COVID-19: 'It May Turn Out That the World has Been Deceived' Hints Russian Military Intelligence Agent - Ekaterina Sazhneva | ED 262 KCKCC Fa '24 |

Against the backdrop of the panic “We are all going to die!”, Terrifying revelations of doctors and patients, quarantined states and apocalyptic news from Italy, I want to hear the voice of common sense.

Alexander Evsin ( pictured below ) – head of the situation center, deputy head of the data center (Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government). At the moment, the shift on duty is involved in large-scale anti-epidemiological measures in the city – in particular, it provides traffic management in the area of ​​the construction of a new infectious diseases hospital.

Alexander Evsin himself is a specialist in assessing the degree of threats of various kinds, including large-scale epidemics. He is an analyst, and his posts on the Internet are interesting primarily because they are calm and logical.

– You are criticized for writing about the epidemic without a hitch and knowledgeably, but you are not a medic.

– I have worked in military intelligence for 17 years, where I have always been serious about global threats. By education – engineer-mathematician. I have been working professionally for 25 years in the field of information processing and its evaluation. I have vast practical experience in researching data on the widest range of applied areas. This always includes immersion in the subject area, study of the issue and consultation with specialists.

Of course, I studied the existing problem to the extent sufficient for risk assessment. So you can consider my personal opinion regarding COVID-19 as the look of a specialist in probabilistic-statistical methods of analysis.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco