Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!!
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Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!!
Cyberbullying, Cybermobbing, hate against persons on Internet, asocial behavior, bad education...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 20, 2012 7:38 PM!

Cyberbullying: How to stay safe

Cyberbullying: How to stay safe | Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!! |

"It's really important that parents understand how the Internet works and how young people are using it.


There's no point to having a conversation with your child about how they use social networking sites if you have no idea what Facebook, MSN or instant messenger is.


It's not about taking over their world or spying on them. It's about understanding and appreciating it."

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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 24, 2011 12:11 PM!

What to do if your child's being bullied

What to do if your child's being bullied | Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!! |

Tips and useful websites that can help...

Tell your child that bullying is not acceptable behaviour and that you will do what you can to get the bullying to stop.

Listen to your child's fears, reassure your child that it is not their fault and that this is not something that they will face alone.
Let them know that you will help them.
Don't pressurise them to talk to you.

Give them ideas of who else they could talk to - a relative, a teacher, your GP or ChildLine on tel: 0800 1111.
Help them build up their confidence.
Praise and encourage them.
Talk to his/her teacher and try to work with the school on tackling the problem.
Keep a bullying report - keep records and written details of incidents and if known, the names of perpetrators.
Do not accept that repeated verbal abuse is teasing and not bullying - the important difference to note is whether it is distressing your child.
Ensure that the school take action and follow up each key step until you are satisfied.
Finally, keep notes of meetings, copies of letters and record details of phone calls.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 28, 2011 7:08 AM!

Is my child being bullied?

Is my child being bullied? | Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!! |
Some children are good at hiding their feelings and the first you may know of the problem is when your child suddenly doesn't want to go to school, or says they are ill when PE lessons are on the agenda.
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