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Scooped by DocBiodiv
March 27, 2023 6:14 AM!

Les opérations de « réensauvagement » sont-elles efficaces ?

Les opérations de « réensauvagement » sont-elles efficaces ? | Biodiversité |

Le Royaume-Uni serait l’un des pays les plus dépourvus de nature sauvage au monde. Le maire de Londres vient tout juste d’annoncer qu’un couple de castors sera bientôt réintroduit dans l’ouest de la ville. Mais quelles sont les chances de succès de ce genre d’opérations de rewilding ? Des chercheurs nous apportent quelques réponses.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Seth Thomas, Vincent van der Merwe, William Douglas Carvalho, & al. Evaluating the performance of conservation translocations in large carnivores across the world, Biological Conservation, Vol 279, 2023,109909,

Abstract: Globally, fragmented landscapes and other anthropogenic pressures are causing declines in large carnivore populations. Conservation organizations are working to counteract these trends through the translocations of large carnivores, for example by reintroducing them to their historic ranges or by reinforcing existing populations to promote gene flow and resilience. via @UniofOxford

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February 25, 2022 4:16 AM!

Faut-il se focaliser sur la disparition des ours polaires quand on parle du changement climatique et de biodiversité ?

Faut-il se focaliser sur la disparition des ours polaires quand on parle du changement climatique et de biodiversité ? | Biodiversité |

Aude Lalis, chercheuse au Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN), nous aide à y voir clair sur l'impact du changement climatique sur les ours polaires. Certains racontent en effet qu'ils prospèrent ! Les chercheurs et chercheuses du domaine ont d’ailleurs tiré des informations très intéressantes sur les émetteurs de cette affirmation.

DocBiodiv's insight:

"Pour démystifier les plus tenaces des idées reçues sur le climat, l'Insu s’est associé au site" Suivez @INSU_CNRS @BonPote

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
July 23, 2020 1:18 PM!

Réchauffement: Vers l'extinction des ours polaires d'ici 2100

Réchauffement: Vers l'extinction des ours polaires d'ici 2100 | Biodiversité |

Sans banquise, les ours polaires meurent de faim. Alors si les émissions de gaz à effet de serre continuent à augmenter, le réchauffement pourrait signer la quasi extinction de ces plantigrades emblématiques de l’Arctique d’ici la fin du siècle.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Lire Molnár, P.K., Bitz, C.M., Holland, M.M. et al. Fasting season length sets temporal limits for global polar bear persistence. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2020).

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
April 30, 2019 6:11 AM!

Ouverture du Sommet international sur la biodiversité à Paris: interview de Raphaël Arlettaz - RTS

Ouverture du Sommet international sur la biodiversité à Paris: interview de Raphaël Arlettaz - RTS | Biodiversité |
Interview de Raphaël Arlettaz, chercheur, qui a participé à l'élaboration d'un rapport sur l'état alarmant des écosystèmes.
DocBiodiv's insight:

8 minutes d'explications par le Professeur en biologie de la conservation de l'Université de Bern que l'on retrouve aussi sur @canal9valais "Avec le retour des grands prédateurs, on assiste à la fin d’une anomalie"

Ses publications 

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
October 31, 2018 7:08 AM!

Identifying priority conservation areas for recovering large carnivores using citizen science data

Understanding the processes related to wildlife recoveries is not only essential in solving human - wildlife conflicts, but also for identifying priority conservation areas and in turn, for effective conservation planning. We used data from a large citizen science program to study the spatial processes related to the demographic and genetic recovery of brown bears in Greece and to identify new areas for their conservation. This was achieved by visually comparing our data with an estimation of the past distribution of brown bears in Greece and by using a Point Process Model to model habitat suitability, and then comparing our results with the current distribution of brown bear records and with that of protected areas.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Auteurs : Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Lebrun, Alexandros Karamanlidis, Miguel de Gabriel Hernando, Ian Renner, Olivier Gimenez

bioRxiv 454603; doi:
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Scooped by DocBiodiv
December 13, 2017 6:41 AM!

Regulated hunting re-shapes the life history of brown bears

Regulated hunting re-shapes the life history of brown bears | Biodiversité |
Management of large carnivores is among the most controversial topics in natural resource administration. Regulated hunting is a centrepiece of many carnivore management programmes and, although a number of hunting effects on population dynamics, body-size distributions and life history in other wildlife have been observed, its effects on life history and demography of large carnivores remain poorly documented.
DocBiodiv's insight:
Auteurs : Richard Bischof, Christophe Bonenfant, Inger Maren Rivrud, Andreas Zedrosser, Andrea Friebe, Tim Coulson, Atle Mysterud & Jon E. Swenson
Nature Ecology & Evolution (2017) doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0400-7
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Scooped by DocBiodiv
August 4, 2016 4:58 AM!

Targeting human fear of large carnivores — Many ideas but few known effects

This paper reviews the peer-reviewed scientific literature on interventions aimed to reduce human fear of large carnivores in human-large carnivore conflicts. Based on psychological theories, a wide definition of fear was adopted, including fear as an emotion, as a perception and as an attitude.
DocBiodiv's insight:
Biological Conservation Volume 201, September 2016, Pages 261–269 par Maria Johanssona, , Inês A. Ferreiraa, Ole-Gunnar Støenb, Jens Frankc, Anders Flyktd
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Scooped by DocBiodiv
January 15, 2016 6:33 AM!

Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes

The conservation of large carnivores is a formidable challenge for biodiversity conservation. Using a data set on the past and current status of brown bears (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), gray wolves (Canis lupus), and wolverines (Gulo gulo) in European countries, we show that roughly one-third of mainland Europe hosts at least one large carnivore species, with stable or increasing abundance in most cases in 21st-century records.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Article paru dans Science Vol 346, Issue 6216 19 December 2014 dont le résumé se termine ainsi : "The European situation reveals that large carnivores and people can share the same landscape."

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
August 5, 2022 8:21 AM!

Découverte d'un louveteau, effarouchement de l'ours : l'Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) d'Occitanie fait le point

Découverte d'un louveteau, effarouchement de l'ours : l'Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) d'Occitanie fait le point | Biodiversité |

Un louveteau a-t-il bien été retrouvé mort dans le Larzac ? L'effarouchement des ours est-il une bonne solution ? Des dossiers sensibles dont s'occupe l'Office français de la biodiversité d'Occitanie (OFB).

DocBiodiv's insight:

Lire aussi[[ddm-ladepechedumidi]]

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
November 17, 2020 2:29 AM!

Estimating and forecasting spatial population dynamics of apex predators using transnational genetic monitoring - PNAS

Estimating and forecasting spatial population dynamics of apex predators using transnational genetic monitoring - PNAS | Biodiversité |

The ongoing recovery of terrestrial large carnivores in North America and Europe is accompanied by intense controversy. On the one hand, reestablishment of large carnivores entails a recovery of their most important ecological role, predation. On the other hand, societies are struggling to relearn how to live with apex predators that kill livestock, compete for game species, and occasionally injure or kill people. Those responsible for managing these species and mitigating conflict often lack fundamental information due to a long-standing challenge in ecology: How do we draw robust population-level inferences for elusive animals spread over immense areas? Here we showcase the application of an effective tool for spatially explicit tracking and forecasting of wildlife population dynamics at scales that are relevant to management and conservation.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Auteurs : Richard Bischof, Cyril Milleret, Pierre Dupont, Joseph Chipperfield, Mahdieh Tourani, Andrés Ordiz, Perry de Valpine, Daniel Turek, J. Andrew Royle, Olivier Gimenez, Øystein Flagstad, Mikael Åkesson, Linn Svensson, Henrik Brøseth, Jonas Kindberg

Revue : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2020, 202011383; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2011383117

Google traduction du titre de l'article "Estimation et prévision de la dynamique spatiale des populations de grands prédateurs à l'aide de la surveillance génétique transnationale"

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
July 31, 2019 4:40 AM!

European Commission - Science for Environment Policy

European Commission - Science for Environment Policy | Biodiversité |

European Commission - DG Environment News Alert Service - Science for Environment Policy: Free weekly News Alert 

DocBiodiv's insight:

Science for Environment Policy N°528 Juin 2019
Unmanaged expansion of woody plant cover may threaten alpine flora, fauna and farmers, Spanish Pyrenees

Cantabrian brown-bear population: how climate change may endanger its long-term conservation, Spain

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Rescooped by DocBiodiv from Biodiversité - @ZEHUB on Twitter
March 27, 2019 4:12 AM!

Les ours malais miment les expressions faciales

Les ours malais miment les expressions faciales | Biodiversité |

Une équipe internationale de chercheurs a découvert que les ours malais sont capables de produire un mimétisme facial exact, une capacité que l'on ne pensait trouver que chez les humains et les gorilles.

Via Hubert MESSMER
DocBiodiv's insight:

Facial Complexity in Sun Bears: Exact Facial Mimicry and Social Sensitivity Derry Taylor, Daniela Hartmann, Guillaume Dezecache, 

Siew Te Wong & Marina Davila-Ross 

Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 4961 (2019)

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February 2, 2018 12:30 PM!

Polar bears are starving, and this video reveals why

Polar bears are starving, and this video reveals why | Biodiversité |

Polar bears rely on sea ice to get their primary meal: seals. But as climate change melts this ice, the bears have to work harder to find prey, and that’s taking a toll on their health, researchers report today in Science. To find out how much the animals need to eat, scientists captured nine female polar bears living in the Beaufort Sea each spring for 3 years and took blood samples and other measurements to gauge the bears’ metabolisms. Then they attached GPS collars affixed with video cameras and accelerometers to watch the bears forage for food.

DocBiodiv's insight:
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Scooped by DocBiodiv
February 16, 2017 3:37 AM!

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences- 08 February 2017; volume 284, issue 1848

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences- 08 February 2017; volume 284, issue 1848 | Biodiversité |
Au sujet de la couverture : The identification of covariation in morphological character complexes (modularity) could help to increase our understanding of morphological transitions in a phylogenetic framework. Using state-of-the-art engineering techniques, Blanke et al. identify a number of mechanical interdependencies in a damselfly head and integrate that information in a phylogenetic analysis workflow. The results suggest dragonflies and mayflies as sistergroups - a relationship that has been debated in insect systematics for decades.
DocBiodiv's insight:
Retrouvez à partir de ce lien la table des matières et le classement par rubriques : Behaviour Development and Physiology Ecology Evolution Genetics and genomics Palaeobiology
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Scooped by DocBiodiv
February 25, 2016 5:29 AM!

Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself-Also Wolves and Bears

Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself-Also Wolves and Bears | Biodiversité |
By terrorizing island raccoons, scientists finally confirm that large predators can affect their prey through fear alone.
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