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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
May 19, 2017 2:00 PM!

On the Formation of Government by Hugo Cyr :: SSRN

During the last decade, in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada, the media have competed to be the first to declare on election nights who will form the next governme
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
May 31, 2016 6:21 AM! Site d'information juridique canadien

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 23, 2016 5:50 PM!

The passing of Maritime Law Book – the end of an era. – Slaw

While not unexpected, the announcement by Eric Appleby that Maritime Law Book will be closing its doors in November 2016, is still a bit of a shock. No one has done more than Eric and his indomitable team at Maritime Law Book to transform the nature
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