Leadership Advice & Tips
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Leadership Advice & Tips
Helping Leaders Be on Brand, Live on Purpose, and Accelerate a Successful Career
Curated by Trish Sadar
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
August 10, 2013 4:37 PM

How the Best Leaders Build Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey

How the Best Leaders Build Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Trish Sadar's insight:

13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders Worldwide 

Covey states in the article,
"When you adopt these ways of behaving, it's like making deposits into a "trust account" of another party. "

1. Talk Straight
2. Demonstrate Respect
3. Create Transparency
4. Right Wrongs
5. Show Loyalty
6. Deliver Results
7. Get Better
8. Confront Reality
9. Clarify Expectation
10. Practice Accountability
11. Listen First
12. Keep Commitments
13. Extend Trust

Make it a great day!

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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Team Success : Global Leadership Coaching Tips and Free Content
December 11, 2012 9:56 PM

Feeling Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Feeling Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
You will never see the changes you’re looking for by sticking in your comfort zone! What should you do, then? Simple, create a leadership development plan.

Via Belinda MJ.B
Trish Sadar's insight:

Love this article!  One of my favorite sayings to the executives I coach is that if you are comfortable with everything you are doing...you are not growing and your team is not growing.


It is okay to hone and strengthen your talents and areas that you excel in; however, the goal is to constantly reach higher and push yourself out of your comfort zone.  That is where all of the growing happens.

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Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 11, 2013 6:14 PM

Think Like a 5-Year Old (the Best Leaders Do)

Think Like a 5-Year Old (the Best Leaders Do) | Leadership Advice & Tips | Scoop.it
Want to grow your business? Reclaim your child-like sense of wonder, that endless curiosity about the world around you.
Trish Sadar's insight:

I could not agrtee more with this article!!!


Being curious instead of placing judgment is such an amazing vantage point to have.  When someone says something that you think is wrong...postpone judgment, and be curious instead.  Ask them, "Joe, I have never heard such a unique idea -- tell me I'm curious what was considered that led the team to....."

When you are curious, everyone becomes a guru!


Also, when you start thinking like you were a 5 year old...everything is possible!

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