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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
March 30, 2018 3:08 AM!


10 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! and TRICKS compilation they are awesome easy to do at home, using copper wire battery and magnets gyroscopes chain and ring, electric train etc.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, March 29, 2018 2:58 AM

10 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! and TRICKS compilation they are awesome easy to do at home, using copper wire battery and magnets gyroscopes chain and ring, electric train etc.


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Graphics Design's curator insight, March 29, 2018 3:34 AM

Custom Brochure Design is the best way of direct marketing where you can attract the customers.

Joe Rodriguez Harlingen CISD's curator insight, March 29, 2018 7:16 AM

10 AMAZING SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS! and TRICKS compilation they are awesome easy to do at home, using copper wire battery and magnets gyroscopes chain and ring, electric train etc.


Learn more / En savoir plus / Mehr erfahren:


Scooped by Antonios Bouris
December 22, 2013 9:03 AM!

10 More Cool Things You Can Do With YouTube Videos

10 More Cool Things You Can Do With YouTube Videos | Design, Science and Technology |
There are plenty of sites that allow you to view and upload videos and share your memories, experiences and knowledge with the world.
Gary Harwell's curator insight, December 22, 2013 11:32 PM

If you use it properly it is just what the doctor ordered.

Elia Lu's curator insight, December 23, 2013 12:07 AM

Excelentes recomendaciones para aplicar en aula invertida.

Gary Harwell's curator insight, August 29, 2014 3:38 AM

We need to do some work with YouTube

Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
June 19, 2013 12:56 AM!

5 Reasons To Use YouTube In The Classroom

5 Reasons To Use YouTube In The Classroom | Design, Science and Technology |
If you like to bring multimedia into your lessons (and who doesn't?) then you probably use YouTube in the classroom from time to time.

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, June 18, 2013 5:44 AM


If you like to bring multimedia into your lessons (and who doesn’t?) then you probably use YouTube in the classroom from time to time.

Susan Wegmann's curator insight, June 18, 2013 8:34 AM

Interesting thoughts. Only if teachers can get it through their school's firewall.

Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from "Cameras, Camcorders, Pictures, HDR, Gadgets, Films, Movies, Landscapes"
April 21, 2013 7:33 AM!

FujiFilm X100S Test Drive in Istanbul | Zack Arias

Zack Arias put the new FujiFilm X100S through its paces in Istanbul in March 2013 - we've put together a video of Zack's walkabouts in Istanbul with the X100S where you can see him in action shooting the sights and people of Istanbul.

Via Thomas Menk, Philippe Gassmann, ABroaderView
Stockografie's curator insight, April 19, 2013 1:59 AM

Another great Video showing how Zack Arias and the X100S. Enjoy

Punch Digital 's curator insight, December 9, 2014 11:26 PM

If you've got  the time check, out this amazing video!

There is no better place to test the quality of a camera than to try and capture some of the beauty in which is held in Istanbul. Although these pictures are captivating, it doesn't do Istanbul justice at all.

A place of color, flavor and culture that has to be seen to be believed, experience the beauty that will leave you speechless. There are a few companies out there that offer a true experience taking you off the tourist map and allow you to see what Turkey and Istanbul is all about.

Turkey Travel Guide, provide tailored tours in which they work with you to create a experience which creates lasting memories.

Scooped by Antonios Bouris
December 19, 2011 8:43 AM!

How to Influence Purchasing Decisions On The Web [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Influence Purchasing Decisions On The Web [INFOGRAPHIC] | Design, Science and Technology |
This infographic breaks down the purchasing patterns of social consumers by industry. The data could help marketers optimize their budgets.
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Scooped by Antonios Bouris
July 8, 2016 4:25 AM!

26 Ways to Use Video for Your Social Media Marketing : Social Media Examiner

26 Ways to Use Video for Your Social Media Marketing : Social Media Examiner | Design, Science and Technology |
Looking for ways to increase video views and engagement? Discover 26 ways to use video to improve your social media marketing.
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Scooped by Antonios Bouris
July 21, 2013 10:30 PM!

Heineken Asks Travelers at JFK to Drop Everything, Fly to Mysterious Location

Heineken Asks Travelers at JFK to Drop Everything, Fly to Mysterious Location | Design, Science and Technology |
Watch what happens when Heineken asked travelers at JFK to take a leap of faith and change their flight destination with the "departure roulette" board.
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Scooped by Antonios Bouris
May 29, 2013 11:28 PM!

5 Tips to Design the Best YouTube Channel Page

5 Tips to Design the Best YouTube Channel Page | Design, Science and Technology |
There's a science to setting up the perfect YouTube channel page. Get the lowdown on crucial elements.
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Scooped by Antonios Bouris
September 26, 2012 12:33 AM!

10 reasons why your next campaign absolutely has to include mobile video | memeburn

10 reasons why your next campaign absolutely has to include mobile video | memeburn | Design, Science and Technology |

It's got to mobile, it's got to be video. Megan Bernstein of Memeburn tells you why . . .

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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
November 19, 2011 5:15 PM!

What’s the #1 thing people are doing online? [Infographic]

What’s the #1 thing people are doing online? [Infographic] | Design, Science and Technology |

What are you doing on the Internet? Shopping? Tweeting? Checking Facebook?

**71% of you are watching videos on Vimeo or YouTube

The infographic covers the PEW survey for the past

three years on what adults are doing on the Internet.

I love that 81% of us are using the Internet to check the weather. This is my favorite site to check the weather btw.

So what’s the #1 thing people are doing online?

Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media & Beyond"

Check it out here: []

Via janlgordon
Darcy Kieran's comment November 20, 2011 9:14 AM
Interesting. I'm surprised at the shopping numbers. I thought other sources of data had the % of people shopping online similarly high, but a much smaller % of people actually "buying" online...
janlgordon's comment, November 20, 2011 1:48 PM
Hi Darcy, I agree with you, it is a bit surprising - you would think the percentage was higher - there may be some hidden #'s they're not capturing, It'll definitely be interesting to see how how this looks after the holidays.
venuscounsulting's curator insight, July 1, 2022 1:15 AM Ways to Build Brand Loyalty With Mystery Shopping While decades ago, mystery shopping was used to simply measure employee performance, nowadays it’s used by businesses to Build Brand Loyalty. Best Mystery Shopping company, mystery shopping, mystery shopping company