Leadership Advice & Tips
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Leadership Advice & Tips
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Curated by Trish Sadar
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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from The Heart of Leadership
September 6, 2013 4:41 PM

What body language best signals leadership?

What body language best signals leadership? | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Everything you need to know about What body language best signals leadership?

Via John Michel, Don Cloud
Trish Sadar's insight:

Rescooping from Don!

John Michel's curator insight, September 5, 2013 12:11 PM

When first introduced to a leader, we immediately and unconsciously assess him or her for warmth and authorit

Don Cloud's curator insight, September 6, 2013 6:36 AM

Warmth and authority are the outward indications of something more profound ... the character of the leader.  What do your non-verbal signals reveal about you as a leader?

Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 2, 2013 10:14 AM

Why extroverts fail, introverts flounder and you probably succeed

Why extroverts fail, introverts flounder and you probably succeed | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
The conventional view that extroverts make the best leaders has one teensy flaw: It’s probably not true.
Trish Sadar's insight:

Very interesting article!


My humble opinion is that whether you are an introvert or extrovert...building your emotional intelligence on your preferences is critical.


I have seen extroverts who have matured their emotional intelligence to the point that they are amazing listeners, because they have built those muscles.


Also, I have experienced introverted leaders who have strengthened their body language and abilities to speak before they have fully formulated their ideas as well.



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Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 6, 2013 9:58 AM

Dominance and Deference in Pantomime | Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dominance and Deference in Pantomime | Stanford Graduate School of Business | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Trish Sadar's insight:

Body Language is everything! 


Okay, we have all taken on some body language habits that we may not even be aware of.  If you want to find out, ask those at home who know you best.  Then read a few  books to increase your knowledge on body language.


One book that I often recommend is:  What Every Body is Saying.


What are some other books that you have read?

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