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Scooped by DocBiodiv
January 20, 2023 3:09 AM!

Pollution : 95% des tortues soignées à La Réunion avalent du plastique

Pollution : 95% des tortues soignées à La Réunion avalent du plastique | Biodiversité |
Incroyable ce que l’on peut voir dans les déjections des tortues soignées à Kélonia : du plastique, beaucoup de plastique. 95 % de ces animaux en consomment, la quantité de plastique ingéré a été multipliée par trois en quinze ans.
DocBiodiv's insight:

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
April 8, 2019 3:36 AM!

Plastic ingestion in seabirds of the western Indian Ocean -ScienceDirect

We investigated seabird plastic ingestion in the western Indian Ocean by analyzing the stomach contents of 222 individuals belonging to nine seabird species (including two endangered species endemics to Reunion Island). The most affected species were tropical shearwaters (79%) and Barau's petrels(59%). The average number of plastic particles per contaminated bird was higher in Barau's petrels (6.10 ± 1.29) than in tropical shearwaters (3.84 ± 0.59). All other studied species also showed plastic presence in their stomach contents. The mass of plastic particles was significantly higher both in juvenile's Barau's petrels and tropical shearwaters than in adults.

DocBiodiv's insight:
Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 140, March 2019, Pages 308-314 

Audrey E.Cartraud, Matthieu Le Corre, Jean Turquet, Julie Tourmetz 

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