Innovations in Education - Developing Future Workskills Through Content Curation | Eclectic Technology |

Does content curation also help develop future workskills? This post addresses this question. To do this effectively the Apollo Research Institute Future Workskills 2020 study was used to identify critical workforce skills. (The link to this research study is in the post and also may be found in this

Many of the skills identified align with the skills of content curation. Ten skills are identified in this post and each skill may be found in content curation. The ten skills identified are:

* Sensemaking

* Computational Thinking

* New Media Literacy

* Transdisciplinarity

* Cognitive Load Management

* Social Intelligence

* Novel and Adaptive Thinking

* Design Mindset

* Cross Cultural Competency

* Virual Collaboration

Each skill is defined and followed by a short discussion on how content curation is connected to the skill. If you missed the first article published, Understanding Content Curation, you will find a link to it in the article.