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April 22, 5:56 AM!

These child-friendly mobility devices are all the rage in Finnish cities | TheMayor.EU

Muksubussi are becoming increasingly popular in Finnish kindergartens as a mode of transportation for nature-based and healthy habit-forming activities.
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January 24, 8:22 AM!

Marseille encourages carpooling with financial incentives | TheMayor.EU

Short-distance carpooling now counts with the support of the Aix-Marseille-Provence authorities, who will induce drivers to try it out by giving them the chance to make a bit of money.
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July 2, 2021 6:09 AM!

Helsinki invites cyclists to collect data on street conditions and earn money | TheMayor.EU

Helsinki invites cyclists to collect data on street conditions and earn money | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |

On average, participants can earn around EUR 2 per kilometre
From Saturday 10 July, cyclists in Helsinki will be able to earn money doing what they love whilst simultaneously helping the municipality repair damaged streets. This was announced on 28 June when the City of Helsinki shared that all residents are invited to take part in a game to map out 300 kilometres of cycling paths in the capital.

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February 2, 2021 11:08 AM!

Henna Hovi on Winter Cycling in Helsinki

“I tend to dress for the occasion I’m going to, not for the bicycle trip” Henna Hovi, urban planner and cycling specialist for the city of Helsinki speaks with Geert Kloppenburg and Chris Bruntlett about Helsinki’s Bicycle Action Plan, the challenges and benefits of being a winter cycling cit

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September 17, 2020 4:42 PM!

En Finlande, la ville de Lahti offre des récompenses pour les citoyens qui respectent leur quota carbone

En Finlande, la ville de Lahti offre des récompenses pour les citoyens qui respectent leur quota carbone | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Afin d'inciter à la réduction des émissions de carbone, la ville de Lahti, en Finlande, offre à ses habitants titres de transport et denrées alimentaires comme récompenses, au titre d'"éco-citoyens". Pour cela, les citadins utilisent une application dédiée.
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December 27, 2019 10:52 AM!

Urban-LEDS interview with Anni Sinnemäki, Deputy Mayor of Helsinki - YouTube

Interview with Anni Sinnemäki, Deputy Mayor of Helsinki (Finland): why ambitious local governments are crucial for reaching international climate targets

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September 4, 2019 3:28 AM!

Tampere plants the seeds of a smarter future

Tampere plants the seeds of a smarter future | Energy Transition in Europe | |
This Spring 2019, STARDUST’s Lighthouse city of Tampere networked with various local stakeholders in order to develop the different STARDUST smart urban solutions within the city.   On March 2019, the City of Tampere organised two open events.  
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July 12, 2019 9:35 AM!

Helsinki Mayor pledges €1m for idea to replace coal-fired energy plants | Yle Uutiset |

Helsinki Mayor pledges €1m for idea to replace coal-fired energy plants | Yle Uutiset | | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The Mayor of Finland's capital launched a campaign on Wednesday aimed at tackling climate change called the Helsinki Challenge competition. During a Helsinki Symposium at City Hall, Mayor Jan Vapaavuori promised one million euros to whoever can devise an energy production method that would replace coal burning for heat in the capital city.
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March 12, 2019 12:50 PM!

Finland Approves 2029 Coal Ban For Energy Use

Finland Approves 2029 Coal Ban For Energy Use | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Finland has brought forward its coal phase-out date by one year, according to reports, with the new deadline set for May 1, 2029, after which coal will be banned from use as an energy source except in an emergency. 
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November 13, 2018 11:23 AM!

Helsinki Energy ready to phase out coal | Helen

Helsinki Energy ready to phase out coal | Helen | Energy Transition in Europe | |

The Finnish Government has today submitted to Parliament a legislative proposal to ban the use of coal in energy production. According to the proposal, coal will be phased out in energy production during the 2020s.
Helen already started to phase out coal in 2015 by deciding to close the Hanasaari power plant by the end of 2024. As a result of the closure of Hanasaari, 400 MW of heat production capacity will be removed. All in all, Helen's district heat capacity will fall by 870 MW and electricity generation capacity by 380 MW as the use of coal is discontinued.

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April 13, 2018 3:25 AM!

Finland confirms coal exit ahead of schedule in 2029 –

Finland confirms coal exit ahead of schedule in 2029 – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Finland’s environment minister said on Tuesday (10 April) his country will ban the use of coal in energy generation in 2029. The Finnish government is also looking into a large-scale subsidy scheme that will reward energy firms for ditching the fossil fuel ahead of time.
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February 2, 2018 2:51 AM!

How Helsinki uses a board game to promote public participation

“Participation cannot be dictated,” Miettinen said. “That’s why a tool like the Participation Game is so useful. It encourages players to find their own way to put participation in practice.
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June 19, 2017 11:11 AM!

Urban Contractual Policies in Northern Europe - Nordregio

Energy Cities's insight:

Nordregio Working paper 2017:3


Editor: Lukas Smas with contributions from Christian Fredricsson, Liisa Perjo, Tim Anderson,Julien Grunfelder and Christian Dymén

Published 2017

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April 16, 11:02 AM!

Urmas Klaas: Arts can and must give people the ability and courage to dream of a future | TheMayor.EU | Interview

Urmas Klaas: Arts can and must give people the ability and courage to dream of a future | TheMayor.EU | Interview | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Read this interview with Urmas Klaas, the mayor of Tartu, in which he shares more about the vision of the 2024 European Capital of Culture.
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November 4, 2021 1:30 PM!

Helsinki makes more space for pedestrians in suburban areas | TheMayor.EU

Helsinki makes more space for pedestrians in suburban areas | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |

It will remove bicycle lanes from the sidewalks of 150 streets
On 21 October, the Finnish City of Helsinki reported that it will remove bicycle lanes from the sidewalks of several streets in the suburbs. In other words, it will give pedestrians more space to walk safely and freely, without fearing that they may end up colliding with a cyclist.

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February 10, 2021 9:51 AM!

Urban farming in Finland in for a boost thanks to EU funding | TheMayor.EU

Urban farming in Finland in for a boost thanks to EU funding | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |

The European Union and its member states are committed to building circular and sustainable societies and to reducing carbon emissions. Thus, their support for different projects that advance these goals should come as no surprise.
One of the latest such initiatives is Finland’s CircularHoodFood project, part of the country’s 6Aika Strategy, which brings together six large cities, including Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Turku and Oulu.
While urban farming is already extremely popular in Finland, with citizens growing industrial amounts of food within their own households, CircularHoodFood will make the practice even easier to pick up and develop.

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December 17, 2020 11:33 AM!

Finnish cities band together for massive railway projects | TheMayor.EU

Finnish cities band together for massive railway projects | TheMayor.EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |
The plans for these projects were approved by the Finnish government earlier this year but work is now set to finally begin
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January 30, 2020 5:24 AM!

Stockholm plans world’s first carbon-negative district heating

Stockholm plans world’s first carbon-negative district heating | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Stockholm Exergi, a joint venture between Finnish utility Fortum and the city of Stockholm, is exploring the possibility of making the Swedish capital’s district heating the world’s first to become carbon negative.
As a first step, the company this spring will close its last coal-fired boiler for power and heat production at the Värtaverket combined-cycle plant in Stockholm.
Stockholm Exergi already in 2016 had replaced most of Värtaverket’s coal-based production with biofuels.
The company is now investigating whether a carbon capture system (CCS) could be utilized at Värtaverket, which would turn the plant carbon negative. Based on the pilot in progress, bio-CCS is also a cost-effective alternative for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the company claims.

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October 1, 2019 10:27 AM!

Finnish official: ‘Heating is far from being just a local issue’ –

Finnish official: ‘Heating is far from being just a local issue’ – | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Achieving climate neutrality by 2050 requires decarbonising the whole economy, including the energy-hungry heating sector, says Finland's Riku Huttunen. And that will involve cooperation at all levels of government, including local and EU authorities, he argues.
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July 24, 2019 3:04 AM!

Finnish Government plans to allow congestion charges in its cities | Eltis

Finnish Government plans to allow congestion charges in its cities | Eltis | Energy Transition in Europe | |

The new Finnish Government plans to introduce legislation to allow its cities to introduce road tolls or congestion charges. Until now, cities have not been allowed to apply such charges in Finland, but the new Government's commitments to exploring emission reduction charges, as well as the fact that between 2011-2018 new car registrations in Finland increased by more than the population did, has led to a change in the previous view.

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June 5, 2019 3:35 AM!

Finland to be carbon neutral by 2035. One of the fastest targets ever set

Finland to be carbon neutral by 2035. One of the fastest targets ever set | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Finland will go carbon neutral by 2035, under a coalition deal published on Monday, setting one of the world’s earliest timelines for reaching that mark.
After more than a month of negotiations, five parties agreed on the goal championed by incoming Social Democrat prime minister Antti Rinne.
Rinne told reporters it was time to “invest in the future”, presenting the climate strategy as part of a package with increased welfare spending.

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January 9, 2019 1:10 PM!

City regionalism in Helsinki

City regionalism in Helsinki | Energy Transition in Europe | |

In Finland, city regionalism has transformed from a national strategy to promote balanced regional development (i.e., the Nordic welfare state model) into an ostensibly transnational process designed to connect particular regions of Finland – most notably Greater Helsinki – into the global knowledge economy. The net result of this process is to produce a particular state form, which can be described as the “metropolis state”. This refers to how city-regionalism is used selectively in national political discourse in order to develop the country as a whole into a more globalized and competitive place; one which is presumably more attractive to transnational capital and inward investment.

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November 13, 2018 11:01 AM!

Personal trainings for climate change for the citizens of Helsinki metropolitan area | TheMayor EU

Personal trainings for climate change for the citizens of Helsinki metropolitan area | TheMayor EU | Energy Transition in Europe | |

Climateinfo, produced by Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY, has developed an online climate training service that anyone can join free of charge. Climate training is meant for all those interested in leading more climate-friendly lives. The training programmes take four weeks each and comprise a weekly letter, training videos, weekly tasks, a closed Facebook group and live chats.

Nearly 70% of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions are generated by households therefore residents play a key role in a cities’ climate goals.

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March 22, 2018 5:29 AM!

European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication

European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication | Energy Transition in Europe | |
European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
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September 7, 2017 9:55 AM!

Finland doubles down on nuclear power as coal heads out the door

Finland doubles down on nuclear power as coal heads out the door | Energy Transition in Europe | |
Finland is set to embrace a decarbonised future by increasing carbon taxes and introducing laws in 2018 that will begin to phase out the use of coal, with more nuclear capacity waiting to offer an alternative fuel source.
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