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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from Biomimicry
July 14, 2017 6:34 AM!

Bee Brains Could Help Your Camera Take Better Photos

Bee Brains Could Help Your Camera Take Better Photos | Design, Science and Technology |

"New research on how bees perceive colour could be put to good use in our digital cameras, meaning photos shot by drones or phones would look more natural than ever. It's all to do with colour constancy, the way that bees (and humans) can tell a flower is red no matter what the colour or quality of the light – a mental trick that the digital cameras of today really struggle with."

Via Miguel Prazeres
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Rescooped by Antonios Bouris from Biomimicry
July 14, 2017 6:35 AM!

Visionary Biomimicry: Five Insects Inspiring Cutting-edge Technology

Visionary Biomimicry: Five Insects Inspiring Cutting-edge Technology | Design, Science and Technology |
One area where biomimicry is yielding fascinating results is in the field of optics and machine vision. While our cameras and ways of thinking about sight have largely been informed by the human visual system, cutting-edge research is looking to insects to find new tricks for everything from depth perception to colour analysis.

Via Miguel Prazeres
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