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Fuller Life Family Therapy
November 8, 2022 5:54 PM
Sandtray can be used in all modes of therapy and is extremely effective for working through trauma. The use of sand helps clients move more deeply into their issues than regular talk therapy.
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Fuller Life Family Therapy
July 17, 2023 5:33 PM
"Raise confident kids with a strong foundation for success. Discover practical strategies to nurture resilience, promote growth mindset, and instill
The mother of a teenager who died after her lungs collapsed believes e-cigarettes were the cause and is calling for tougher legislation
Via Peter Mellow
Musically trained children tend to acquire language quicker, learn how to read earlier and develop comprehension skills earlier. This is the very foundation of all learning at school: the ability to use language. Music educator Dr Anita Collins explains.
Via Peter Mellow
Tanika Davis's son was two years old when he was diagnosed with autism. Now, she's helping other Aboriginal families to feel supported and "culturally safe".
Via Peter Mellow
For parents with a terminal illness and those on their deathbed, the topic of death can't be shied away from. So, how do you tell your life story — or explain you'll soon be gone — to a young child?
Via Peter Mellow
Flexible children who are open to change aren't raised in a day. But even the most unyielding of kids can become a little more adaptable with parental support.
Via Luis Valdes
Recent polling shows more than 90% of Australian parents think their kids’ screen time is a problem.
Via Peter Mellow
Cambridge University study connects ‘peer play ability’ with better mental health at age seven
Via Peter Mellow
On a Friday night in March our beloved bright, super sporty, blue cheese-loving 14-year-old daughter attempted suicide. In the wee small hours when sleep evades me, when our daughter sleeps next to me, I realise I’ve learned some lessons.
Via Peter Mellow
Teens are struggling for a host of reasons. One simple way to help? Fix their sleep.
Via Peter Mellow
Four forces are propelling the rising rates of depression among young people.
Via Peter Mellow
Parents with anxiety disorders can unintentionally teach their children anxious responses to life. But parents can learn how to teach children coping strategies instead, a study finds.
Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Fuller Life Family Therapy
May 8, 2024 9:31 AM
Tips for helping kids improve their self-regulation skills when they need help to control emotions, handle frustration and resist impulsive behavior. Advice from experts.
Mikki Cusack loves playing games with her son, but imaginary play? No thanks! She asks parenting expert Dr Becky Kennedy about navigating this parenting dilemma.
Via Peter Mellow
We surveyed more than 100 Australian parents of children with ADHD about lockdown learning to see what worked and what did not.
Via Peter Mellow
With her third child about to leave the nest, our writer asks why cohabiting with our adult offspring is so looked down upon by modern society
Via Peter Mellow
Physical activity levels decline during the teenage years. Introducing your teen to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one way to get them moving and feeling better.
Via Peter Mellow
While individuals with ADHD experience persistent deficits in attention, many individuals without ADHD also report a lack of ability to focus on a day-to-day basis. Many a time, this is actually the result of the hectic, fast-paced lifestyle that we follow. Here are a few strategies to enhance our focus in everyday living by Dr Samir Parikh, Director, Fortis National Mental Health Programme
Via Luis Valdes
Advice to put your baby down ‘drowsy but awake’ is an attempt to form good sleep associations.
Via Peter Mellow
A new survey of Australian primary teachers found almost 65% of teachers never asked students to write at home with the support of a family member.
Via Peter Mellow
"I want The Three Bears!"
These days parents, caregivers and teachers have lots of options when it comes to fulfilling that request. You can read a picture book, put on a cartoon, play an audiobook, or even ask Alexa.
A newly published study gives some insight into what may be happening inside young children's brains in each of those situations. And, says lead author Dr. John Hutton, there is an apparent "Goldilocks effect" — some kinds of storytelling may be "too cold" for children, while others are "too hot." And, of course, some are "just right."
Hutton is a researcher and pediatrician at Cincinnati Children's Hospital with a special interest in "emergent literacy" — the process of learning to read.
Via John Evans, Arnie Rotenberg
Verbal and emotional abuse can scar a child for life and affect their psychological development, so what should you do if you see it happening?
Via Peter Mellow
The vast majority of teens and tweens today have smartphones. These parents said no.
Via Peter Mellow
Spread the loveWe can’t talk about the effects of technology on teens without the mention of social media, so we’re just going to dive right in. Elementary, middle and high school students are of the social media generation; they’ve been exposed to it their entire lives and don’t remember a time without it. Regardless of personal opinions on technology, social media, teens and how these three things interact, here are a few facts worth noting: Two-thirds of teens have access to internet-capable mobile devices (a.k.a. smartphones). Ninety percent of teens have used social media. On average, teens spend roughly nine …
Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
Great information about Sand Therapy!