Without Emotional Advertising, Your Landing Page Won’t Work - QuickSprout | Design, Science and Technology | Scoop.it
In it, Martin uses the fMRT process, which is short for functional magnetic resonance imaging to “get a glimpse into the head of consumers.”

Here’s what he found:

  • “Our brains usually run on autopilot, despite making us believe we know what we are doing.”
  • “90 percent of all purchasing decisions are not made consciously.”
  • “Most purchasing decisions take as little as 2.5 seconds.”
  • “Brodmann Area 10 in the human brain’s frontal cortex is activated if someone ‘thinks a product is really cool’. This area is linked to self-awareness and emotions.”
  • “Brands and products that evoke our emotions, like Apple, Coca-Cola or Nivea, always win.”

Via Joemktg