Social Media [infographic] | Infographics and Social Media |
Whether you use them for reaching potential customers, interact with people, or to generate content, Social Media is a power tool for businesses. Check out some of the most popular online networks and how much of an impact they each have.

Via Lauren Moss, Michelle Gilstrap
Charles Rein's curator insight, March 13, 2014 11:36 AM

Set it and Forget it, social media works

Graig Angarella's curator insight, March 24, 2014 1:14 AM

I found many of the statistics in this article to be very intriguing.  For starters, I did not realize that Twitter's follower base has now grown to over half that of Facebook's.  Furthermore, I had no idea that users spend close to the same amount of time on each site, because to me, Twitter is more of a place to simply post things, while Facebook is more of a place to browse.  Next, I was not surprised to hear that about 80% of Pinterest users are women, however, I was surprised when it stated that about half of the total number of users have children!  Last but not least, I personally have not heard much chatter about Google+, so it was surprising to find out that its follower count increases by about 33% each year!  All in all, it was a very interesting article to read through!

Daniel Vince's curator insight, March 24, 2014 2:30 PM

Another interesting infographic showing the potential and scale of social media.

Rescooped by John Boitnott from visual data
April 30, 2013 2:03 AM!

These Wonderful 3D Infographics Are Taller Than You

These Wonderful 3D Infographics Are Taller Than You | Infographics and Social Media |

Belgian studio Coming Soon is all about making it big. Their Hand Lettering creations filled a giant chalkboard with letters in a variety of fonts and styles. And with Infographics XXXL, they’ve taken actual graphs and blown them up to a huge size for a client that specializes in the research of nanobodies.

The result is that, instead of casually glancing at the same old pie chart or bar graph, shareholders have something to keep their gaze on the numbers, like a blurry scientist walking by human-size bars or holding up a literal piece of the pie.


See a selection of Coming Soon’s giant infographics at the article link.

Via Lauren Moss
Jennie Munson's comment, May 1, 2013 10:57 AM
very cool
Rescooped by John Boitnott from visualizing social media
May 17, 2013 3:09 PM!

Twitter on Paper / Infographics

Twitter on Paper / Infographics | Infographics and Social Media |

Twitter is a cultural phenomenon that has changed the way we communicate around the world.

This infographic looks at the Twitter facts and shares some interesting facts about the social media site which continues to grow daily. The numbers might just blow you away...

Via Lauren Moss
Scott Langston's curator insight, June 5, 2013 8:16 PM

Twitter as a classroom tool? I'm just playing around, but there maybe something here for instant feedback? Dedicated class twitter account etc? Anyone doing this?

Katie Elizabeth's curator insight, August 8, 2013 1:24 PM

Twitter is a social media that many of you already use.  What has been/will be it's ultimate impact on culture?

Rescooped by John Boitnott from visualizing social media
September 28, 2012 2:22 PM!

Infographic: The Astounding Power Of Pinterest

Infographic: The Astounding Power Of Pinterest | Infographics and Social Media |
In our upcoming October design issue, one of the many fascinating feature stories we’ve lined up is a lengthy profile of Pinterest and its elusive CEO, Ben Silbermann.


That story goes live later this week, but until then, here's an infographic about Pinterest, created by Fast Company's staff and designed by our own Ted Keller.


In this profusion of figures, you find out a few, key things about the image-sharing service. For one, it’s dominated by women. Second, something about its layout and culture stokes an enormous buying impulse. And third, major brands are getting in on the act. It’s not a stretch to say that soon, at least on retail sites, a Pinterest button might become as ubiquitous as a Facebook Like. Check out the infographic, or tour the major findings in the accompanying slide show...

Via Lauren Moss
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