Artykuł jest cenną wskazówką pokazującą w jaki sposób można przekonać nastolatków do korzystania z social mediów w świadomy sposób. Autor podpowiada, że platformy te mogą być miejscem, które pozwala nam wyrazić siebie, nawiązać relacje czy rozwijać zainteresowania, nie tylko "używką".
After the collective trauma of the pandemic, take a pause to regroup instead of diving immediately back into work. Psychotherapist Esther Perel offers a framework for resetting your company culture.
van Zyl, Llewellyn. (2021). Positive Psychological Coaching Tools and Techniques: A Systematic Review and Classification. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12. 667200. 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.667200.
Americans spend 92 percent of their time indoors, and their physical and mental health are suffering. This three-number formula for how much time to spend in nature fixes that.
Hace años que los científicos estudian el cerebro de este biólogo molecular y monje budista. En esta entrevista para BBC Mundo nos da las claves para una vida plena.
Whether you're working from home or doing some form of distance learning, these tips can help you set up your office or learning space to promote productivity and health.
Relational energy is the energy exchanged between two people. It has the power to elevate you and it is even self-renewing! Choosing to be around a loving, supportive person can uplift and refresh both of you. Are you exhausted today? Reach out relationally to become renewed!
“Cuando la gente se siente valorada, agrega valor.” Adam Grant Los seres humanos tenemos necesidades psicológicas que satisfacemos a través del trabajo y el reconocimiento y la apreciación contribuyen a hacernos sentir bien acerca de quiénes somos y lo que hacemos. Reconocer y apreciar son las formas más sencillas de motivar y aumentar el engagement de los colaboradores. Las empresas dónde [...]
You are more resilient than you think. Do you imagine that negative life events—losing a job or a romantic partner, or even Covid-19—will be devastating endlessly? When you actually experience such losses, however, your misery tends to fade far faster than you imagined it would. This truth doesn't minimize your pain; it simply shines a light of hope that you can share by connecting with someone close to you.
We used multiple regression analyses to explore ways that hope, resilience, and happiness influenced school climate among 380 Hispanic/Latinx students. The results suggested that hypothesized prote...
Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) have been shown to improve mental health, but little is known about their impact on the quantifiable experience of flourishing. Two experimental studies inv...
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