The Creative Mind
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The Creative Mind
Information and inspiration for creators:
Curated by Douglas Eby
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Scooped by Douglas Eby
June 1, 11:26 PM!

Fear and Anxiety Can Help Us Be More Creative

Fear and Anxiety Can Help Us Be More Creative | The Creative Mind |
The quality and intensity of fear or anxiety, can both motivate and disrupt our creative expression.
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Scooped by Douglas Eby
May 14, 2018 8:23 PM!

Fears, Unconscious Fears, And Being More Creative

Fears, Unconscious Fears, And Being More Creative | The Creative Mind |

“I don’t do anything anymore that feels safe." Sandra Bullock.


But creativity coach Eric Maisel has found, “Anxiety regularly stops creative people in their tracks."


Psychologist Mihaela Ivan Holtz notes the "fears that we are aware of, we can choose to face them or not. However, Unconscious Fears are deceiving."

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Scooped by Douglas Eby
July 18, 2012 9:55 PM!

Do Creative Work Activities Create Stress?

Do Creative Work Activities Create Stress? | The Creative Mind |
"These stressful elements of creative work detract from what most people generally see as the positive sides of creative job conditions."...

The demands associated with creative work activities pose key challenges for workers, according to new research out of the University of Toronto that describes the stress associated with some aspects of work and its impact on the boundaries between work and family life.

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Scooped by Douglas Eby
January 20, 2022 3:53 PM!

How Dealing With Intense Emotions and Trauma Can Release Your Creativity •

How Dealing With Intense Emotions and Trauma Can Release Your Creativity • | The Creative Mind |
As an artist, you need to access your emotions to make your art, perform, or accomplish your goals. Emotions are your creative power. Sometimes, your past emotional experiences can hijack your feelings in the present; thus, interfering with your creativity or performance.” – Psychotherapist Mihaela Ivan Holtz
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Scooped by Douglas Eby
December 23, 2013 10:53 PM!

Developing Creativity: Fear Is Not A Disease | TalentDevelop

Developing Creativity: Fear Is Not A Disease | TalentDevelop | The Creative Mind |

"As children, fear is a natural part of our lives, but as adults we view fear as a disease. It’s not a disease." - Psychologist Robert Maurer //


“Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.” James Thurber  //


Ben Stiller stars in and directs a movie version of Thurber’s famous story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and comments, “At a certain point, you want to be taking chances. That’s when you’re having the most vital experiences.”



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Scooped by Douglas Eby
June 6, 2012 1:44 PM!

Anxiety and the Amygdala

Anxiety and the Amygdala | The Creative Mind |
Anxiety and the Amygdala

The amygdala in the brain's limbic system has a role is in the processing of emotional reactions like anxiety or 'flight or fight' responses.


Dealing with anxiety will help you express your creative talents more fully.

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