El Mundo del Diseño Gráfico
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El Mundo del Diseño Gráfico
Lugar donde reunir tanto recursos como ideas para el Diseño Gráfico y el Diseño Web. Aderezado con un poco de Marketing, SEO, Programación, redes sociales y todo aquello que considero necesario para ser un profesional completo y actualizado.
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Rescooped by Alvaro Díaz A. from Must Design
March 25, 2015 1:20 PM

Big Web Design Trends Happening Now via Creative Edge w/ @Scenttrail Notes

Big Web Design Trends Happening Now via Creative Edge w/ @Scenttrail Notes | El Mundo del Diseño Gráfico | Scoop.it

We're boiling down 13 of the most prominent web design trends emerging in 2015. Will they change your understanding of a "modern website"? You be the judge.

Marty (@Scenttrail) Notes:

1. Make it big (Agree but not as easy to do well as they make it look).

2. The multimedia experience (agree and same as #1)

3. The Parallax effect mutations (Horizontal Scrolling) Agree

4. Animated storybook (Agree and cool).

5. Flat design (agree & effect of mobile)

6. No more boxes (Agree and YES!).

7. Tiles (Pinterest effect and agree).

8. Navigation widgets (Agree!)

9. Integrating Google maps (Agree where appropriate).

10. Mashup interfaces (AGREE grab those APIs :).

11. Minimize (Seems to contradict #1, but agree).

12. World Wide Wait (speed is going to be KEY).

13. Designer automation (Agree, can do a lot with templates now).

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Rescooped by Alvaro Díaz A. from Herramientas y recursos para el aprendizaje online
July 13, 2014 6:45 AM

Cómo crear un eBook de un sitio web

Cómo crear un eBook de un sitio web | El Mundo del Diseño Gráfico | Scoop.it

Con el aumento del uso de los dispositivos móviles en nuestro trabajo con las TIC, podemos necesitar guardar y descargar contenido web en nuestras tablets, iPads, teléfonos, etc. en alguno de los formatos de eBook para leer y consultar de forma offline. En este artículo explicaremos cómo realizar esta función en dos sencillos pasos.

Via Net-Learning
María Dolores Llana's curator insight, February 1, 2014 2:04 PM

Para poder instalarlo y ver otras aplicaciones les dejo el link de este sitio http://dotepub.com/?lang=es

Mauricio Fierro's curator insight, July 13, 2014 8:53 AM

Cómo crear un eBook de un sitio web

Rescooped by Alvaro Díaz A. from Herramientas y recursos para el aprendizaje online
September 9, 2014 11:20 AM

Crea videos interactivos con estas 10 herramientas

Crea videos interactivos con estas 10 herramientas | El Mundo del Diseño Gráfico | Scoop.it

Las narraciones multimedia pueden convertir un proyecto periodístico en contenido atractivo y con altas posibilidades de ser compartido a través de la web.

Via Net-Learning
CRCiencia's comment, October 28, 2014 1:56 PM
Aqui de nuevo > http://ow.ly/DtFPf
Fabian Belledi's comment, October 28, 2014 2:41 PM
Gracias, CarlesRuizConde!
CRCiencia's comment, October 28, 2014 4:20 PM
Rescooped by Alvaro Díaz A. from Web Publishing Tools
March 30, 2016 12:14 PM

The Best Web Publishing Tools and Services a Link Directory by Robin Good

The Best Web Publishing Tools and Services a Link Directory by Robin Good | El Mundo del Diseño Gráfico | Scoop.it
The best tools, web apps and resources for any independent web publisher

Via Robin Good
Ricardo Serrano's curator insight, March 30, 2016 9:34 PM

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs I have spent a few days pulling together the best tools I use and know-of that I would recommend to use, in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories.

From "landing page builders" to "survey tools" and "domain name finders" I have you covered. 

In general, I have limited the amount of tools and services listed per category to the top 5 I know as to serve also as a curated filter for the vast number of choices available out there.

This is definitely a work in progress as you need to continuously edit, refine and improve a directory like this to make it really useful. You are welcome to suggest tools and services that I have not included and I'll make sure that if they are valid ones they get their space too.

Free to access.

Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/ ;

Nurkhamimi Zainuddin's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:07 AM
If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

Nurkhamimi Zainuddin's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:08 AM
If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/

If you need a handy reference for your web publishing needs Robin Good has pulled together the best tools in an organized and curated link directory of over 70 different categories. Free to access. Full directory: https://web-publishing.zeef.com/