Empathy Movement Magazine
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Empathy Movement Magazine
The latest news about empathy from around the world - CultureOfEmpathy.com
Curated by Edwin Rutsch
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 16, 2011 1:54 AM

What's the secret of hot sex? Empathy - Science weighs in - HealthPop - CBS News

What's the secret of hot sex? Empathy - Science weighs in - HealthPop - CBS News | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Researchers link empathy to greater sexual satisfaction for both men and women Read more by Ryan Jaslow on CBS News' HealthPop.

"Empathetic individuals are more responsive to a partner's needs, and thus initiate a positive feedback cycle," study co-author Dr. Adena Galinsky, a doctoral student at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School's Center for Adolescent Health, said in a written statement.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 15, 2011 5:06 PM

Empathy, Strategies, Solutions - Distinctions in NVC

Christine King, MA and Jean Morrison, MA are both certified trainers with the global Center for Nonviolent Communication. Listen to a description of habitual reactions and conscious empathetic responses, and the distinction between these and strategies/solutions.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 14, 2011 6:31 PM

Province Funds Anti-Bullying Roots of Empathy Program

The goal is to prevent bullying, the ugly incidents like a brawl between teenaged girls in Nanaimo posted to Youtube earlier this year, after one of them was lured to the scene. "The $800,000 we're spending today is going to do so much to prevent bullying in the future" says Premier Christy Clark.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 14, 2011 2:50 PM

TEDx GoldenGateED Compassion event brings hundreds to the Craneway Pavillion

TEDx GoldenGateED  Compassion event brings hundreds to the Craneway Pavillion | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Big ideas about education and emotion flowed through the Craneway Pavillion at the TEDxGoldenGateED conference over the weekend.

The ideas found a receptive audience in the roughly 700 in attendance at the Saturday conference that attracted teachers, parents, therapists and others from throughout the Bay Area.

The day included a packed schedule of speakers, performers and workshops that revolved around the central theme of compassion.

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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 14, 2011 1:40 PM

Ashoka’s Drayton: "Empathy, will be like literacy was in the 1300s."

Ashoka’s Drayton: "Empathy, will be like literacy was in the 1300s." | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
He describes our global crossroads in greater detail. “Changemakers have four fundamental traits that cannot be understated: empathy, teamwork, leadership, and change-making. We are reaching the transition point very quickly, and parts of the world that do not master these traits will be left in terrible shape.”

The U.S. is headed in the direction of Detroit, he believes.

“Empathy,” he says, “will be like literacy was in the 1300s. Without it, one will be marginalized and unable to function professionally.” Unless a child learns the complex skill of empathy through reinforcement and practice by age 21, she or he won’t have a chance in the global marketplace, he emphasizes. With the world changing faster and faster, he explains, the rules matter less and less. This means that we’re increasingly dependent on the people around us to guide our behavior, which requires an increasingly more sophisticated empathetic skill.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 13, 2011 9:07 PM

Oprah Winfrey - Empathy Quote

Oprah Winfrey - Empathy Quote | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Marta D. Ockuly's comment, June 13, 2011 9:17 PM
I love this quote for the relating of leadership and empathy to inspiration and empowerment. I am glad you liked it well enough on http://joyofquotesblog.com to share it with your 'world'.
Edwin Rutsch's comment, June 13, 2011 11:59 PM
you were my inspiration marta, say it on your site.
Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 13, 2011 2:27 PM

A review of The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty.

A review of The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty. | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Rather than simply dismissing “evil” as a trait beyond comprehension, Baron-Cohen argues that human cruelty can be studied scientifically, just like any other human behavior, to uncover its causes and neurological bases—and what, if anything, we can do to prevent it...

This isn’t a touchy-feely proposal: If we can help kids grow into more empathic adults, we may be able to reduce cruelty and criminal behavior—a goal that’s not just compassionate but cost-effective as well.

More at Simon Baron-Cohen: Empathy Expert Page: http://bit.ly/jlHrf7
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 13, 2011 2:07 PM

A little bit of empathy, please: Dover High seniors recall long ago project where a baby taught them a life lesson

A little bit of empathy, please: Dover High seniors recall long ago project where a baby taught them a life lesson | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
John Huff/Staff photographer Julie Person and her daughter Madison hold a copy of Foster's Daily Democrat from 2003 when they participated in a Empathy Project at Garrison School.

Students were invited to the Dover Career and Technical Center for lunch to look over photographs, birthday cards and letters written by students to Madison over the years...

"I remember them bringing in the baby," said senior Merrit McLaughlin, 18. "We got to learn what it means to be empathetic and how sometimes people can't say how they feel — just like a baby can't."
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 10, 2011 12:00 PM

Goodbye, Lone Ranger: Empathy and Sustainability, Part One

Goodbye, Lone Ranger: Empathy and Sustainability, Part One | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Reading about the tensions between collective and individual identity in Jeremy Rifkin’s bible-length tome, The Empathic Civilization, I realized I’ve lived most of my life with a Lone Ranger mentality...

I encountered Rifkin’s exploration of a civilization based on empathy at just the right moment, at the tail end of my time as a graduate student in the Urban Environmental Leadership program and just as I was wrapping up my final thesis exploring youth participation and urban agriculture. Rifkin paints a picture of humanity that binds us all together—from our earliest days to the present—in an undeniable arc toward greater awareness of “the other.”
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 9, 2011 1:20 PM

Book review: Simon Baron-Cohen examines the root of all evil: a lack of empathy

Book review: Simon Baron-Cohen examines the root of all evil: a lack of empathy | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Baron-Cohen and his colleagues have developed a scale for measuring empathy and have identified “the ten major brain regions involved in’’ it. The book is an attempt to lay out this latest research, explain why it matters, and talk about the role of empathy in society. It succeeds on the first two fronts — albeit a bit dryly — but falters on the last.

Unsurprisingly, Baron-Cohen is particularly interested in people with “zero degrees of empathy’’ — that is, those who have “no awareness of how [they] come across to others, how to interact with others, or how to anticipate their feelings or reactions.’’
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 8, 2011 1:07 PM

Empathy in the Bedroom Related to Sexual Satisfaction | LiveScience

Empathy in the Bedroom Related to Sexual Satisfaction | LiveScience | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
People who can better communicate and understand another person's emotions are more likely to have a satisfying sex life, new research finds.

"Sexual health includes sexual well-being, and sexual enjoyment is an important part [of that]," said study researcher Adena Galinsky, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "How people interact and their ability to listen to each other and take each other's perspective can really influence the sex that they have." [Top 10 Aphrodisiacs]
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 8, 2011 12:32 PM

Forbes India - Bill Drayton on Empathy and Leadership

Forbes India -  Bill Drayton on Empathy and Leadership | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
He explains how empathy is key to effective collaboration in a rapidly changing world, and the art of listening... I have always been fascinated with the way the principle of collaboration works among self-regulated, and sometimes loosely connected, people and systems. At the core of the process of collaboration is empathy and I want Bill to tell me more about it...

These are very complicated skills. This is a world where you need a higher form of empathy, where you observe yourself, watch other people around you, and then you find yourself understanding and interacting with various combinations of people. So this goes to say that the system around you is changing. You need to contribute to the system and avoid doing damage. So, you require a very sophisticated set of skills.”..

From the idea of empathy, we now move to a conversation on the art of listening.

Bill Drayton Empathy Expert page: http://bit.ly/iIY5W9
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 6, 2011 4:15 PM

Noblesse Oblige? Empathy, Compassion, and Social Class in America - Michael W. Kraus

Psychological Science: Social Class, Contextualism, and Empathic Accuracy
Recent research suggests that lower-class individuals favor explanations of personal and political outcomes that are oriented to features of the external environment. We extended this work by testing the hypothesis that, as a result, individuals of a lower social class are more empathically accurate in judging the emotions of other people.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 15, 2011 7:19 PM

Empathy Line looking for Volunteers who can listen

Empathy Line looking for Volunteers who can listen | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
The Pride Empathy Line provides empathy, support, and resources to the LGBTQI community. We are currently in need of more phone line volunteers.

The line is transferred to your phone which means you don't even have to leave your home. Just be available during your shift for calls. Training is provided.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 15, 2011 11:52 AM

Masculinity, Militarism and Empathy by Gary Olson

Masculinity, Militarism and Empathy by Gary Olson | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Book Review: Kathleen Barry’s “How Empathy Can Reshape Our Politics, Our Soldiers and Ourselves.”

If empathy is putting oneself in another’s shoes, the indissoluble combination of core masculinity with brainwashing, degradation, and stripping away any sense of self aims to foreclose this response.

Further, there is general agreement in the literature that sociopathy is defined as the lack of empathy. Barry contends that by replacing empathy with desensitized callousness, the military is creating sociopathic characteristics, that the military itself is a sociopathogenic institution. That is, the task of the military is to “normalize amorality for soldiers . . . the same amorality found in sociopaths.”

More on Kathleen Barry
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 14, 2011 3:57 PM

Athene's Theory of Everything: Brain science mentions Empathy and Mirror Neurons.

About the functioning of the brain. Empathy and mirror neurons are first mentioned around 6 minute mark. and throughout the first quarter of the video.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 14, 2011 2:00 PM

School anti-bullying program expanding in B.C. - government will provide $800,000

School anti-bullying program expanding in B.C. -  government will provide $800,000 | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
The B.C. government is expanding an anti-bullying program in schools across the province, targeting children in kindergarten and pre-school.

Premier Christy Clark says the Roots of Empathy program is recognized internationally as a way to teach young kids core values like respect, kindness and empathy.

"Children deserve to grow up without fear of bullying," said Clark on a visit to Morley Elementary School in Burnaby. "The Roots of Empathy program delivers on that promise and helps teach young children how to act towards each other."
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 14, 2011 12:24 AM

New Website Lauches: The International Institute for Compassionate Cities

New Website Lauches: The International Institute for Compassionate Cities | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
The International Institute for Compassionate Cities supports compassionate initiatives in cities, towns, counties, states and provinces, regions, nations, universities, faith groups, schools, service groups, and other places where human beings gather.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 13, 2011 6:16 PM

The Science of Evil: From Hitler to Mother Teresa: 6 Degrees of Empathy - NY Times Book Review

The Science of Evil:  From Hitler to Mother Teresa: 6 Degrees of Empathy - NY Times  Book Review | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
“The Science of Evil,” by Simon Baron-Cohen, seems likely to antagonize the victims of evil, the parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, at least a few of the dozens of researchers whose work he cites — not to mention critics of his views on evolutionary psychology or of his claims about the neurobiology of the sexes.

“The Science of Evil” proposes a simple but persuasive hypothesis for a new way to think about evil. More at Simon Baron-Cohen: Empathy Expert Page: http://bit.ly/jlHrf7
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 13, 2011 2:12 PM

B.C.’s new Empathy program funnels $800,000 into anti-bullying

B.C.’s new Empathy program funnels $800,000 into anti-bullying | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Premier Christy Clark announced today the expansion of an anti-bullying program in BC schools.The Roots of Empathy Program, an internationally recognized anti-bullying teaching program, will be expanded into an estimated 360 kindergarten classrooms this year.

The Ministry of Children and Family Development and the Ministry of Education will jointly fund the two initatives over the next five years with an annual amount of $800,000.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 10, 2011 2:06 PM

Friendly to the Extreme: Meet Kids and Adults With Williams Syndrome - video

Friendly to the Extreme: Meet Kids and Adults With Williams Syndrome - video | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic condition -- Williams Syndrome is caused by the deletion of roughly 25 genes.

In one experiment to test empathy, the adult experimenter bangs her knee on a table and expresses a great deal of pain. In many runs the lab recorded, the typically-developing child just watched and expressed no empathy or concern. But children with Williams often went right over to the experimenter to rub her knee and ask, "What's wrong?"

With such empathy comes a lack of fear. Watching a recording of a typically-developing child reacting to a hairy, moving, toy spider, Tager-Flusberg noted, not surprisingly, "She doesn't want to approach it...and doesn't have any inclination to go near to it and touch."
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 9, 2011 1:25 PM

Babies prove to be effective empathy teachers

Babies prove to be effective empathy teachers | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
“We use babies to teach empathy because everyone loves babies,” The world’s youngest teachers are showing elementary students how to be better people.

Roots of Empathy celebrated its ninth year with a wrap party and presentation Thursday at Thunder Bay’s Kingsway Park School.
Students and the families involved with Roots of Empathy met at the school to give thanks and say good-bye to the babies who taught older children how to be more caring and compassionate.
Kingsway didn’t host a Roots to Empathy program; sister school Hyde Park did. Hyde Park’s gym couldn’t accommodate the large crowd.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 8, 2011 8:14 PM

Marcus Brotherton - The Indispensability of Empathy - TEDx

Marcus Brotherton is a writer and a story teller. His profession brings him into contact with a rich variety of thinkers and his research into World War II.
1. invite people to tell their stories
2. Imagine the world through others eyes
3. suspend judgment
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 10, 2011 12:14 PM

Empathetic Individuals: Key to Better Sex Revealed in New Study

Empathetic Individuals: Key to Better Sex Revealed in New Study | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
People who can better communicate and understand another person's emotions are more likely to have a satisfying sex life...

Getting emotional in the bedroom
"Our hypothesis is that empathetic individuals are more responsive to a partner’s needs, and thus initiate a positive feedback cycle," said Galinsky. "These developmental assets may be more important to young women’s sexual pleasure since they help them break down impediments to sexual communication and exploration," he said, referring to the idea that women are more inhibited in the bedroom.

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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
June 7, 2011 12:43 PM

‘The Science of Evil’ by Simon Baron-Cohen - NY Times

‘The Science of Evil’ by Simon Baron-Cohen - NY Times | Empathy Movement Magazine | Scoop.it
“How can humans treat other people as objects? How do humans come to switch off their natural feelings of sympathy for another human being who is suffering?

As a scientist I want to understand what causes people to treat others as if they were mere objects. In this book I explore how people can treat each other cruelly not with reference to the concept of evil, but with reference to the concept of empathy. Unlike the concept of evil, empathy has explanatory power. In the coming chapters I put empathy under the microscope.

img http://bit.ly/laOxJ8
Simon Baron-Cohen: Empathy Expert Page: http://bit.ly/jlHrf7
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