Games For Health
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Marketing & Communications
November 9, 2012 2:03 PM!

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Kopi Miracle's comment, June 20, 2013 11:29 AM
thanks mr Alex
Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
March 3, 2014 3:21 PM!

Nintendo explains why it wants to improve your quality of life

Nintendo explains why it wants to improve your quality of life | Games For Health |
President Satoru Iwata outlines his plan for new health-focused business unit at Mario maker.
Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek's curator insight, March 16, 2014 6:36 AM

Pharmageek partenaire de Interaction Healthcare à l'occasion de la conférence :

"Du serious game au Google glass, comment la simulation numérique peut changer la pratique du médecin et la vie du patient ?"

qui aura lieu

le 3 avril prochain à PARIS


Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
February 19, 2014 5:55 AM!

Disruptions: Using Addictive Games to Build Better Brains

Disruptions: Using Addictive Games to Build Better Brains | Games For Health |
Researchers are studying the qualities that make some video games hard to put down, in order to build games that improve memory or other functions or even treat disorders.
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
December 12, 2013 1:05 PM!

Guitar Hero Creator Launches Cardio Fitness Game

Guitar Hero Creator Launches Cardio Fitness Game | Games For Health |
Gaming comes to the gym (or home cardio equipment) with Blue Goji, a fitness game from the makers of Guitar Hero.
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
November 5, 2013 7:55 AM!

The Magi and The Sleeping Star Game Offers A New Type of Diabetes Management

The Magi and The Sleeping Star Game Offers A New Type of Diabetes Management | Games For Health |
A new Kickstarter hopes to shed more light on a dangerous disease.
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
September 5, 2013 9:25 AM!

Brain-training video games may help reverse cognitive decline in old age

Brain-training video games may help reverse cognitive decline in old age | Games For Health |

Playing brain-training video games may help reverse the natural decline in cognitive abilities among older people, according to scientists.

They found that 60-year-olds who played a custom-designed video game for 12 hours over the course of a month improved their multitasking abilities to levels better than those achieved by 20-year-olds playing the game for the first time. The subjects retained those improvements six months later.

"Through challenging your brain, you can drive plasticity and improve its function," said Adam Gazzaley of the University of California, San Francisco. His team's findings suggest the ageing brain is more "plastic" than previously thought, meaning it retains a greater ability to reshape itself in response to the environment and could therefore be improved with properly designed games.

Sylvie Marie Brunet's curator insight, September 20, 2013 12:39 PM

Encore un article qui dit que jouer aux JV est bon pour le cerveau.

Sandrine P.'s comment, September 21, 2013 5:09 AM
not all video games ! (for all people...)
54mainstreetmedical's comment, September 23, 2013 7:20 AM
That's gud news:)
Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
July 24, 2013 5:58 AM!

A Comprehensive Overview of How Games Help Healthcare in 2013

A Comprehensive Overview of How Games Help Healthcare in 2013 | Games For Health |
People often see games as bad for health but many institutions have been hard at work to make them work for us. Here are 6 ways games can help healthcare
José Manuel Taboada's curator insight, July 25, 2013 5:16 AM

#farmacia Gamification : Games working for health.

Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
May 11, 2013 5:17 AM!

Improve Cancer Treatment with the Re-Mission 2 FPS Game - GCo

Improve Cancer Treatment with the Re-Mission 2 FPS Game - GCo | Games For Health |
Re-Mission 2, a new release from the nonprofit company HopeLab, is helping kids comply with medical treatment for cancer.
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
April 5, 2013 10:05 AM!

Video Games Help Treat Kids With Chronic Pain

Video Games Help Treat Kids With Chronic Pain | Games For Health |
The Children’s National Medical Center opened a new pain care complex with video games to monitor children and change treatment in real time.
Kerri-Ann Libera's curator insight, June 3, 2015 5:32 PM

This is an amazing way that digital health is impacting the younger generation. Being in the healthcare field, I know first hand that pain is a very difficult health issue to treat because of its subjective manner. This video game detects range of motion which can indicate pain and makes it so kids do not have to go through extensive testings. This is an amazing tool. 

Scooped by Alex Butler
March 21, 2013 7:38 AM!

3 More Ways Gamification in Healthcare is Making a Difference

3 More Ways Gamification in Healthcare is Making a Difference | Games For Health |
Learn how gamification in healthcare is evolving with simulation learning, inspiring new health insurance programs, disease management and more.
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Scooped by Alex Butler
March 8, 2013 2:48 AM!

Seth Cooper, Foldit - GSummit 2012 Gamification Expert Interview

Seth Cooper, co-creator of Foldit talks about games for science...

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Scooped by Alex Butler
March 7, 2013 4:49 AM!

Video games tested as treatment for dyslexia- Health News - NHS Choices

Video games tested as treatment for dyslexia- Health News - NHS Choices | Games For Health |

Video games help reading in children with dyslexia," BBC News reports. The news is based on a study that found that video games could be used to treat dyslexia in children.

The results of this study warrant further investigation. However, as it included only 20 children, it is too small to draw reliable conclusions from, and many questions remain unanswered.

rob halkes's curator insight, March 9, 2013 7:18 AM

We are in the phase of orienting and testing ourselves with effects of serious gaming in health.

Scooped by Alex Butler
January 16, 2013 8:19 AM!

App Game for Kids Encourages Healthy Eating

App Game for Kids Encourages Healthy Eating | Games For Health |
Similar to how parents hide vegetables in pasta to get kids to eat greens, finding a way to teach kids to make healthy choices might take some creativity.
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
April 2, 2014 6:24 AM!

Kinect powers Alzheimer's and dementia care project

Kinect powers Alzheimer's and dementia care project | Games For Health |
Sure, virtual reality and browser-based games are impressive, but Unreal Engine 4's latest use is a bit more noble: improving the lives of Alzheimer's
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
February 26, 2014 9:55 AM!

Is Pharma Missing Out On The XBox Kinect?

Is Pharma Missing Out On The XBox Kinect? | Games For Health |
The ubiquitous nature of the smartphone makes obvious the opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to develop both clinical interventions and support programs for smartphone devices. However, what if you were to learn that a device that has been available now since November 2010, and is synonymous with gaming, could actually lay claim to a greater impact on health than any other consumer electronic device?

The new Xbox One Kinect is a sophisticated piece of engineering with high-resolution digital camera and high fidelity microphones; the sensor can now even read your heartbeat.  However I feel it is the development of application software where some of the amazing possibilities could be uncovered for pharmaceutical companies. Here are five ways pharma could use the Kinect:


Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek's curator insight, March 16, 2014 6:37 AM

Pharmageek partenaire de Interaction Healthcare à l'occasion de la conférence :

"Du serious game au Google glass, comment la simulation numérique peut changer la pratique du médecin et la vie du patient ?"

qui aura lieu

le 3 avril prochain à PARIS


Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
February 5, 2014 8:34 AM!

Play to Cure: Games for cancer

Play to Cure: Games for cancer | Games For Health |

If you have ever wanted to help cure cancer, you might now be able to do so - with a spot of space-travel from the comfort of your own home.

Scientists at Cancer Research UK have developed an intergalactic smartphone game to help them analyse the overwhelming reams of genetic data generated in recent studies.

They hope thousands of people will play the game, simultaneously trawling through genetic material to pinpoint more precisely which genes cause the disease.

Stephen Greengrass's curator insight, February 5, 2014 8:52 AM

The results of that Cancer Research Game Jam...

Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek's curator insight, March 16, 2014 6:38 AM

Pharmageek partenaire de Interaction Healthcare à l'occasion de la conférence :

"Du serious game au Google glass, comment la simulation numérique peut changer la pratique du médecin et la vie du patient ?"

qui aura lieu

le 3 avril prochain à PARIS


Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
December 9, 2013 11:35 AM!

Why Games in Health Will Boon for Millenials

Why Games in Health Will Boon for Millenials | Games For Health |

THERE’S GREAT POTENTIAL FOR GAMES IN HEALTH BUT IT’S NOT HERE YETConsulting firm ICF recently released a report titled, “Gaming to Engage the Healthcare Consumer.” Although the report details how gamification is increasing across just about all industries, it more closely reveals how games in health is booming for a variety of reasons. These reasons include:A trend toward value based careThe increasing role of the patient as a consumer.The ever desirable target market of the millennial generation.



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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
October 10, 2013 8:27 AM!

[Study] New game app improves adherence among diabetes patients

[Study] New game app improves adherence among diabetes patients | Games For Health |

A new mobile game app designed by CyberDoctor showed improvements in medication adherence, diet and exercise in diabetes patients, according to a study.


The company said that breakthrough clinical trial results for the game, called PatientPartner," documented for the first time the effectiveness of a story-driven game in changing health behavior and biomarkers. The study was conducted among 100 nonadherence patients at Hershey, Pa.-based Pinnacle Health Systems and presented at the Health2.0 Conference Wednesday in Santa Clara, Calif.

ebee's curator insight, November 11, 2013 7:41 AM

Study documenting effectiveness of story-driven game in decreasing blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.

Caresharing's curator insight, January 30, 2014 6:08 AM

Conclusion: Let diabetes patients play. :)

Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
July 24, 2013 5:59 AM!

SeriousGames @ Google: Using Games to Improve Adolescent Health

Google Tech Talk July 11, 2013 (more info below) ABSTRACT Play2Prevent is a new initiative aimed at forging collaborations and partnerships between scientist...
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
July 16, 2013 4:08 AM!

Video Game Offers Hope For Those Affected By Cancer

Video Game Offers Hope For Those Affected By Cancer | Games For Health |
Player beware, That Dragon, Cancer is an adventure game about hope in the face of death. Unlike similar sounding summer blockbusters though, it addresses the one loss we can't prepare for -- that we may outlive our children.
RMMLLC's curator insight, July 16, 2013 8:41 AM

Nice! Read more like this at

Matched Media's curator insight, August 8, 2013 11:26 AM

Mobile video game offers hope at addressing the one loss we can’t prepare for — that we may outlive our children.

Scooped by Alex Butler
May 3, 2013 8:26 AM!

Playing This Video Game Will Sharpen Your Mind

Playing This Video Game Will Sharpen Your Mind | Games For Health |
Researchers at the University of Iowa have been studying ways to reverse the effects of aging on mental agility. Their answer? Play a video game. Not just any game, mind you. Th...
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
April 5, 2013 10:05 AM!

Market Ripe for Health and Wellness Gamification Startups

Market Ripe for Health and Wellness Gamification Startups | Games For Health |
A new study shows that employers are increasingly relying on gamification startups to improve employee health and wellness engagement.
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Rescooped by Alex Butler from Digital Health
March 15, 2013 6:33 AM!

A Comprehensive Overview of How Games Help Healthcare in 2013 - GCo

A Comprehensive Overview of How Games Help Healthcare in 2013 - GCo | Games For Health |
People often see games as bad for health but many institutions have been hard at work to make them work for us. Here are 6 ways games can help healthcare
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Scooped by Alex Butler
March 8, 2013 2:39 AM!

'Auti-Sim' Game Simulates Life With Childhood Autism

'Auti-Sim' Game Simulates Life With Childhood Autism | Games For Health |
A new game called Auti-Sim simulates childhood experience with autism and aims to raise awareness of the challenges of hypersensitivity disorder.
Nicole Ferguson's curator insight, April 25, 2013 2:45 PM

computer game demonstrating what life is like through the eyes of autism 

Scooped by Alex Butler
January 16, 2013 10:36 AM!

Could Video Games Be Used To Improve Youth Health? - Forbes

Could Video Games Be Used To Improve Youth Health? - Forbes | Games For Health |
Video games can sometimes be associated with a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy weight gain.  A new study led by researchers at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) suggests that certain games could...
Justin Tu's curator insight, March 25, 2015 11:36 PM

Daniel. T,  2013, 'Could Video Games be Used to Improve Youth Health?', Article of Forbes. 

Daniel explains in this article that E-games could provide more exercise than physical education for kids in middle school. The author provides that the studies from George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services demonstrate the ability in using video games to provide an attractive energy-burning P.E.. Their research focuses on 'Exer-games', where middle school students get on the video game 'Dance Dance Revolution' and has proven to burn more calories over traditional P.E. activities. The article is useful, it provides details on how video games benefit people's fitness, however the main limitation is that Daniel's article does not provide studies or information on how this affects adult fitness through video games. It'll be further researched to discover whether video games can be a useful alternative way of exercise. 

Scooped by Alex Butler
January 8, 2013 4:17 AM!

Top Articles in Health Gamification for 2012

Top Articles in Health Gamification for 2012 | Games For Health |
Just a few more left in our Best of 2012 series! This week we're looking at some of the top articles for Health Gamification in 2012.
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