Leadership Advice & Tips
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Leadership Advice & Tips
Helping Leaders Be on Brand, Live on Purpose, and Accelerate a Successful Career
Curated by Trish Sadar
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Suggested by Matthew Weithorn
October 30, 2019 6:41 PM

THE 40 PERCENT RULE - Powerful Motivational Video | David Goggins

David Goggins explains why most humans are only living at 40% of their capability, and how to take control of your mind and be more productive. Tr
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Suggested by Matthew Weithorn
October 30, 2019 6:41 PM

THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS - Powerful Motivational Video for Success

THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS: Eye Opening Advice from Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki Will Change Your Life! (I'm Speechless!) Subscrib
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
October 23, 2019 4:38 PM

Microsoft's CEO Says This Single Interview Question Changed His Life (and Taught Him a Major Lesson in Empathy)

Microsoft's CEO Says This Single Interview Question Changed His Life (and Taught Him a Major Lesson in Empathy) | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Spoiler alert: He got it wrong. But the lesson he learned proved invaluable.
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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
May 18, 2018 4:11 AM

The New Rules of Talent Management

The New Rules of Talent Management | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it

You could say HR is going “agile lite,” applying the general principles without adopting all the tools and protocols from the tech world. It’s a move away from a rules- and planning-based approach toward a simpler and faster model driven by feedback from participants. This new paradigm has really taken off in the area of performance management. (In a 2017 Deloitte survey, 79% of global executives rated agile performance management as a high organizational priority.) But other HR processes are starting to change too.

In many companies that’s happening gradually, almost organically, as a spillover from IT, where more than 90% of organizations already use agile practices. At the Bank of Montreal (BMO), for example, the shift began as tech employees joined cross-functional product-development teams to make the bank more customer focused. The business side has learned agile principles from IT colleagues, and IT has learned about customer needs from the business. One result is that BMO now thinks about performance management in terms of teams, not just individuals. Elsewhere the move to agile HR has been faster and more deliberate. GE is a prime example. Seen for many years as a paragon of management through control systems, it switched to FastWorks, a lean approach that cuts back on top-down financial controls and empowers teams to manage projects as needs evolve.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 17, 2018 9:07 PM

Agile isn’t just for tech anymore—it’s transforming how organizations hire, develop, and manage their people. This package provides a guide to the transition.

Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 1, 2016 8:47 AM

7 Reasons the Best Leaders Treat Their Employees Like Customers

If you don't, you could be stunting your own growth.

Trish Sadar's insight:

I could not agree more with this approach. 

I also like to challenge my team to this approach ... "Pretend as though your employees have contracted you for the year.  Ask yourself truthfully, would they re-hire you once the year is up?  Did you take care of them in a way that they would be afraid to contract another leader or department because no one else would take care of them and add value as you would?

That is the mind set that I like to challenge myself to uphold, because our employees are our internal customers. 

What do you think?


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Scooped by Trish Sadar
June 6, 2015 12:20 PM

From Bartender to CEO

From Bartender to CEO | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Trish Sadar's insight:

When I was in my twenties, I was juggling multiple jobs and had to put my career goals and education on hold.  Everything changed for me when one leader noticed something in me – my spark and potential… and the rest is history. 


I know the power that lives inside of each of us, sometimes we just need someone who believes in us to show us the way.  Is your flame going strong?  My goal is to ignite your spark and flame. 


YOU have unique gifts and your true power begins when someone believes in you, and takes hold when you start believing in yourself.  


I am personally inviting you to get access to my FREE online virtual event! 


So I asked some amazing authors and speakers if I could interview them and they said yes!

Please share this information to all the wonderful women you knowJ 


Click here to save your seat and get your flame going strong!                 http://www.womenleadershipsummit.net

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Scooped by Trish Sadar
April 29, 2015 6:32 PM

How Successful CEOs Manage Doubt

How Successful CEOs Manage Doubt | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Bonnie Gwin looks at how CEOs manage doubt, and even use it as a competitive advantage.
Suggested by Jaro Berce
April 29, 2015 5:42 PM

Leadership By Virtue: Different views on leadership

Leadership By Virtue: Different views on leadership | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
To show and compare western approaches to team leading with eastern ones.
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 3, 2015 8:52 AM

Infographic: 10 ways to improve internal communication #Leadership #Communication

Infographic: 10 ways to improve internal communication #Leadership #Communication | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
This infographic reports a lack of communication between managers and employees at most organizations, and reveals 10 ways to solve the problem.
Trish Sadar's insight:

Super infographic for improving communication within an organization.  I know when you go through the infographic you will probably say... I already know that.


While you may not be in the position to change the way your entire organization communicates, involves, and engages wtih everyone, you do have control over how you communicate with your team.


So, after you go through the infographic and article ask yourself  What should I do?  What do I do? how do I know that effective communicate is really happening?


Moving forward, what will I do differently?  Until next time.. .PS - Be on Brand & Live on Purpose!

Ilana Bern's curator insight, February 4, 2015 10:24 AM

This infographic reports a lack of communication between managers and employees at most organizations, and reveals 10 ways to solve the problem.

Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Supports for Leadership
February 1, 2015 12:16 PM

Mentor Your Millennials - Chief Learning Officer (blog)

Mentor Your Millennials - Chief Learning Officer (blog) | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Stop blaming secondary education for the Gen Y skills gap and take charge of the problem with these mentoring techniques.

Via Morag Barrett, Mark E. Deschaine, PhD
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 31, 2015 11:29 PM

Presence: Your Key to Stronger And Bolder #Leadership - Forbes

Presence: Your Key to Stronger And Bolder #Leadership - Forbes | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Leadership development is a key reason why executives go through coaching. A second key reason is to learn to develop their sense of presence.
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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Change Champions
January 28, 2015 9:56 AM

Boardroom culture is putting women off, it must change

Boardroom culture is putting women off, it must change | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Women aren't fighting for a place at the top, and without culture change they will continue to avoid boardroom positions, warns Eugene Burke

Via Ian Berry
Ian Berry's curator insight, January 20, 2015 6:24 PM

There's no doubt in my mind that the days of boardrooms being controlled by old men with old ideas are numbered. The question is what are you doing to create the change needed.

Ian Berry's comment, January 30, 2015 12:03 AM
You're welcome Patricia and thanks Mark
Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 27, 2015 5:00 PM

Christina Lattimer Interviews Sir Richard Branson - #Leadership #Success

Christina Lattimer Interviews Sir Richard Branson - #Leadership #Success | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Christina Lattimer interviews Sir Richard Branson Founder of Virgin Group, with some sound and inspirational advice for business leaders and CEO's
Trish Sadar's insight:

Excellent interview Christina Lattimer!


There are so many gold nuggets for CEOs, boards, and leaders alike.


For me CEOs like Sir Richard Branson or like Zappo's CEO Tony Hsieh are rare.  They seem to possess the power to reject immediate gratification for what is best for the company's long-term growth. 


They know that strategy should not be a secret known by only senior leaders.  People ... are their organization's competitive advantage, and they nurture, inspire, and invest in them. 



Until next time...PS - Live on Purpose!



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Suggested by Matthew Weithorn
October 30, 2019 6:41 PM

The Most Inspiring Speech: The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life | Rick Rigsby

Make an Impact: Rick Rigsby delivers a powerful speech on how his father's teachings have guided him through the most troubling times of his life. Are yo
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
October 23, 2019 7:10 PM


Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Business Improvement
May 31, 2018 3:51 PM

How To Master the Art of Influence 

How To Master the Art of Influence  | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
As a product leader at Google and Reddit, Tyler Odean uses persuasion as a tool in his everyday job. Here's what he's learned through experience and research about being influential at work.

Via Daniel Watson
Chong Jiaxuan's comment, March 13, 2018 10:09 AM
According to Odean, success depends on whether you are able to persuade people to join you in your cause to create new and revolutionary things. I feel that this is true. Someone might have an extremely innovative idea, but no words to express himself. People would most likely scratch their heads in confusion by what this person says. However, another person may have a dumb idea, but package the idea so nicely that others think the idea is amazing. Although persuasion is such an important skill, schools do not educate students on how to be persuasive concisely. Instead, schools teach students to use windy evidences to strengthen their point. Using lengthy evidences will just confuse others and make them question you more. I feel that schools should also give some insights on how to have better speaking skills in order to persuade people easily. Such knowledge proves to be more useful for students when they grow up.
English Jeffrey's curator insight, March 25, 2018 8:38 PM
Understanding how the brain processes information to make decisions may influence the way you present information about your business.
Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
May 18, 2018 4:09 AM

3 Things Companies Do to Build an Exceptional Culture

3 Things Companies Do to Build an Exceptional Culture | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it

Exceptional workplace doesn't happen by accident.  It starts with a clearly defined vision that includes the company's core values, a detailed description of what each of those values means on a day-to-day basis, and a system for measuring  whether or not the people in the organization are living those values.

I refer to this plan as a culture blueprint, and it's critical to the creation and scaling of your company's culture, just as an architect's plans are to the building of a skyscraper. Done correctly, it serves as a North Star to the senior management team as you hire and manage the company's workforce. Without it, you'll end up building something that's likely to collapse under its own weight.  

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 17, 2018 8:56 PM

Top employers create a blueprint, treat HR like a sales organization and govern by meritocracy.

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber's curator insight, May 18, 2018 1:52 PM


Company culture is incredibly important ,and far too many companies fail to invest the time and resources to create a positive one. 


Make no mistake ...every single company HAS a culture, regardless of weather you try to create one, or not. 


What is yours?



Rescooped by Trish Sadar from WorkLife
February 1, 2016 8:37 AM

Is your decision making-process
stuck in heavy traffic? | London Business School

Is your decision making-process <br/>stuck in heavy traffic? | London Business School | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
What are the parallels between traffic jams and the indecisive, slow-moving meetings that clog up our agenda?

Via Josie Gibson
Andy Webb's curator insight, November 19, 2016 9:35 PM

How productive are your meetings? This author challenges the status quo.

Suggested by Jaro Berce
May 2, 2015 10:54 AM

Leadership By Virtue: Leadership and values

Leadership By Virtue: Leadership and values | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
People tend to mix virtue, morals and ethics not having a clear idea which term to use and when.
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
April 29, 2015 5:43 PM

3 leadership lessons from Dale Carnegie

3 leadership lessons from Dale Carnegie | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Public relations execs looking to improve their relationships should borrow a page from the author of 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.'
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 3, 2015 4:00 PM

Top Gun Wisdom: Finding the Real Horses in your Organization - General Leadership

Top Gun Wisdom: Finding the Real Horses in your Organization - General Leadership | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
“Tell me, if you had to go into battle, would you want him with you?” Quote from "Top Gun" Every organization has a leader whose job it is to produce resul
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 2, 2015 11:02 AM

5 Ways to Get a Confidence Boost

5 Ways to Get a Confidence Boost | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Whatever you're about to do, it's incredibly important--and you're incredibly nervous. Here's how to get a quick shot of confidence.
Trish Sadar's insight:

Great advice in this article!  No matter how confident you are, you will most definitely be faced with situations that will stretch you out of your comfort zone.  Preparation is king to building confidence when coming face to face with new situations and challenges.


I particularly agree with:

- Anticipating objections

- Being prepared to respond

-Productively use up the excess fuel you have

Another easy tip we share is to avoid drinking caffeine, which artifically amplifies emotions.


Until next time...PS - Be on Brand & Live on Purpose!

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Suggested by Agnipravo Sengupta
February 1, 2015 9:10 AM

7 Blogs Every #Leader or Business Owner should follow!

7 Blogs Every #Leader or Business Owner should follow! | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it

Business blogs should become an integral part of an entrepreneur’s daily life. Here is the list of 7 blogs that take the cake for being the most friendly for business owners.

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Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 31, 2015 11:36 AM

Successful #Leaders don't do these things

Successful #Leaders don't do these things | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Trish Sadar's insight:

1.  They don't do the bare minimum; have you ever heard that saying, “The way you do anything is the way you do everything? “  Well, this especially hold true here…they give every task their all and always go way beyond. 

2.  They don't waste time; they work hard to stay on course.  They know how easy it is to get distracted, yet they are disciplined in this area.  They focus their time and energy on what matters most....not what matters least.

3.  They don’t focus on problems – they focus on solutions.  They don't lose sleep or complain about what they can't do.  They shift their energy and resources on what is within their control.

4.  They don't think they can do it alone; the most confident leaders are humble, and seek out advice, assistance, and expertise.  It’s not about them; it’s about their teams, and accomplishing the goals!

5.  They don't think that they always know best; the most confident leaders are curious to learn.  They listen to the ideas of others.  They listen to understand.

6.  They don’t take things personal and let their ego get in the way of achieving goals and building relationships. 

7.  They don’t judge or criticize others.  They stay humble, curious, and open to learn and understand.


What else do you think should be on the list?  Would love to hear from you.


Until next time...PS - Be on Brand & Live on Purpose!

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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Change Champions
January 28, 2015 7:55 AM

Change Management versus Change #Leadership: What's the Difference? - YouTube

The large majority of organizations expect to achieve results by MANAGING change; more than 70% fall well short. The minority that learn how to LEAD their ch...

Via Ian Berry
Ian Berry's curator insight, January 22, 2015 9:57 PM

A good quick insight into the critical difference between change leadership and change management

Sandeep Gautam's curator insight, January 29, 2015 7:44 AM

are you leading change or merely managing it!