Landscapes with the X Series | Andy Mumford | Fujifilm X Series APS C sensor camera |

Back when I first switched to Fuji around 6 months ago I was already pretty convinced that the X Series cameras would be ideal for travel because of their size and weight but at the time I wasn’t totally sure that I would be able to use them as my first choice landscape camera.

I’d been using a Nikon D800E for a number of years and wasn’t sure whether the X System was really designed with landscape photographers in mind.  In my last blog (HERE) I tested the image quality of the X-T10 with the 10-24mm and 55-200mm zooms against my Nikon and found that while there is obviously a resolution difference, the difference in detail and quality was negligible.

Since then I’ve used both the X-T1 and X-T10 extensively for landscapes both at home in Portugal and while travelling around Indonesia for a month last summer.  My first landscape shoot with the X-T10 was when I led a workshop for a sunrise shoot at Lisbon’s iconic Vasco da Gama bridge.  I was impressed by how intuitive it was to use and......

Via Thomas Menk, Mike Croshaw Photos