Is the Educational Revolution About Videos: Ted-Ed and Khan Academy? | Eclectic Technology |

"Khan Academy and the new Ted-Ed website are being touted to create an educational revolution. What I am concerned about is the underlying pedagogy of Ted-Ed and Khan Academy. I love listening to a good talk and talking about it afterwards, but does it change my thoughts and/or behavior? Typically not. Grant Wiggins’ recent post, 'Everything you know about curriculum may be wrong. Really' discusses this point:

The point of learning is not just to know things but to be a different person – more mature, more wise, more self-disciplined, more effective, and more productive in the broadest sense."

So one question to consider, are the videos the core of instruction, or are teachers (live and in person) the core? Gernstein provides many resources in this article and raises many interesting points as this question is explored.