GetAtMe- WyClef Jean goes broke (at least that's what his accountant says..) | GetAtMe |

Well and the hits just keep on coming.  Wyclef Jean hit producer for the Fugees, Whitney Houston and many other has apparently went broke.  With 2.9 million (wow) in tax liens and a $133,000 dollars in owed feed to the law firm of Shukat Arrow Hafer Weber & Herbsman, Wyclef’s accountant has put it bluntly “He’s Broke”.

Now to many this may seem crazy as to the success that Wyclef has had as a producer but once more we see the results of “RentToOwnWealth”.  Chris Rock said it best “ you never know how broke you are until you get rich”.

When the law firm informed Wyclef’s accountant to the pending collections suit, David Levy Wyclef’s accountant told them to” file it, there ain’t no money”.  And so continues the stories of hip hop icons in the broke lane.  With all of these so called professional it would seem like that would be impossible.  Yeah right.