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Scooped by nrip
June 1, 2021 4:32 PM!

New tool activates deep brain neurons by combining ultrasound, genetics

New tool activates deep brain neurons by combining ultrasound, genetics | healthcare technology |

Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy have had some treatment success with deep brain stimulation, but those require surgical device implantation.


A multidisciplinary team at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a new brain stimulation technique using focused ultrasound that is able to turn specific types of neurons in the brain on and off and precisely control motor activity without surgical device implantation.


The team, led by Hong Chen, is the first to provide direct evidence showing noninvasive, cell-type-specific activation of neurons in the brain of mammal by combining ultrasound-induced heating effect and genetics, which they have named sonothermogenetics.


It is also the first work to show that the ultrasound- genetics combination can robustly control behavior by stimulating a specific target deep in the brain.


Results of the three years of research, which was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health's BRAIN Initiative, were published online in Brain Stimulation May 11, 2021.


"Our work provided evidence that sonothermogenetics evokes behavioral responses in freely moving mice while targeting a deep brain site," Chen said. "Sonothermogenetics has the potential to transform our approaches for neuroscience research and uncover new methods to understand and treat human brain disorders."



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Nassima Chraibi's curator insight, January 9, 2023 12:07 PM
This article discusses a new non-invasive deep brain stimulation technique, called sonothermogenetics, which allows to precisely target certain types of neurons. This new technique could allow the development of new methods and research on brain disorders.
Scooped by nrip
October 9, 2018 7:22 AM!

Tencent partners with Medopad to improve Parkinson's disease treatment with AI

Tencent partners with Medopad to improve Parkinson's disease treatment with AI | healthcare technology |

Roughly 600,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with Parkinson’s every year, contributing to the more than 10 million people worldwide already living with the neurodegenerative disease. Early detection can result in significantly better treatment outcomes, but it’s notoriously difficult to test for Parkinson’s.


Tencent and health care firm Medopad have committed to trialing systems that tap artificial intelligence (AI) to improve diagnostic accuracy. They announced a collaboration with the Parkinson’s Center of Excellence at King’s College Hospital in London to develop software that can detect signs of Parkinson’s within minutes. (Currently, motor function assessments take about half an hour.)


This technology can help promote early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, screening, and daily evaluations of key functions.


Medopad’s tech, which uses a smartphone camera to monitor patients’ fine motor movements, is one of several apps and wearables the seven-year-old U.K. startup is actively developing.


It instructs patients to open and close a fist while it measures the amplitude and frequency of their finger movements, which the app converts into a graph for clinicians. The goal is to eventually, with the help of AI, teach the system to calculate a symptom severity score automatically.


Tencent and Medopad are far from the only firms applying AI to health care. Just last week, Google subsidiary DeepMind announced that it would use mammograms from Jikei University Hospital in Tokyo, Japan to refine its AI breast cancer detection algorithms. And last month Nvidia unveiled an AI system that generates synthetic scans of brain cancer


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nrip's insight:

Healthcare data is increasingly being analyzed and complex algorithms created to help various aspects of the healthcare ecosystem.


A big problem is the availability of huge data sets, and where available, the prevention of their misuse.  Its promising that Tencent has already been working on computer vision software that can diagnose skin cancer from pictures taken with a phone, and its AIMIS system already has the capability to detect esophageal cancer, lung sarcoidosis, and diabetic retinopathy from medical images


I have written previously on this, and it will be useful for patients and  if the data sets do help create both faster as well as more accurate detection algorithms in the future.

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