A Look at Poverty’s Evil Twin | Taking Note | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

Today the U.S. is polarized, yet this post by John Merrow states "I have found something that unites Republicans and Democrats: neither party talks about poverty, despite our current epidemic of child poverty and its consequences for the life chances of millions of children."

Merrow continues to discuss poverty, and what he describes as its "evil twin, greed" stating that "we cannot solve on in isolation."

He provides a number of statistics from the National Center for Children in Poverty, including:

* 31% of white children - 12.1 million - live in low-income families.

* 64% of black children - 6.5 million - live in low-income families.

* 31% of Asian children - 1.0 million - live in low-income families.

* 63% of Hispanic children - 10.7 million - live in low-income families.

When you add in American Indian and children of other races, 30 million children live in poverty.

For more information on this and to learn more about "deep poverty" and "normal poverty" as well as a look at salary differentials between the typical CEO and the typical worker click through to the article. Merrow suggest that "if we backed away from greed, we would be more open to recognize the scourge of poverty and the long term threat it poses to our nation."