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Corporations have a responsibility to be mindful of their impact on social, environmental and human health issues impacted by their policies and products.  Our finite planetary resources are fast dwindling and destroying the very fabric of life. #CSR #Sustainability #SocioEconomics #GDP #EcoEconomics #Brands #Environment #ClimateChange #
Curated by pdjmoo
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Scooped by pdjmoo
January 20, 2012 1:31 AM!

Sad! Man-made rainforests are no match to natural ones

Sad! Man-made rainforests are no match to natural ones | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – |
How easy it is to replicate iPhones, high-definition LED TVs, or indestructible mobile phones! And how silly of us to think that we can first bring down rainforests and then replace them with new o...
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Rescooped by pdjmoo from BIODIVERSITY IS LIFE –
January 19, 2012 12:25 AM!

BIOMIMICRY: Nature: Design Genius - Nature’s most elegant designs may hold the key to super-efficient, ecofriendly technology

BIOMIMICRY: Nature: Design Genius - Nature’s most elegant designs may hold the key to super-efficient, ecofriendly technology | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – |

BIOMIMICRY: Bionic Handling; Better Spin cycle; Chemical-Free De-Icing; Extreme Shock Absorber; Paint Without Pigments; Traffic Decongestant; efficient ceiling fans; fog harvesting;


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Scooped by pdjmoo
January 19, 2012 4:12 AM!

Industrial energy vital for sustainable development: UN report

Industrial energy vital for sustainable development: UN report | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – |
UNITED NATIONS: A new United Nations report launched on Tuesday urges investment in energy-efficient technologies to help achieve sustainable growth and tackle a host of global challenges from climate (
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Scooped by pdjmoo
January 16, 2012 5:03 AM!

Green economy for sustainable development

Green economy for sustainable development | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – |

DUBAI: Shaikh Mohammed announced today the launch of a long term national initiative to build green economy in the UAE under the slogan: “A green economy for sustainable development “.


Through this initiative, the UAE aims to become one of the world leaders in this area as well as a centre for the export and re-export of green products and technologies, and to maintain a sustainable environment to support long-term economic growth.

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