PARIS (AFP) – 17.01.2013 12:47 Le groupe pharmaceutique américain Bristol-Myers Squibb a annoncé jeudi le lancement en France d’un site internet pour aider les femmes séropositives trop...
Letters: A lack of coherent leadership on HIV could spell disaster for the 100,000 people currently living with the disease, as well as those at risk of being infected
Tutti i ministri della Salute, felice eccezione Livia Turco, non hanno mai voluto fare campagne serie in linea con quello che si fa in tutto il mondo, per non urtare la sensibilità dei cardinali, che più la politica è debole e...
UNESCO’s work on HIV and health education is carried out within the framework of both the MDGs (MDG 2 and 6) and Education for All, and reflects the outcomes of the UN High Level Meeting on HIV 2011 which include the goal of addressing comprehensive knowledge about HIV, particularly through sexuality education. UNESCO’s Strategy for HIV and AIDS (2011) is also in line with the UNAIDS Strategy 2011 – 2015 and our work is organised around the following strategic priorities:
Build country capacity for effective and sustainable education responses to HIV.
Strengthen health education, which includes comprehensive sexuality education, HIV education; and other health promoting life skills.
Two organizations that represent more than 5,000 physicians and other healthcare providers who are dedicated to HIV and AIDS care have written several drugmakers to various steps to expand access to their medicines, such as lowering prices, expanding co-pays, ensuring formulary coverage and participating in the Harbor Path program that provides patient assistance.
The number of HIV diagnoses in the United Kingdom among men who have sex with men reached its highest level in 2011, the Health Protection Agency has said.
Raoul Bova è il testimonial della campagna per la lotta contro l'AIDS 2012 2013 del Ministero della Salute ed il regista dello spot televisivo che ha per slogan: «La trasmissione sarà interrotta il più presto possibile». Uniti contro l'Aids si vince.
What can we do to protect a generation from HIV? We all have a role to play. Dr. Frieden will be joined by CDC experts Dr. Jonathan Mermin, Director of CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, and Dr. Howell Wechsler, Director of CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health to answer your questions and discuss the role of parents, schools, community-based organizations, health care providers and the web in ensuring youth receive prevention education, HIV testing, and care.
Until recently, Dec. 1, World AIDS Day, would see a barrage of newspaper stories, solemnly detailing the advances of the seemingly unstoppable disease, as it wreaked havoc in the low-income countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Dalhousie University health promotion professor says Supreme Court decision acts as barrier to public health initiatives around HIV testing and treatment
Look for groups like the Stigma Project to help increase awareness and reduce stigma about HIV in 2013. (Photo credit: The Stigma Project) Don’t know what to look forward to in 2013?
The table below highlights the trend in on-site HIV testing at Title X service sites over a nine-year period from 2003-2011. The number of HIV tests has more than doubled over this period, rising to 1.3 million in 2011, with more ...
2012 was a year when political leaders and top health officials freely spoke of attaining an AIDS-free generation. In November, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled a blueprint for achieving that goal.
Secretary Clinton said not long ago it would have been impossible to speak of an AIDS-free generation.
“Now by an AIDS-free generation, I mean one where, first, virtually no children are born with the virus. Second, as these children become teenagers and adults they are at far lower risk of becoming infected than they would be today, thanks to a wide range of prevention tools. And third, if they do acquire HIV, they have access to treatment that helps prevent them from developing AIDS and passing the virus on to others,” she said.
This study demonstrated that post-traumatic stress symptoms were independently associated with HQOL and overall QOL, independent of depression and other confounders or potential mediators. Future research should examine whether the long-term impact of treatment on physical and psychological symptoms of HIV and post-traumatic stress symptoms would generate improvement in HQOL.
Advances in Preventive Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of preventive medicine.
Any truly effective response against either disease will have to be comprehensive: one that scales up existing programs for prevention and care while quickly rolling out new biomedical tools and strategies to reduce transmission -- especially...
OPINION - Two years ago, the nation’s oldest civil rights organization and oldest university formed a partnership to investigate the persistent racial disparity in HIV/AIDS in the United States......
They cover 12 key themes, prioritised as being the most important issues for the care of people with HIV. Derived from the best available evidence, the Standards focus on aspects of care that have particular relevance for delivering equitable high-quality services that secure the best possible outcomes for people with HIV.
Zero nuove infezioni da HIV; zero morti per malattie legate all’Aids; zero discriminazione sociale. Questi sono gli obiettivi che la comunità scientifica e i governi mondiali si prefiggono di raggiungere entro il 2015. La strada è ancora lunga e certamente difficile, tuttavia l'ultimo rapporto annuale “UnAids report on the global Aids epidemic - 2012” annuncia una riduzione di oltre 700 mila nuovi casi di infezioni da HIV registrati nel 2011 rispetto al 2001. Nel mondo circa 34 milioni di persone convivono con l’infezione, e circa lo 0,8% di loro ha un'età compresa tra i 15 e 49 anni. L’Africa sub-sahariana si conferma la regione più colpita con circa il 5% della popolazione infetta; ma anche lì, grazie alle strategie di prevenzione e al miglioramento delle cure, negli ultimi sei anni la mortalità per Aids è diminuita di un terzo.
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