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Scooped by Alessandro Rea
October 12, 2016 2:06 PM!

B2B Marketing Is All About Lead Generation

B2B Marketing Is All About Lead Generation | Marketing_me |
B2B marketers are placing their B2B marketing budget squarely on lead generation. B2B lead generation is the biggest priority and many brands are struggling
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Scooped by Alessandro Rea
January 27, 2014 12:29 PM!

How to Get Existing Leads to Do Your Email Marketing for You

How to Get Existing Leads to Do Your Email Marketing for You | Marketing_me |

While the days of sending a newsletter email blast to your entire marketing database are over (or should be), email marketing isn't dead. In fact, if you do email marketing right, you can generate tons of new leads. "But I'm only emailing my existing leads," you might say with trepidation. "How can I possibly get new leads from my email marketing?"

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