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Curated by Beth Dichter
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Scooped by Beth Dichter
November 23, 2013 9:45 PM!

Should Student Work Be Public On the Web?

Should Student Work Be Public On the Web? | Eclectic Technology |

"10+ years ago, filters and blocking tools were banning access to most blogs and web publishing services in schools around the world."

Beth Dichter's insight:

But times have changed. Many resources that were blocked in the past are not being used by teachers on a daily basis. This post explores if the same should be true for student work. Is it time to allow student work to be public on the web?

Does an authentic audience improve student writing? Will students try harder if they share their work? These are two of the questions explored in this post. Along with the Pros of Posting Online this post includes the following areas:

* Tips for Allowing Public Posting

* Let Students Know

* Have and Review Guidelines and Rules (including sample guidelines)

* Get Parent Permission (including 18 examples)

* Encourage Sharing and Commenting

* Give Students Freedom

* Be Public Without Fear of the Public

* Don't Stress Over Moderating Everything

What are your thoughts? Do you think that your students would be more engaged if they were allowed to write to a larger audience of their peers and receive feedback from them? There are a number of comments on the original post and you may also learn from these responses.

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Scooped by Beth Dichter
November 17, 2012 9:00 PM!

6 Things To Teach Students About Social Media - Edudemic

6 Things To Teach Students About Social Media - Edudemic | Eclectic Technology |
Now more than ever, students need to understand the basics of social media and how it can affect their future both negatively and positively.

What are some of the issues students need to be aware of when it comes to social media? This post recommends six area:

* Your online reputation

* The concept of privacy and having a "professional public appearance online"

* The value of connections (as in your personal network) 

* Helping student establish their expertise (blogging, etc.)

* Internet savvy (as in "find the cheapest textbooks online")

* Staying updated

As the article states "social media will drive the upcoming generation" so teaching them how to use the Internet and "manage" their online identity is critical.

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