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iPad resources for engaging educators, students and artists
Curated by Andrea Zeitz
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
June 5, 2014 1:11 AM

Five iPad Learning Tasks You Should Be Able to Do with Your Students

Five iPad Learning Tasks You Should Be Able to Do with Your Students | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
May 29, 2014 12:22 AM

Librarians re-imagine book clubs with the help of technology

Librarians re-imagine book clubs with the help of technology | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

In our more modern, connected, and ever-busy age, however, traditional library book clubs have been undergoing a quiet revolution. Lack of time, scheduling conflicts, mobility issues, desire for anonymity, and other factors have moved the conversation online—namely onto social media.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
May 26, 2014 2:19 AM

Apps for Kindergarten Students

Apps for Kindergarten Students | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Rescooped by Andrea Zeitz from Visual*~*Revolution
May 24, 2014 5:34 PM

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Common Sense Media improves the lives of kids and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media.

Andrea Zeitz's curator insight, May 24, 2014 5:31 PM

Chock full of teaching ideas, posters, videos and other great resources.

Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
May 19, 2014 3:17 PM

Awesome Digital Citizenship Poster for Young Learners

Awesome Digital Citizenship Poster for Young Learners | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Rescooped by Andrea Zeitz from Visual*~*Revolution
May 19, 2014 12:12 PM

Games in the Mathematics Classrooms: There’s an App for That!

Games in the Mathematics Classrooms: There’s an App for That! | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Last month, the Institute of Play released a 160-page whitepaper on successfully designing and implementing video games as classroom assessment tools. It is widely hoped that the Institute's study, along with further research by SRI, will prove conclusively that cognitive skills are significantly improved by playing educational video games. 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
March 12, 2014 12:25 AM

10 Great iPad Book Creator Apps to Use with Your Students

10 Great iPad Book Creator Apps to Use with Your Students | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Here is a list of some powerful iPad apps for creating books that you can use with your students. 

Mrs Blanchet's curator insight, October 18, 2014 1:38 PM

Create your own books, or even better have your students publish theirs.

Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
March 9, 2014 11:48 PM

How Technology Trends Have Influenced the Classroom

How Technology Trends Have Influenced the Classroom | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Teachers are faced with this challenge of keeping students engaged in the classroom when their world outside of school is one of constant engagement and stimulation. Knowing the world outside of our institutional walls is only one step in addressing modern learning styles. How to act and adjust schools today is the next step in making the classroom of today ready for tomorrow.

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Rescooped by Andrea Zeitz from Visual*~*Revolution
February 24, 2014 2:09 AM

Educational Technology Development Stages for Children

Educational Technology Development Stages for Children | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

The Educational Technology Development Stages for Kids Infographic walks you through the educational technology milestones for different development stages.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 24, 2014 2:03 AM

SAMR: Augmenting your Creativity and Amplifying your Curiosity

SAMR: Augmenting your Creativity and Amplifying your Curiosity | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

While there has been a bit of question as to the effectiveness of SAMRa shift to move beyond SAMR, and a few proposed changes to the structure of the model floating around online, Lisa Johnson has to say that after hearing Dr. Ruben Puentedura (you may know him as the father of SAMR) speak at iPad Summit a few weeks ago still felt like a rare app-ortunity and a truly inspiring treat. She shares some really great resources from the Dr. SAMR. 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 24, 2014 1:51 AM

10 Ways to Use Your iPad’s Camera in the Classroom

10 Ways to Use Your iPad’s Camera in the Classroom | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Sometimes forget about the basic capabilities of our iPads, like the camera and video camera.  Adding a camera and a video camera to your classroom can be so powerful.  Kids can immortalize their creations and learning moments with this simple technology.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 22, 2014 1:53 AM

Sound Stage: Best Apps For Learning Music

Sound Stage: Best Apps For Learning Music | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Apple recently added a page to iTunes that highlights a few dozen apps for learning how to play music. There is a category for virtual instruments, reading and composing music, music theory, and tools for musicians. 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 21, 2014 12:42 AM

Great Collection of Speech to Text Apps

Great Collection of Speech to Text Apps | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Here are a number of newer apps to add to the original list they published in 2012.

Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
May 31, 2014 2:37 AM

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers Who Use Technology

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers Who Use Technology | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
May 27, 2014 11:25 PM

10 insanely great iPhone gadgets

10 insanely great iPhone gadgets | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

One thing Apple's always been pretty good at is creating an ecosystem that supports smart accessories from third party manufacturers.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
May 25, 2014 1:58 AM

Reviews on Creative iPad Apps That Promote Learning

Reviews on Creative iPad Apps That Promote Learning | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

You'll find some fascinating creative apps, apps that promote word play, story apps, several apps that encourage kids to create a digital story, image editors, puzzle and pattern apps, and apps that promote learning.

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Rescooped by Andrea Zeitz from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
May 24, 2014 5:15 PM

The 8 Key Elements Of Digital Literacy

The 8 Key Elements Of Digital Literacy | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
Many teachers have added ‘digital literacy’ as number four on the list of literacies their students should have (or be working towards, in most cases). Reading, writing, and math are now followed by digital literacy. Obviously, depending on the grade level  you teach, your students will have different abilities in each of the four areas, …

BUT, as WE are using "Technology", let us ALSO learn about the basics of "Cyber Security", a MUST in a connected technology driven world:


Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, May 24, 2014 12:14 PM

The 8 Key Elements Of Digital Literacy...

Michael Millard's curator insight, May 25, 2014 1:56 PM

Klurigt för oss svenskar men ack så clever.

Ajo Monzó's curator insight, May 27, 2014 2:08 AM


Rescooped by Andrea Zeitz from 1:1 and BYOD
May 19, 2014 12:28 PM

AirPlay Mirroring to a Mac -no Apple TV required!

AirPlay Mirroring to a Mac -no Apple TV required! | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

There is a new Mac app called Reflectior . It shows an iPad's screen live on  a computer without using Apple TV..

Via Jeremy Angoff
HIND ABDELRAHMAN's comment, December 23, 2012 10:08 AM
Waw !!! It seems soon there will be no OHP in classrooms.
Rescooped by Andrea Zeitz from Visual*~*Revolution
May 17, 2014 4:00 PM

Adobe Released A New Free Storytelling App

Adobe Released A New Free Storytelling App | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Adobe has recently released a new free app for story telling called Adobe Voice. This app helps you create stunning animated videos in minutes. No filming — just talk to tell your story. Pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas and Voice automatically adds cinematic motion and a soundtrack.

Ursula O'Reilly Traynor 's comment, May 18, 2014 2:04 AM
This looks great! Thanks for sharing.
Ursula O'Reilly Traynor 's comment, May 18, 2014 2:08 AM
Have downloaded and will report back
iCoachP's curator insight, May 20, 2014 3:14 PM

This is pretty awesome.  Great for business OR student presentations alike! 

Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
March 11, 2014 1:32 AM

11 Tips For Students To Manage Their Digital Footprints

11 Tips For Students To Manage Their Digital Footprints | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

11 Tips For Students To Manage Their Digital Footprints by Justin Boyle If you’ve scratched your head over suggestions to manage your “digital footprint,” you aren’t the only one. A surprisingly large percentage of people have never even heard the phrase, let alone thought about how to manage theirs responsibly. Among students, the percentage is probably higher. We’ll talk about ways you can help students understand and manage their digital footprints before they get themselves in trouble.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
March 1, 2014 1:42 AM

SAMR Explained: Technology as a Spiced Pumpkin Latte

SAMR Explained: Technology as a Spiced Pumpkin Latte | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

What will I gain by using new technology? Many teachers are faced with this question as they are encouraged to integrate new computer-based learning tools into their classrooms and curricula. Thanks to Dr. Ruben Puentedura, we have the SAMR model to help answer this question.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 24, 2014 2:05 AM

S.A.S.S.Y. SAMR: Toolkit for Educators to Transform Instruction

S.A.S.S.Y. SAMR: Toolkit for Educators to Transform Instruction | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Lisa does it again her  'S.A.S.S.Y. SAMR' is a fantastic Toolkit for Educators to Transform Instruction |

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 24, 2014 1:55 AM

SAMR and Technology Integration Models on Pinterest

SAMR and Technology Integration Models on Pinterest | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Explore Lisa Johnson's hand-picked collection of Pins about SAMR and Technology Integration Models on Pinterest.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 24, 2014 1:45 AM

Protect Your Identity on Social Media

Protect Your Identity on Social Media | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Social media means communication, whether it's among tight circle of friends or a public broadcast. Just take care that you don't give away too much information.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 22, 2014 1:50 AM

3 Great iPad Apps for Recording Tutorials & Screen Sharing

3 Great iPad Apps for Recording Tutorials & Screen Sharing | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

iPad is a great versatile device that can be utilized for a wide range of educational purposes in our classrooms. One of the best uses is to turn it into a whiteboard canvass to record and create tutorials and step by step guides to share with your students.

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