Leadership Advice & Tips
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Leadership Advice & Tips
Helping Leaders Be on Brand, Live on Purpose, and Accelerate a Successful Career
Curated by Trish Sadar
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
August 1, 2013 8:34 AM

Make the decision...

Make the decision... | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Trish Sadar's insight:

In a world where we are being inundated with data and information, I have noticed that we are losing a bit of our foundational interpersonal skills.


Every day I challenge myself to disconnect from technology to genuinely connect with the people who I am with.  Are you with me?  What are your thoughts?


Make it a great day!

Trish Sadar's comment, August 2, 2013 8:21 AM
I agree Ivon....with all the destractions we have -- it certainly takes discipline:)
Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Transformational Leadership
July 31, 2013 2:18 PM

How Great Leaders Communicate

How Great Leaders Communicate | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
What you say and write matters, but how you say it, how you relate and genuinely connect with people, is what separates great leaders from the pack.

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge
Trish Sadar's insight:

Excellent tips! 


It seems as though we have more and more technology to share information, and we are connecting less and less.


We have to constantly remind ourselves the importance in Disconnecting from our technology to truly and genuinely Connect with our people.


What tips do you have to stay connected?


Make it a great day!

Gust MEES's curator insight, July 14, 2013 11:42 AM


Become an emotional storyteller. It’s often said that people don’t remember facts; they remember stories. That’s not entirely true. It’s actually personal stories told with genuine feeling that have the potential to reach deep and connect with people in the soul of their being. If a personal story and the emotion behind it relates to people in a personal way, it will stick with them and motivate them to action.


Learn more:






John Michel's curator insight, July 14, 2013 12:12 PM

There’s a big problem with our communication-happy world. We put a premium on frequency and content while sacrificing something perhaps more important: the delivery. Of course what you say and write matters, but how you say it, how you relate to people, is what separates great leaders from the pack.

Rick Burkhardt's curator insight, July 14, 2013 5:24 PM

A terrific model to follow to communicate genuinely and effectively as a leader!