ED 262 KCKCC Fa '24
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Scooped by Dennis Swender
July 3, 2018 7:40 PM

FIRE:  The First Amendment is for all Americans, regardless of their politics

"But policies adopted under conditions where all sides have a right to be heard carry the legitimacy they do precisely because free discussion and debate increase people’s confidence in the conclusions that are ultimately reached.... Whether in science, in a criminal trial, or in society at large, there is no reason to trust a conclusion that was reached without access to and consideration of all of the relevant information—the very information that censors wish to suppress.... Trying to see the argument from the other side is hard work. But then, governing a heterogeneous nation of more than 300,000,000 is hard work, and in our political system, we all share in that responsibility."
Dennis Swender's insight:
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Scooped by Dennis Swender
March 22, 2018 12:30 PM

Trumping the First Amendment: Student-Driven Calls for Speech Restrictions on Public College Campuses

Trumping the First Amendment: Student-Driven Calls for Speech Restrictions on Public College Campuses | ED 262 KCKCC Fa '24 | Scoop.it
A 2017 Case Western Reserve Law Review by JD Candidate Katlyn Ayn Patton
Dennis Swender's insight:
Note references to Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988), Bethel School District v. Frazer (1986), Burch v. Barker, Morse V. Frederick, and "in loco parentis" doctrine.
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