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October 27, 2012 5:30 PM!

Stories Are Not Evidence

Stories Are Not Evidence | digital marketing strategy |

"Being of a slightly contrarian frame of mind, however, I think it’s important that we remind ourselves that stories do have limits, and excessive reliance on them can weaken our persuasive efforts, especially when our listeners start probing a little deeper to find the real truth behind them."


I like how the author Jack Malcolm starts out his blog. Yes, stories can be deceptive just like any other form of communication.


And I agree with his first point: they may be untrue or exaggerated.


After that however, I put my cranky pants on.


The next point advocates is that stories are ALWAYS incomplete; that nuance and complexity get in the way of a good story.


Balderdash I say!! What a simplistic statement. Hasn't he ever heard of rich media, layered meanings, and multiple interpretations? Yikes.


The next point is equally problematic: stories may be true, but insufficient; that the more vivid and compelling a story, the more it can mislead because the listener focuses in on the details instead of the larger picture. 


Aaaarrrgghh! All that says to me is that the teller is not that skilled in storytelling and crafting co-created meanings that speak to the larger picture. 


Bottom line? Learn the craft of storytelling. Learn how to layer multiple meanings into your biz stories when needed. Keep drawing out the bigger picture in your stories when needed. And be authentic.


This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at ;

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment October 27, 2012 6:04 PM
Hi Malek! Just an FYI -- I did rewrite my original review of this article, making some slight changes. I felt I was a little too harsh on the author :) Thanks for re-scooping this piece!
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