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June 14, 9:15 AM!

Cultivating Resilience: Urban and Guerrilla Gardening in Barcelona

Urban and guerrilla gardening can contribute to cooling cities while bringing people together, providing critical spaces for education and active citizenship.
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August 1, 2023 7:54 AM!

Brussels mandates supermarkets to donate unsold food | TheMayor.EU

Brussels mandates supermarkets to donate unsold food | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The galloping inflation in Europe has made the problem of food security central even in the wealthy and industrialized societies of the EU. In response, the Brussels-Capital Region government has decided to make it obligatory for large supermarkets to donate their unsold food, starting in 2024, as a way to counteract the issue.
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February 27, 2023 10:44 AM!

Shaping UK land use: priorities for food, nature and climate »

Shaping UK land use: priorities for food, nature and climate » | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Green Alliance is an independent think tank and charity focused on ambitious leadership for the environment
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January 4, 2023 2:51 AM!

‘Enjoy, it’s from Europe’: Brussels announces fresh agri-food promotion plan –

‘Enjoy, it’s from Europe’: Brussels announces fresh agri-food promotion plan – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The European Commission presented its annual working plan to help agri-food producers promote their products in the EU and abroad, with a focus on sustainability, quality, animal welfare, and healthy eating habits.
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December 12, 2022 8:50 AM!

La stratégie Good Food 2 (2022-2030) | Good Food

La stratégie Good Food 2 (2022-2030) | Good Food | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Le 2 juin 2022, la stratégie Good Food 2 (2022-2030) 

s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre a été approuvée par le gouvernement bruxellois.

La stratégie Good Food 2 ambitionne que tou·te·s les Bruxellois·es aient accès à des aliments Good Food adaptés à leurs besoins, dans le respect d'un prix juste pour les producteurs·rices. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, la Région bruxelloise a impliqué les acteurs·rices du secteur social et de la santé et a adopté une approche de l'alimentation « par quartier », au plus proche des citoyen·ne·s.
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September 29, 2022 3:10 AM!

Démocratie alimentaire : des expérimentations qui redonnent du pouvoir d’agir aux citoyen.nes

Démocratie alimentaire : des expérimentations qui redonnent du pouvoir d’agir aux citoyen.nes | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Energy Cities's insight:

AMAP, groupements d’achats solidaires, tiers-lieux alimentaires… des formes d’actions collectives se déploient en France sur les sujets d’alimentation, et redonnent aux citoyen.nes un pouvoir d’agir dépassant la posture traditionnelle du consommateur-bénéficiaire.

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September 28, 2022 8:10 AM!

Using local initiatives to envision sustainable and resilient food systems in the Stockholm city-region - ScienceDirect

Using local initiatives to envision sustainable and resilient food systems in the Stockholm city-region - ScienceDirect | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Globally, food systems face multifaceted sustainability challenges and the need for food system transformation is increasingly acknowledged. However, …
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July 28, 2022 9:39 AM!

Agriculture, alimentation, environnement, santé : à quand des politiques enfin cohérentes ?

Agriculture, alimentation, environnement, santé : à quand des politiques enfin cohérentes ? | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Pollutions, perte de biodiversité, changement climatique, mais aussi maladies chroniques liées à l’alimentation et à l’environnement : autant de problématiques à aborder de façon transversale.
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June 21, 2022 10:14 AM!

The citizens of Differdange have spoken

The citizens of Differdange have spoken | Energy Transition in Europe | |

We launched an action to gather feedback and ideas from the citizens of Differdange. We sent them a postcard, which was featured in the monthly magazine of the city. Next to the postcard, the magazine also included an article dedicated to FUSILLI, which was a great opportunity to explain the project to the citizens of Differdange.
With the postcard, we want the citizens to send us their ideas. The citizens could return their answers online or bring the postcard to the cultural centre.

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June 21, 2022 10:09 AM!

Resilient urban and peri-urban agriculture

Resilient urban and peri-urban agriculture | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The City of Rome developed a participatory urban gardening project. The aim of the project is two-fold: it fights social exclusion and poverty and allows brownfield recovery.
Working with NGOs, citizens, disadvantaged people and minorities, the city uses the urban and suburban agriculture as a means to improve governance processes. Alongside employment policy, social and intercultural dialogue has a pre-eminent role to play. The importance of other factors such as housing, health, culture and communication should also be acknowledged.
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May 24, 2022 8:09 AM!

Guide : "Vers la Résilience alimentaire, faire face aux menaces globales à l'échelle des territoires"

Guide : "Vers la Résilience alimentaire, faire face aux menaces globales à l'échelle des territoires" | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Cette publication inédite marque l’aboutissement d’un travail de recherche d’un an et demi, conduit par l’association Les Greniers d’Abondance et de nombreux partenaires scientifiques, experts et acteurs de terrain.
Il expose les vulnérabilités du système alimentaire contemporain face à différentes crises systémiques : changement climatique, épuisement des ressources, effondrement de la biodiversité…
Nous invitons les collectivités territoriales à se saisir de cet enjeu, en leur proposant un ensemble cohérent d’actions et de leviers à mettre en œuvre à leur échelle.

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May 24, 2022 8:00 AM!

Vienna launches its own line of organic produce

Vienna launches its own line of organic produce | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Wien Gusto’, as the brand is called, will source its produce from the nearly 2,000 hectares of farm land owned by the city
Yesterday, the city of Vienna announced that it will launch its own line of organic produce, which will be sold on the retail markets. The city owns around 2,000 hectares of arable land and vineyards, making it one of the largest organic farms in Austria.

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May 6, 2022 5:33 AM!


Politiques_Territoires | Energy Transition in Europe | |
L’association Let's Food vise à accompagner les territoires à la construction de systèmes alimentaires durables et résilients en s’appuyant sur la coopération territoriale et l’échange de bonnes pratiques aux échelles locale, nationale et internationale.
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August 2, 2023 6:07 AM!

Free food: Geneva’s community pantries use the sharing economy to prevent food waste | Euronews

Free food: Geneva’s community pantries use the sharing economy to prevent food waste | Euronews | Energy Transition in Europe | |
In this European city, you can share your unused groceries in free-to-use community fridges.

Are you constantly throwing out food that you didn't get around to eating?

In an effort to cut waste, a Geneva nonprofit is rolling out street-side, free-access refrigerators where people can give and take food that might otherwise perish.
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July 12, 2023 3:58 AM!

Prinzessinnengarten » About Prinzessinnengarten

Prinzessinnengarten » About Prinzessinnengarten | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Nomadisch Grün (Nomadic Green) launched Prinzessinnengärten (Princess gardens) as a pilot project in the summer of 2009 at Moritzplatz in Berlin Kreuzberg, a site which had been a wasteland for over half a century. Along with friends, activists and neighbours, the group cleared away rubbish, built transportable organic vegetable plots and reaped the first fruits of their labour.
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January 4, 2023 5:29 AM!

Warsaw includes 76 schools in project aimed at limiting food waste

Warsaw has implemented a project aimed at limiting food waste, with 76 schools joining the School Does Not Waste project
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Scooped by Energy Cities
January 4, 2023 2:50 AM!

Germany embraces EU’s Farm to Fork spirit with nutrition strategy plans –

Germany embraces EU’s Farm to Fork spirit with nutrition strategy plans – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
With plans for a national nutrition strategy in the EU Farm to Form vein, German agriculture minister Cem Özdemir wants to make diets healthier and more plant-based, but some say the proposal is dictating what people can and cannot eat.
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November 24, 2022 3:52 AM!

Oradea turns green spaces into self-sustainable gardens | TheMayor.EU

The Romanian city of Oradea will redesign green spaces with local, wild and perennial plants, that can provide decoration all year round. The new spaces should also be nearly self-sufficient and self-..
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September 28, 2022 8:25 AM!

Call for greater investment at community scale: new policy brief – Food System Resilience UK

During the pandemic, the small size and local ties of these food providers allowed for a quick response to the evolving demand for food. Farmers markets, salad suppliers and community growers were able to make healthy, locally grown foods more accessible while strengthening community ties through collaboration and volunteer opportunities.
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September 28, 2022 8:02 AM!

agrifood podcast –

agrifood podcast – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Energy Cities's insight:

Food podcasts

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July 6, 2022 2:47 AM!

WWF urgers UK to transform farmland to boost food resilience and tackle nature crisis - Climate Action

WWF urgers UK to transform farmland to boost food resilience and tackle nature crisis - Climate Action | Energy Transition in Europe | |
A WWF report reveals that - at a time of global food insecurity - half of the UK's wheat harvest each year (equivalent to 11bn loaves of bread) is being used to feed livestock in an "inherently inefficient" process that is fuelling climate change and driving nature's decline in the UK and overseas.
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June 21, 2022 10:12 AM!

Turin: from sectoral actions to a strategic approach

Turin: from sectoral actions to a strategic approach | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The City of Turin has established an interdepartmental and intersectoral coordination on food policies that include and represent all offices dealing with it and encourage a shift from sectoral actions to more strategic approaches.

The goal is to improve the governance process in which all components of the city administration participate.
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May 26, 2022 7:04 AM!

Sustainable diets: a new perspective to include the less affluent

Sustainable diets: a new perspective to include the less affluent | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Based on a literature review on low-income people (defined here as the poorest 40% in terms of standard of living) food diets, this Issue Brief presents key elements on the practices and the relationship that this category of population has with sustainable food. The objective is to better qualify their food behaviors and aspirations, particularly with respect to the rest of the population, in order to characterize the participation of this social group in the transition to sustainable food. Finally, it is a question of identifying the conditions for a true co-construction of sustainable food paradigms, in a food justice perspective.
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May 24, 2022 8:03 AM!

Public Policies & Governance for Territorial Food Systems

Public Policies & Governance for Territorial Food Systems | Energy Transition in Europe | |

The transition towards territorial food systems requires new public policies that consider innovative and effective formulas for participatory governance, among other facilitating elements. Food democracy impacts citizen empowerment when it comes to bringing together actors for this necessary action for change. The local perspective and the consolidation of participatory structures can be nurtured through networks such as those promoted by the URBACT Programme through Local Action Groups.

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Scooped by Energy Cities
May 6, 2022 5:35 AM!

School canteens supporting sustainable territorial food systems 

School canteens supporting sustainable territorial food systems  | Energy Transition in Europe | |

School meals linked to local production are a major lever for initiating new food governance at the local level and thus co-constructing sustainable food systems at the territorial level. Following an in-depth study of the food systems of 14 territories in 8 countries, the Let's Food association, in partnership with Eating City, offers a comparative approach of school collective catering systems in order to highlight
good practices with regard to the various SDGs. set by the UN. These results are based on in-depth
bibliographic research as well as numerous interviews with local stakeholders.
In order to accelerate the transition for all, the sharing of good associative, private and
institutional practices is essential.


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