Eclectic Technology
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Eclectic Technology
Tech tools that assist all students to be independent learners & teachers to become better teachers
Curated by Beth Dichter
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Scooped by Beth Dichter
July 19, 2013 2:14 PM!

Bloom’s Taxonomy Paint Palette

Bloom’s Taxonomy Paint Palette | Eclectic Technology |

"An article I read this week had me thinking about Bloom’s Taxonomy and what learning really is.  It led to me coming up with a new graphic for Bloom’s Taxonomy, this one a Paint Palette.  I like thinking about Bloom’s in the form of an artist paint palette because each color has equal importance.  For an artist, the greatest beauty comes in the mixing of colors.  Using a multitude of shades and blends on a canvas.  I think the same can be said of learning."

Beth Dichter's insight:

This is a work in progress based on student work at Anastasis Academy. We know that we would like our students to be able to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways, but often they find one way and that becomes the only way (from their perspective). In this post Kelly Tenkely describes her experiences with students at Anastasis Academy and how this experience has led her to create this paint palette that will contain two additional components.

Along with this palette you will find a painting that provides "students ideas for different outcomes and evidences of learning" and a component that is still a work in progress, that will "an app and website catalog organized by the same colors so that students can be introduced to the many options they have for the different types of learning and producing." You can see the page with apps in this post that are specific to Create and additional pages with apps will be posted in the future.

Sue Alexander's curator insight, July 21, 2013 9:40 PM

An excellent analogy, and a visual my students will surely relate to in the Art Room. I think this will be helpful as they plan and reflect upon their own learning goals.

Jessica Rebstock's curator insight, July 22, 2013 11:55 AM

I appreciate that this view of Bloom's Taxonomy is less linear. Every course needs a different blend of Bloom's learning levels.

Scooped by Beth Dichter
March 3, 2013 2:42 PM!

The Padagogy Wheel - iPad Apps and Bloom's Taxonomy

The Padagogy Wheel - iPad Apps and Bloom's Taxonomy | Eclectic Technology |
Beth Dichter's insight:

Rather than pedagogy this is the Padagogy Wheel,looking at Bloom's Taxonomy related to the iPad. Would you agree with where the apps are placed or do you find that your use of them varies from what is suggested above? 

Allan Carrington's comment, March 8, 2013 6:29 PM
THE PADAGOGY WHEEL: Thanks Jenny for reposting this. I am the first to agree that some of these apps might be better placed elsewhere on the wheel also there are more than one place for each app and there is constant need for updating as new apps are released. Where I am planning to take this next is develop "app powered learning sequences" i.e. connecting more than one app together to build a learning activity sequence. This will IMHO generate a highly engaging flow of transformational learning .... what do others think?

Also I thought some people might also find my 1.57 min video thought provoking. In it I introduce this wheel and more research I am working on with graduate attributes, Please visit which will be redirected to YouTube. I am calling the method the CAMERA Method .. "Capabilities and Attributes Mapping for Educational Results inspiring Achievement" ... it's all about the students being all they can be. It is about mapping everything back to graduate attributes, values and capabilities These are more than learning outcomes, they are an attempt to define a graduate.

There is also the podcast episode I did with Prof Geoff Scott of the Uni of Western Sydney. He has done years of research into graduate capabilities (aka values or attributes) It is fascinating stuff in the context of Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching. He has asked the people who give the jobs and catalogued what the respective industries in the market place want in graduates. Duh! Look at the list and ask yourself are they being developed in students from Higher Education or in Education in general ... this is why mapping is so important. Are we equipping graduates to excel and make a difference .... hmmm! Have a look and listen to "If you exercise these capabilities ... you will be employed!" This sort of stuff makes the "CAMERA method" worth developing. Comments are welcome guys? ... regards Allan.
Keshena Cooke's curator insight, January 24, 2014 8:30 PM

For those trying to use technology in the classroom, this is worth a look.

Scooped by Beth Dichter
July 8, 2013 10:21 AM!

Using the Padagogy Wheel: It's All About Grey-matter Grids

Using the Padagogy Wheel: It's All About Grey-matter Grids | Eclectic Technology |
Beth Dichter's insight:

This latest iteration of the Padagogy Wheel has all apps hot linked to the iTunes preview page and other sources. It also includes some QR codes that will take you to some additional resources including Graduate Attributes and Capabilities, a video of Dan Pink presenting "The Puzzle of Motivation" at TEDtalk, and a link to a post on his website  that describes how to use the wheel.

To go directly to the Padagoy Wheel (as a downloadable pdf file):

Jaime Parker's curator insight, July 10, 2013 2:49 PM

What a great resource!