Ideas for entrepreneurs
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Ideas for entrepreneurs
Serial entrepreneurship is constant learning.
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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
June 7, 2013 4:26 PM!

Marc Andreessen: Not every startup should be a Lean Startup or embrace the pivot

Marc Andreessen: Not every startup should be a Lean Startup or embrace the pivot | Ideas for entrepreneurs |

The Lean Startup has become somewhat of a bible for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, but famed investor Marc Andreessen notes that sometimes founders misappropriate the ideas or don’t apply them correctly, resulting in some common problems he outlined.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

What I've always find fascinating in Silicon Valley is its capacity to not get stuck in one dominating thought model. The Lean Startup model wa an eye-opener for many entrepreneurs - including me. It's a fantastic model for Web software companies. But as the brilliant recent interview of Elon Musk at the All Things D conference and this other Andreesen interview remind us of: big projects are not always compatible with the lean startup model.

Andreesen also explains why the lean startup model is not an excuse not to do marketing (something that I'm a firm believer of as I had a chance to explain during the last startup product summit) and that accepting failure is not the same as encouraging it - something that reminded of a controversial HBR article on that topic.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
June 6, 2013 9:48 PM!

Why Serial Entrepreneurs Don’t Learn from Failure

Why Serial Entrepreneurs Don’t Learn from Failure | Ideas for entrepreneurs |

Everyone admires serial entrepreneurs for their pluck and persistence, but they pose a big risk for the investors who fund their dreams. Our research shows that instead of learning from mistakes, serial entrepreneurs are just as apt to be overoptimistic after failure as before.

Guillaume Decugis's insight:

While I'm not sure I agree with everything these authors are writing (but hey, I'm biased...), I recognize a trait that serial entrereneurs have: what else that overoptimism can drive serial entrepreneurs?

Something I've realized several times is that many of my friends capitalized on their successes by moving from one job to another in a similar field (think successful banker in firm A moves to firm B to start similar practice or successful CFO in company C is recruited to undertake the same cost cutting / restructuring for company D).

I don't.

Don't take me wrong: I feel like I learned a lot from my first startup, probably even more from my second (which failed and led to our pivot) and now still every day.

I also became "bankable" from having a first success: I'm not naive about that. And I was able to raise money much more easily the second time than the first. 

But this is experience building, network building and not what I mean by capitalizing on your success. Very little rules that were true in my first startup (a B2B digital music platform for Mobile Operators called Musiwave) still applied for Goojet - which was still mobile but B2C and in a post-telco-domination world where the App Store ruled. I also often feel that the only reason has known success so far is because we reinvented ourselves by learning many things (lean startup concepts, design, social engagement, communities...). In a way, it felt a lot like starting from scratch - which is also what makes it fun (I know, I'm a contrarian...).

By chosing a job which is about inventing new things, serial entrepreneurs also have to re-invent themselves. And yes, overoptism is highly recommended in that case.

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Scooped by Guillaume Decugis
June 4, 2013 10:27 PM!

"Ambition is the last refuge of failure": how was born

"Ambition is the last refuge of failure": how was born | Ideas for entrepreneurs |
Today, we launch publicly, which means our private beta was a success with strong traffic and continuous growth.
Guillaume Decugis's insight:

This is the post I wrote when we launched back in November of 2011. And how we had failed before that. And failed to realize quickly enough we were failing. It's hard to capitalize on on the past in enterpreneurship: sure, you learn; but there's always more to learn and a lot of unknowns. I felt I had to re-invent myself as an entrepreneur. That I had to relearn most of it.

As we had finally seen some success through the private beta of and were about to launch, I decided this was a good opportunity to share that story.

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Curated by Guillaume Decugis
CEO of @Linkfluence (#AI for #SocialListening and #marketresearch). Entrepreneur (@Scoopit, Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Rock singer.
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