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Curated by Alessandro Rea
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Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from Training, eBook, Social Media & Web Design
October 27, 2016 2:34 PM!

Why Everyone Thinks Inbound Marketing Is Content Marketing

Why Everyone Thinks Inbound Marketing Is Content Marketing | Marketing_me |

Contenuti non bastano se non si circondano con altre tattiche di marketing inbound. Scopri perché in questo articolo.

Via massimo facchinetti, Marco Favero
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Scooped by Alessandro Rea
January 8, 2015 1:54 AM!

What to Cut From Your Marketing in 2015

What to Cut From Your Marketing in 2015 | Marketing_me |
Learn which marketing tactics you should totally forget about in 2015.
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Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from Bootstrapping Social Media Tools & Apps
October 23, 2013 12:54 PM!

Return on hashtags using what gets desired results

#returnonhashtags Show me what I’m getting from my hashtags Show me which tags got me > real results, not this #tripe! >

Via OsakaSaul
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Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from Must Market
October 17, 2013 5:28 AM!

Content Marketing & Curation Becoming Important For B2C and B2B Says New Content Marketing Institute Study

Content Marketing & Curation Becoming Important For B2C and B2B Says New Content Marketing Institute Study | Marketing_me |

MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) have followed up their study of B2B content marketing trends with research into the emerging trends in the B2C content marketing space [pdf]. 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Alessandro Rea's insight:

While B2B marketers are beginning to adopt B2C best practices when it comes to e-commerce, B2B marketers have traditionally invested more of their budgets into content marketing than their B2C counterparts, making it interesting to see how both sides measure up in this rapidly-growing area. There are many more similarities than one might expect.

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, October 15, 2013 4:59 PM

I'm still not convinced that curation is all that new or different than blogging or other online publishing activities. (Blogging is not dead.) Nor am I convinced it is the most important thing you can do in terms of marketing. (And just because "everyone is doing it" doesn't sway me either; like momma always said about if so & so jumped off a bridge...) But I don't think curation can be overlooked much longer. Curation needs to be evaluated for several major factors:

a) can it fit within your scope (Do you have the time & skill set? Can you do this in house or should you hire?)

b) purpose (to maintain existing clients/customers, to reach new ones?)

b) where would it fit? (Not all curation sites are the same; some are more suitable for products, brands, B2B or B2C reach, demographics, etc.)

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, October 15, 2013 5:00 PM

I'm still not convinced that curation is all that new or different than blogging or other online publishing activities. (Blogging is not dead.) Nor am I convinced it is the most important thing you can do in terms of marketing. (And just because "everyone is doing it" doesn't sway me either; like momma always said about if so & so jumped off a bridge...) But I don't think curation can be overlooked much longer. Curation needs to be evaluated for several major factors:

a) can it fit within your scope (Do you have the time & skill set? Can you do this in house or should you hire?)

b) purpose (to maintain existing clients/customers, to reach new ones?)

b) where would it fit? (Not all curation sites are the same; some are more suitable for products, brands, B2B or B2C reach, demographics, etc.)

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, October 15, 2013 5:00 PM

I'm still not convinced that curation is all that new or different than blogging or other online publishing activities. (Blogging is not dead.) Nor am I convinced it is the most important thing you can do in terms of marketing. (And just because "everyone is doing it" doesn't sway me either; like momma always said about if so & so jumped off a bridge...) But I don't think curation can be overlooked much longer. Curation needs to be evaluated for several major factors:

a) can it fit within your scope (Do you have the time & skill set? Can you do this in house or should you hire?)

b) purpose (to maintain existing clients/customers, to reach new ones?)

b) where would it fit? (Not all curation sites are the same; some are more suitable for products, brands, B2B or B2C reach, demographics, etc.)

Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from Social Media (network, technology, blog, community, virtual reality, etc...)
September 9, 2013 11:05 AM!

The Future of Marketing | Infographic

The Future of Marketing | Infographic | Marketing_me |
Optimal Targeting’s CEO David Konigsberg shares his insights on the future of marketing with this new metaphysically inclined infographic. It effect

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, roberto toppi
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, September 6, 2013 10:12 AM

Great Infographic and I bet at least half right :). M

AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, September 6, 2013 1:31 PM

Another great Scoop David!  I will take the test later and report my results  :)

Robin Martin's curator insight, September 14, 2013 11:53 AM

Right Marty...great infographic! Thanks for the scoop!

Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from AtDotCom Social media
February 25, 2013 5:57 AM!

2013 Digital Marketing Map For Online Entrepreneurs

2013 Digital Marketing Map For Online Entrepreneurs | Marketing_me |

Online marketing has hundreds of individual factors that can make or break your success. 

Hallam Internet Limited compiled all the factors of digital marketing and mapped them out in an easy to read diagram that clearly displays how each major factor breaks down. For example: Link Building includes backlink analysis, deep linking, competitor link analysis, etc...

Via Lauren Moss, John van den Brink
Anne-Marie Delfgaauw's curator insight, February 23, 2013 5:12 AM

Online marketing for dummies :)

Scooped by Alessandro Rea
October 16, 2016 12:42 PM!

Influencer Marketing Day: Resources, Tools, and Dispelled Myths

Influencer Marketing Day: Resources, Tools, and Dispelled Myths | Marketing_me |
Our weekly digest of new influencer marketing content on resources, tools, interviews, and other relevant articles and posts.
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Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from Must Market
October 28, 2013 1:51 PM!

Top 10 Marketing Revolution Scoops All Time

Top 10 Marketing Revolution Scoops All Time | Marketing_me |

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, October 27, 2013 7:42 PM

Top 10 Marketing Revolution Scoops All Time Videos - We Are All App Builders Now Infographic - 12 Things To Do After You Publish A New Blog Post Blog Post - 52 Totally Free Resources For Better Blogging Scoop + Graphic - Why Facebook Is Making Online Merchants More Money Than They Realize Graphic Matrix - Five Types of Social Media Influencers Study - Content Marketing & Curation Becoming Important For B2C and B2B Says New Content Marketing Institute Study Infographic - SEVEN STEPS TO THE PERFECT STORY Infographic - Content Marketing Is The New SEO Infographic - The Importance of Social Media and How it can help your business Infographic - Top 29 Inspirational Ways To Stay Creative In Life, Love, Business

Learn more about the Top 10 Conversion Study:

Scooped by Alessandro Rea
October 21, 2013 12:56 PM!

The Science Behind Why Great Stories Spread

The Science Behind Why Great Stories Spread | Marketing_me |
In the second of a two-part series Jonathan Gottschall discusses the unique power stories have to change minds and the key to their effectiveness.
John Michel's curator insight, October 22, 2013 5:36 AM

 When we enter into a story, we enter into an altered mental state--a state of high suggestibility.

Charlie Dare's curator insight, October 22, 2013 7:55 PM

Many songs in particular Country or blues ballards tell a story often of love lost like "Me and Bobby Magee "..."

And so the discussion continues. Jonathan Gottschall writes his second blog post in his series about why/how storytelling works so well for businesses (and in general).


He does a good job in laying that foundation.


I have two thoughts for readers as they check out this post:


1. Gottschalk talks about story structure. Of course you have to know story structures to craft a good story. But structure alone won't make you successful IMHO. There's a whole lot more going on in telling a compelling story and structure is only one piece. Ask any creative writer! There are many different formulas. Most biz folks in the US are completely unaware that different groups/cultures have different story structures than what we see broadcasted on the Internet. Which in a global marketplace has huge significance! I'm not anti-story structure -- I just want us to understand its role better.


2. Stories and manipulation. Yes we are being influenced by stories -- and have always been. Yes we are being manipulated all the time. Yes, at some level we know this. No, access to information via the Internet and social media does not innoculate against this. Which is one reason why consumers are getting much more savvy about purchasing from companies who are socially and environmentally conscious.


Gottschalk focuses mostly on ads in this post. Ads are only one type of business storytelling however. He asks questions at the end, "Is storytelling really locked into a master formula?" No. 


Another question he asks is, "Hasn't the digital revolution paved the way for a new kind of storytelling?" and "Is it time for story 2.0?" LOL -- both remain to be seen and I look forward to the next post!


This review was written by Karen Dietz for the Just Story It curation on business storytelling"

Scooped by Alessandro Rea
October 2, 2013 2:11 PM!

20 Simple Ways to Integrate Social Media with Traditional Marketing

20 Simple Ways to Integrate Social Media with Traditional Marketing | Marketing_me |
Social is also a great way to clarify the messages sent through traditional marketing. Here are 20 very simple ways to integrate social media with marketing
Alessandro Rea's insight:

It is becoming less and less often that I see a national brand, or even a local Mom and Pop store without some form of social media profile.  This is a good thing. However, more often than not they are only using Facebook and social profiles are not integrated with other marketing communications, or worse yet, not even tied to their traditional marketing strategy.



Wherever there it the potential to communicate with a consumer, there is the potential for integration. In teaching my graduate level social media marketing courses, it is often noted students can see so many potential areas their employers could integrate a social element. Many times a quick assessment of the competitions social media presence can incite a few ideas.


Traditional marketing and social marketing must be integrated andnurtured in order to realize the full potential of a very powerful combo. Without fully integrating the two, businesses can take on great risks related to over-dependence on one or over-use of another. Businesses must define their strategy, roles, and expectations of social media before both integration and implementation of a social strategy.



This month we visit concept #12 from my series 15 Social Media Concepts to Make you a More Marketable Social Media Professional:

Concept 12:  The importance of integrating traditional with social strategy.  This is often easier said than done and involves a lot of time, people, and patience.

Social is also a great way to help clarify the messages you send through traditional marketing.  With social media, you can create a dialogue with your customers to ensure the right messages are relayed. The key is consistency and relevancy. Integration of social media with traditional marketing requires the understanding that there are differences between the ways we communicate.  Keep in mind, anywhere communication becomes interactive can be considered a form of social media.


With social, we are now talking with our customers as opposed to at them via traditional methods. Likewise, social media is both outbound marketingand inbound marketing.



The following are just a few ways you can easily integrate social with existing traditional Marketing initiatives. Note that not all are suitable for all readers:

Create an AppOptimize your website for mobileUse social to promote inbound marketingLink all social profilesIncorporate social icons/links to the brand website/blogIncorporate social icons/links to all email marketingOffer the ability to share/like via share buttons/widgetsUtilize social media for a virtual eventUtilize social media at live eventsPromote Marketing events ( trade shows, seminars) via socialCreate video content/infographicsUtilize Qr Codes (only if it makes sense for you, I do not suggest QR Codes on moving objects. Yes  I have seen it done.)Use social media engagement for market researchUse Facebook/Twitter (or other platform) touch points on advertisingIncorporate your brand image/personality in all social platforms usedUtilize Social for employee recruitment and retentionUtilize social for sales team communication/prospectingOpen up customer service channels through social mediaInclude a ‘Call to Action’ in all communication (spark an action), give them a reason to go to a social touchpointUtilize Google Analytics to track visits and possible conversions

If you would like more information on any of the above tactics, please let me know in the comments below or contact me via Twitter @drjrogers.



Integrating social media and traditional marketing can be challenging. The right mixture of social and traditional ensures maximized positive results.  Keep in mind, if multiple people are representing the brand on social, tone of voice should be uniform across all marketing communication and should represent the brands image.

What local businesses in your area are “doing it right”? What about national brands? Comment below.

Image courtesy of

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Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from visualizing social media
August 1, 2013 6:57 AM!

How to Measure Content Marketing Success | Infographic

How to Measure Content Marketing Success | Infographic | Marketing_me |

This infographic recommends three broad areas to evaluate when assessing content marketing success. With more than 90% of companies now doing some form of content marketing, the logical question is: how do you know if you’re doing it well?

In terms of “what” to measure, this infographic from Brandpoint recommends three broad areas to assess:

  • • Awareness (e.g., search engine rank for target keywords,  social metrics such as likes and followers);
  • • Consideration (longer average visit duration, social shares); and
  • • Conversion (increased conversion rate, growth in newsletter subscriptions).

In terms of “how” to measure success, CMOs utilizing a sophisticated web presence optimization framework for maximizing content marketing results will likely embrace tools for measuring competitive multi-channel marketing metrics—not just “are we making progress?” but also “how are we doing compared to our competitors?”

Read more at the article link...

Via Lauren Moss
tonic ATX's curator insight, April 7, 2014 10:32 AM

Love this graphic on measuring content:

Digital Marketing - WSI France's curator insight, April 24, 2014 5:33 AM

Comment mesurer votre marketing de contenu? La réponse avec cette infographie

Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, June 19, 2014 1:36 PM

¿Como medir el éxito del marketing de contenidos? #infografia #infographic #marketing

Rescooped by Alessandro Rea from TSU Blogging
January 16, 2013 1:30 PM!

The Future Of Marketing Is Happening NOW, You In? Kuno Creative

The Future Of Marketing Is Happening NOW, You In? Kuno Creative | Marketing_me |

Article from Kuno marketing on what is content marketing and why you should care. 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, Mithuhassan
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, January 14, 2013 9:07 AM

This is an excellent advanced introduciton to content marketing. The rubber meets the road in the section on why you should care about content marketing. 

Seth Godin has my favorite statement about why you should care about content markteing when he says, "Its the only marketing left".