Wonder - How Do We Bring it Back? | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it
Cultural anthropologist and media ecologist Mike Wesch examines how the internet has changed communication and relationships today.

Mike Wesch, who has a number of viral videos, such as The Machine is Us/ing Us, Information R/evolution and An Anthropological Introduction to You Tube, is currently writing a book about "wonder". Below is a quote from an interview.

"I am working on a book about “wonder”—what it is, how to harness it, how to inspire it, why it is on the decline right now, and how to bring it back. Wonder is both a sense of awe and a capacity for contemplation. More than just curiosity, wonder allows us to see beyond the surface of things, to seek patterns, or even better, to question the patterns we have taken for granted. To wonder is to embrace the possibility that we have it all wrong, that the frameworks around which we have built our view of the world might need to change, that the pillars upon which our worldview sit might need readjusting or be destroyed altogether..."

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