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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Selected Media: Independent Journalism, Digital Media, Music, Cinema, "Art," Literature, Libraries, & Archives
March 29, 2020 7:24 AM

Dr. Deborah Brix: Coronavirus Data Doesn't Match The Doomsday Media Predictions | Video | RealClearPolitics

Dr. Deborah Brix: Coronavirus Data Doesn't Match The Doomsday Media Predictions | Video | RealClearPolitics | ED 262 KCKCC Fa '24 | Scoop.it

White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Brix warned the public not to panic when they hear about models and projections of the pandemic's spread.

"Models are models," she said. "When people start talking about 20% of a population getting infected, it's very scary, but we don't have data that matches that based on our experience."

She said the media should not "make the implication that when they need a hospital bed it's not going to be there, or a ventilator, it's not going to be there, we don't have evidence of that."

"It's our job collectively to assure the American people," she also said. "There is no model right now -- no reality on the ground where we can see that 60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks. I want to be clear about that."

DR. DEBORAH BRIX: I'm sure you have seen the recent report out of the U.K. about them adjusting completely their needs. This is really quite important. If you remember, that was the report that says there would be 500,000 deaths in the U.K. and 2.2 million deaths in the United States. They've adjusted that number in the U.K. to 20,000. Half a million to 20,000. We are looking at that in great detail to understand that adjustment.

I'm going to say something that is a little bit complicated but do it in a way we can understand it together. In the model, either you have to have a large group of people who a-asymptomatic, who never presented for any test to have the kind of numbers predicted. To get to 60 million people infected, you have to have a large group of a-symptomatics. We have not seen an attack rate over 1 in 1,000. So either we are measuring the iceberg and underneath it, are a large group of people. So we are working hard to get the antibody test and figure out who these people are and do they exist. Or we have the transmission completely wrong.

So these are the things we are looking at, because the predictions of the model don't match the reality on the ground in China, South Korea or Italy. We are five times the size of Italy. If we were Italy and did all those divisions, Italy should have close to 400,000 deaths. They are not close to achieving that.

Models are models. We are -- there is enough data of the real experience with the coronavirus on the ground to really make these predictions much more sound. So when people start talking about 20% of a population getting infected, it's very scary, but we don't have data that matches that based on our experience.

And the situation about ventilators. We are reassured in meeting with our colleagues in New York that there are still I.C.U. Beds remaining and still significant -- over 1,000 or 2,000 ventilators that have not been utilized.

Please for the reassurance of people around the world, to wake up this morning and look at people talking about creating DNR situations, Do Not Resuscitate situations for patients, there is no situation in the United States right now that warrants that kind of discussion. You can be thinking about it in the hospital. Certainly, hospitals talk about this on a daily basis, but to say that to the American people and make the implication that when they need a hospital bed it's not going to be there or a ventilator, it's not going to be there, we don't have evidence of that.

It's our job collectively to assure the American people, it's our job to make sure that doesn't happen. You can see the cases are concentrated in highly urban areas and there are other parts of the states that have lots of ventilators and other parts of New York state that don't have any infected. We can meet the needs by being responsive.

There is no model right now -- no reality on the ground where we can see that 60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks. I want to be clear about that. We are adapting to the reality on the ground and looking at the models of how they can inform but learning from South Korea and Italy and from Spain and I know you will look up my numbers.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Selected Media: Independent Journalism, Digital Media, Music, Cinema, "Art," Literature, Libraries, & Archives
March 29, 2020 7:29 AM

Shutting Down an Entire Economy. Weighing up the Threat From the Virus and the Threat From the Reaction - Rob Slane/The Blogmire - Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Shutting Down an Entire Economy. Weighing up the Threat From the Virus and the Threat From the Reaction - Rob Slane/The Blogmire - Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization | ED 262 KCKCC Fa '24 | Scoop.it

Given some of the hostility doing the rounds at the moment when people have questioned the response of Governments to this outbreak, I anticipate that some might well have read this piece and still think that I have said that Covid-19 is not a problem. I have not said that, and I do not think that. What I have said can essentially be summed up as follows:

There has been a lack of reliable data upon which to take monumental socioeconomic decisions. Nevertheless, monumental socioeconomic decisions have been taken anyway. These decisions will have profound effects, quite possibly tanking the economy, plunging people into poverty, destroying civil liberties, and risking civil unrest. Now that more reliable data has started to come in, it seems to be showing that the initial concerns were vastly overblown. Given the above, we must look not just at the left-hand side of the scales, but also the right-hand side, and calmly assess whether the measures being taken are proportionate, or whether they are likely to do far, far more harm to the lives of millions than the threat they are intended to deal with.

Adding the new data coming out about the virus and mortality rates to the left-hand side of the balances, and considering the seismic and devastating effects on people, families, businesses, society and the economy that the current response is likely to bring, I can’t say I am remotely convinced that the path we are charting is proportionate or wise. For the Black Death, yes. For Covid-19, I remain sceptical.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Optimum Health: Hygiene, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Recreation, & Cognition
March 29, 2020 7:32 AM

'Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?': Professors Claim More Data Needed to Know Mortality Rate - Andrew Mark Miller/Washington Examiner

'Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?': Professors Claim More Data Needed to Know Mortality Rate - Andrew Mark Miller/Washington Examiner | ED 262 KCKCC Fa '24 | Scoop.it
Two professors of medicine at Stanford University published an opinion article Tuesday in the Wall Street Journal, suggesting there is little evidence that the coronavirus would kill millions of people without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco
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