ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills
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ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills
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Curated by Dennis Swender
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Rescooped by Dennis Swender from The Psychogenyx News Feed
May 22, 2019 4:30 AM

7 Simple Tactics to Renew Your Focus and Motiation | Early to Rise

7 Simple Tactics to Renew Your Focus and Motiation | Early to Rise | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it
If you've been struggling with the "entrepreneurial blues", here are 7 simple ways to renew your focus and motivation so you can achieve your biggest goals.

Via Luis Valdes
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Rescooped by Dennis Swender from Best of the Best Blog Scoops
December 10, 2018 12:41 PM

6 Things Successful People do Before 9 a.m.

6 Things Successful People do Before 9 a.m. | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it

What do successful people do differently? For one thing, they typically wake up very early. Long before they hit the office, they’ve been up and active, performing tasks that will set them up for success throughout the day.

Via Best Blog Scoops
Best Blog Scoops's curator insight, June 7, 2018 2:56 PM

Be realistic in mapping out your day: don’t set a mile-long to-do list that you’ll never be able to complete, or schedule yourself in such a way that you’ll be running from thing to thing and getting stressed out. Leave some room for breaks. 

I enjoy sharing information with my #DigitalDiva SCOOPS which are all located at DivaScoops.com I have 10 Topics about life, health, business and real estate. 
I invite you to follow me at Agi Diva Ventures on all the social networks. Stay tuned, the Diva Ventures website is under construction and is scheduled to launch fall of 2018.
Rescooped by Dennis Swender from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
December 10, 2017 7:45 PM

The One Surefire Way To Succeed In 2018

The One Surefire Way To Succeed In 2018 | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it

Let’s not waste any time. The simple solution that we’re all looking for: It doesn’t exist. Want your business to thrive like Amazon’s? Want to emulate Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg? Follow the road map of Nike or Warby Parker to build the next brand that matters? Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. What succeeded for them may not work for you. Too bad. Get over it.


One-size-fits-all strategies just aren’t effective in today’s age of flux (and maybe they never were). That’s one of the insightful messages in senior writer Austin Carr’s feature The Future of Retail in the Age of Amazon. It’s become common practice to refer to billion-dollar startups as “unicorns,” but there is no more one-of-a-kind business than Amazon: hard-driving, customer-focused, yet broadly directed, from books and groceries to entertainment, consumer electronics, and web services. Carr explains that competing with Amazon today–trying to beat it at its own game–is largely a fool’s errand. Instead, what increasingly defines retail success, and points the way toward the businesses of tomorrow, is a bespoke model, one that is crafted to deliver on a focused need, proposition, or brand essence.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, November 28, 2017 4:47 PM

It’s time to embrace ambiguity and uncertainty.

Rescooped by Dennis Swender from All digital
June 19, 2017 10:27 AM

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it

How to Succeed? This is a question many people around the world ask every day. Is Success Random? Or is it a result of hard and long work?


They say that each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can. You always have to trust in yourself and your abilities. If you are focused on your goal and work on it on the daily basis, you succeed.

Via Ivo Nový, Dennis Swender, malek, Stephania Savva, Ph.D
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Rescooped by Dennis Swender from Soup for thought
March 25, 2017 1:03 PM

6 Ways to Turn Failure into Spectacular Success - Purpose Fairy

6 Ways to Turn Failure into Spectacular Success - Purpose Fairy | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it
Make failure your master mentor and not only will you become a smarter, more capable entity, but you’ll be miles ahead of the competition next time.

Via Karlton B McIver, massimo facchinetti, malek
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Rescooped by Dennis Swender from The Psychogenyx News Feed
May 22, 2019 4:33 AM

Here's the Resume and Cover Letter Strategy Most Likely to Get You a Job Interview, Says Science

Here's the Resume and Cover Letter Strategy Most Likely to Get You a Job Interview, Says Science | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it
Want a better shot at landing a job interview? Let science help you create the perfect resume and cover letter.

Via Luis Valdes
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Rescooped by Dennis Swender from All About Coaching
January 27, 2018 2:06 PM

Get Started: Why Getting Started is More Important Than Succeeding

Get Started: Why Getting Started is More Important Than Succeeding | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it
It's doesn't matter what you're working towards, the most important thing is to get started. Read this article to find out why (and how you can get going.)

Via Ariana Amorim
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Rescooped by Dennis Swender from Soup for thought
September 30, 2017 11:18 AM

13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful

13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it
“On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” — Anonymous Sometimes, to become successful and get closer to the person we can become, we don’t need to…

Via Enzo Calamo, massimo facchinetti, Marc Kneepkens, malek
Varshedemps's curator insight, September 17, 2017 8:52 PM

This article is a good read if you need self-motivation. This breaks down helpful tips if you want to set yourself in a good mindset. Being successful begins with a positive and healthy mind. Self-motivation should be equivalent to drinking water. In order to stay hydrated you must drink lots of water, if you go without you body begins to shut down.

Rescooped by Dennis Swender from Best For Sale By Owner Advice
December 10, 2018 12:46 PM

How Positivity Makes You Healthy and Successful

How Positivity Makes You Healthy and Successful | ED 262 Research, Reference & Resource Skills | Scoop.it
Plus, simple steps you can take that will train your brain to focus on the positive

Via Best Blog Scoops
Best Blog Scoops's curator insight, March 19, 2017 9:17 PM

The world is at unrest, political forces are at odds and if we are not careful the negative news will drag us down. Make the choice to be positive and encourage those around you to be positive. Our state of mind is always our choice, being positive is a personal decision.