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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 28, 2015 5:08 PM!

Trending Vs. Best Sellers via @Curagami

Trending Vs. Best Sellers via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Trending AND Best Sellers
Good idea to have TRENDING and BEST SELLERS categories. B2B SaaS companies may not have "best seller". "May not" because we believe every online marketing team should have an ecommerce store, but few B2B marketers take us up on that belief.  

Trending  is what is happening NOW. Best Sellers are what has happened over a longer period (say a month, quarter or year). Trending is a great word since it implies the influence of the "mob". 

The best "trending" is where the guts of the trending engine is shared and easy to see. Digg's voting engine or Facebook's thumbs up / down make it easy to SEE the tribe and their votes.

We added Trending as a category today, but are manually calculating what should be in the category form Google Analytics. Better to automate it all and then share what you automated. If you count sales, shares and subscriptions (immediately after)  TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS and they will give you the kind of feedback your system needs.

If you aren't that sophisticated yet do something like what we are doing. Share your GA results so customers know how you are calculating "trending" (reminds us we need to add that). Not as good as trending based on easy to SEE feedback loops, but trust creating nonetheless.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 9, 2014 1:43 AM!

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Brand Sculpting creates a brand's online community in alignment with User Generated Content, a growing tribe of advocates & trending keywords & content.

5 Tips
* 10 Tools including ( @Kelly Hungerford), Haiku Deck, G+, Pinterest & Others.
* Community & UGC.
* Digital Listening.
* Analytics.
* Moon Audio examples.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 11, 2013 8:20 PM!

Social Media's ROI Magic: How To Use SMM As A TACTIC

Social Media's ROI Magic: How To Use SMM As A TACTIC | Curation Revolution |

This post shares how to use social media follower numbers to calculate marketing response. I created a model to determine if we have enough social support to achieve our BIG #curecancer goals on launch of ( in October.

We will come up short, so PLEASE join our Cure Cancer Buzz Team and help beat the "cure cancer drum" in October.

Thanks, Marty

BTW, I shared my "cheat sheet" on a Google Doc here

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 27, 2012 3:55 PM!

Google Analytics When FREE Is Expensive - Is There A Drop GA In 2013 Movement?

Google Analytics When FREE Is Expensive - Is There A Drop GA In 2013 Movement? | Curation Revolution |

Great well reasoned article here about why the author has decided to drop Google Analytics.

Phil Buckley's curator insight, December 27, 2012 8:33 AM

Data is the only thing that matters anymore. Who will own your data?

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 18, 2014 8:15 PM!

Iceberg Effect - A Marin Must Read Sentence

Iceberg Effect - A Marin Must Read Sentence | Curation Revolution |

The Iceberg Effect is why you may not know what you don't know when marketing online. This Curagami post shares how to avoid becoming an online Titanic.

Learn about The Iceberg Effect on our latest Curagami post:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 14, 2013 12:07 PM!

Ultimate Guide To Measuring The Best Social Network For Internet Marketers - Google Plus [via @jeffsauer ]

Ultimate Guide To Measuring The Best Social Network For Internet Marketers - Google Plus [via @jeffsauer ] | Curation Revolution |

Ultimate Guide To Measuring Most Disruptive Social Net
I'm a big fan of +Jeff Sauer's work. Jeff's work is creative, intelligent and comprehensive. I…

Great @FerreeMoney question on this G+ vs. Scoopit on this post.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

GooglePlus Rocks

The linked post explains why Google plus is the most valuable "social network" on the planet and recommends Jeff Sauer's Ultimate Guide To Measuring Google+. 

If you don't know Jeff's work get to know it. Jeff’s work is great and this guide is amazing. If you remain a #GooglePlus hater good and please come compete with me (lol). 

As I explained in the linked post I LOOK FOR the kind of loud, ignorant and way too over confident BS that was circulating about G+. Those naysayers mean there is a tool I must investigate and master. 

We lucky few Internet marketers must be empathic rebels, a difficult combination to master. We must understand trends others miss and buy cheap and sell rich. When I hear a loud Greek chorus my ears always perk up. 

My use of Google+ over the last two years says that contrarian streak has paid off again. ROI assured it is time to master the most disruptive social network on the planet and that is where Jeff's amazingly detailed understanding of this tool comes in. 

Jeff provides his "Ultimate Guide" (and for once that term is accurate) in multiple formats. I'm working my way through the PDF (and yes that means I am old school). Learn anyway that works for you, but LEARN. 

There are only a handful of people on EARH who can make millions online. Making money online requires putting someone else first, something most aren't willing to do. Every great Internet marketer I know signed on to G+ years ago, but even they could learn a thing or too from @JeffSauer's amazing guide.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 20, 2013 3:33 AM!

Free Google+ And Twitter Marketing Metric Tools

Free Google+ And Twitter Marketing Metric Tools | Curation Revolution |
So you've got what you think is a relatively successful social media campaign going – but how do you know? What statistics do you go by? Simply having a
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great free tools I'd never heard of on this Business 2 Community post.

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