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Tech tools that assist all students to be independent learners & teachers to become better teachers
Curated by Beth Dichter
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Scooped by Beth Dichter
November 2, 2013 10:02 PM!

Citing an Image is Not Enough!

Citing an Image is Not Enough! | Eclectic Technology |
I am thrilled to see so many students creating blog posts and going BEYOND "writing" text made up letters, words, sentences and paragraphs. Being able to "read" and "write" in other media is part o...
Beth Dichter's insight:

Yet there is still the issue that students are citing images without checking to see if they have the correct permissions to do so. Students (and teachers) need to be aware of copyright rules. Using resources like Flickr you will find many pictures but students need to learn how check to see if the image is under Creative Commons and accurately site the source.

Langwitch does an excellent job explaining a situtation that she experienced with her students and provides screenshots to help you understand what to look for. Teaching students how to cite resources is teaching our students media literacy.

Consider having your students create an image that they could put under Create Commons and have attibuted to them of others were to use it.

Nancy Jones's curator insight, November 3, 2013 3:52 PM

I don't know that I, myself, am as through as I could be about this. Thanks

Scooped by Beth Dichter
July 20, 2012 4:36 PM!

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship – Google in Education

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship – Google in Education | Eclectic Technology |

Do you wonder how to best teach about YouTube and Digital Citizenship? Google has just released a "new interactive curriculum to support teachers of secondary students (~ ages 13-17)." 

The curriculum has ten lessons: What Makes YouTube Unique, Detecting Lies, Safety Mode, Online Reputation and Cyberbullying, Policy, Reporting Content, Privacy Part 1, Privacy Part 2, Copyright, and Additional Resources/Appendix Including Parent Resources.

There is a Teacher's Guide as well as Slides for each lessons. 

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Scooped by Beth Dichter
March 31, 2013 10:01 PM!

A Good Collection of 13 Digital Citizenship Resources

A Good Collection of 13 Digital Citizenship Resources | Eclectic Technology |

"Jen Deyenberg at Northern Gateway Public Schoolshas created a nice collection of digital citizenship resources for teachers and parents. The collection is organized into sections for elementary school, middle school, and high school. There is a separate tab for parent resources. One of the things that I like about the collection is that understanding copyright has been included as part of digital citizenship."

Beth Dichter's insight:

If you teach digital citizenship in any grade from preK to 12 the site that Richard Byrne discusses is worth checking out. The resources are organized by age (as in elementary, middle years, high school) and there are parent resources as well as resources on copyright and ones for teachers. Each resource is described and with a click you can arrive at the destination!

CurieSPK1's curator insight, April 7, 2013 12:23 AM

It is important for everyone to be aware of the impact Digital Citizenship is making globally.  What a great resource for that purpose!