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Revue de presse et du net par le Pôle de partage des connaissances S&T de l'Office français de la biodiversité
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Scooped by DocBiodiv
May 13, 2022 5:47 AM!

Habitat Protection Indexes - new monitoring measures for the conservation of coastal and marine habitats - Scientific Data

Habitat Protection Indexes - new monitoring measures for the conservation of coastal and marine habitats - Scientific Data | Biodiversité |

A worldwide call to implement habitat protection aims to halt biodiversity loss. We constructed an open-source, standardized, and reproducible workflow that calculates two indexes to monitor the extent of coastal and marine habitats within protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures. The Local Proportion of Habitats Protected Index (LPHPI) pinpoints the jurisdictions with the greatest opportunity to expand their protected or conserved areas, while the Global Proportion of Habitats Protected Index (GPHPI) showcases which jurisdictions contribute the most area to the protection of these habitats globally. We also evaluated which jurisdictions have the highest opportunity to contribute globally to protecting habitats by meeting a target of 30% coverage. We found that Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) have the greatest potential to do so.

DocBiodiv's insight:

Kumagai, J.A., Favoretto, F., Pruckner, S. et al. Habitat Protection Indexes - new monitoring measures for the conservation of coastal and marine habitats. Sci Data 9, 203 (2022). via @AidinNiamir

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
September 23, 2019 6:45 AM!

StoX: An open source software for marine survey analyses - Johnsen 2019 - Methods in Ecology and Evolution

StoX: An open source software for marine survey analyses - Johnsen 2019 - Methods in Ecology and Evolution | Biodiversité |

Scientists across the globe conduct survey programs to monitor and characterize abundance, population structure, biodiversity and geographical distributions. To assess the state of marine fish and zooplankton, population surveys are often repeated annually using standardized sampling protocols and analysis techniques to establish trustworthy stock status. However, although transparency and repeatability are recognised as important principles of this process, it is often difficult to obtain comprehensive documentation of metadata and data processing steps. This is particularly challenging for workflows that include manual processing steps.

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
March 17, 2022 10:18 AM!

Science ouverte: 10 millions de données acquises par l’ sur le milieu marin rendues publiques

Science ouverte: 10 millions de données acquises par l’ sur le milieu marin rendues publiques | Biodiversité |
Chaque jour, l’Ifremer et ses partenaires* collectent, analysent, utilisent et partagent des milliers de données sur les milieux marins et leur santé. Ces données sont aujourd’hui disponibles via le système d’information optimisé Surval accessible depuis le site internet L’ouverture de ces données à la société répond aux engagements de l’Ifremer en tant que signataire de la Charte d’ouverture à la société et s’inscrit dans le cadre du deuxième Plan national pour la science ouverte.
DocBiodiv's insight:

Accès aux données d'environnement marin et littoral

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