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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 18, 2014 11:35 PM!

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post]

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post] | Curation Revolution |

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Cmmunity
@Guillaume Decugis  was nice enough to ask me to weigh in on his blog post. He knew it wouldn't be hard for me to write 1,000 words on something that I feel strongly about - what will tomorrow's marketing look like.

Little is certain OTHER than tomorrow's marketing will be very different than today's and unrecognizable from yesterdays. The post on G+ shares my reaction to Guillaume's post along with as much Nostradamas as I can muster at midnight after a long day.

The core is YES content curation is going to be an integral part of the friends of friends marketing creating community we see at our Triangle Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami ( ).

One BIG THING we've already learned is RESPECT, ADMIRATION and enough envy to fuel a train for what Marc, Guillaume, Ally and the Scoopiteers created. The post discusses how any cause moves from passion, through to business and finally into quackery.

That evolution is why all tactical online marketing is dead man walking. The key is winning and keeping hearts and minds. Certainly content curation is going to be HUGE in winning the LOVE any successful brand or online presence will require to be successful in tomorrow's marketing. Are there a few other things? You bet and I tried to share all of the hard won lessons about content, community and love team Curagami is learning.

My G+ Post

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Marketing Automation, Marketing, Sales and Lead Generation
February 13, 2014 5:57 AM!

8 Benefits of Niche Marketing [4 from Scenttrail]

8 Benefits of Niche Marketing [4 from Scenttrail] | Curation Revolution |

Read on to find out generalist woes, specialist advantages, and 4 benefits to a defined marketing niche..

Marty Note
This post includes 4 benefits of "Niche Marketing" or focusing your business on a segment or persona group that may have emerged "organically". Here are their 4 benefits:

1. Increased Profits

2. Reduced Marketing Costs

3. Greater Trust and Credibility

4. Reduced Competition

Here are 4 more benefits of finding your niche:

5. Content Marketing Is An Option.

6. Easier To Become An Authority.

7. Winning Hearts & Minds More Likely.

8. Coherent Multi-Channel Possible & Cheaper.

No one can effectively content market to more than about 3 things. The fewer things you want to become an authority on, from Google's perspective, the easier it is to understand you.

Google's "spider" deals in math. If your "math" is consistently about X then you stand a chance of becoming an authority on X. Authority status is earned not created. By narrowing your content marketing to a niche or even a niche of a niche you may WIN where you had no chance of winning further up the food chain.

Today’s marketing demands people love you with the expression of that love being their willingness to use their personal brand in your favor. The trap is the more you want to be loved the less likely you are to be loved,

so narrowing your niche and being true to your expertise, passion and love makes it more likely those values will be returned by customers.

Coherence is an overlooked benefit of narrowing your focus.

Coherence in this crazy multi-channel world is a challenge. Your marketing needs to live on a website, social networks, email marketing and video marketing to name just a few of the “channels” a contemporary business demands. Coherence of message and channel is easier when your narrowcast.  

Via Stefano Principato, massimo facchinetti
malek's curator insight, February 13, 2014 6:14 AM

Coherence is a flashy word.

Let's remember the fact  that for each digital marketing solution you must come with specific data collection JavaScript tag language, then define terms differently as to what constitutes a visitor, a page, an event, a conversion, shopping cart activity, or transactions

No wonder Marty points here to the huge advantage of niche marketing in this coherence dilemma.

Go Viral Exposure's curator insight, February 14, 2014 12:19 PM

Here´s a good post about the Benefits of Niche Marketing by #kristamoon

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Must Market
February 18, 2014 9:41 PM!

Content Marketing's Magic Beans: 4 Sharing Tips - via Curatti

Content Marketing's Magic Beans: 4 Sharing Tips - via Curatti | Curation Revolution |

Sharing is the "magic beans" of content marketing. Sharing starts the train,but there are ways to share that help generate more shares. This post includes 4 Sharing Tips:

* Give Expertise Away.
* Following Is Currency, Spend It.
* Presence Makes You Real.
* Trust in Karma of the Share.

If you plant these magic beans your content marketing will reach for the clouds. Just make sure to run for the hills if you year, "Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum".

Therese Torris's comment, February 19, 2014 4:14 AM
Great post, Marty, thanks !
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 28, 2012 9:57 AM!

Stories Are Not Evidence: Master Storyteller Karen Dietz Puts On Cranky Pants

Stories Are Not Evidence: Master Storyteller Karen Dietz Puts On Cranky Pants | Curation Revolution |

"Being of a slightly contrarian frame of mind, however, I think it’s important that we remind ourselves that stories do have limits, and excessive reliance on them can weaken our persuasive efforts, especially when our listeners start probing a little deeper to find the real truth behind them."

I like how the author Jack Malcolm starts out his blog. Yes, stories can be deceptive just like any other form of communication.

And I agree with his first point: they may be untrue or exaggerated.

After that however, I put my cranky pants on.

The next point advocates is that stories are ALWAYS incomplete; that nuance and complexity get in the way of a good story.

Balderdash I say!! What about the creation of rich media, layered meanings, and multiple interpretations? 

The next point is equally problematic: stories may be true, but insufficient; that the more vivid and compelling a story, the more it can mislead because the listener focuses in on the details instead of the larger picture. 

Aaaarrrgghh! All that says to me is that when that happens, the teller is not that skilled in storytelling and the crafting of co-created meanings which speak to a larger picture. 

Bottom line for all of us? Keep learning the craft of storytelling. Know how to layer multiple meanings into your biz stories when needed. Keep drawing out the bigger picture in your stories when needed. And be authentic.

This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at

Marty Note
Great thoughts from Karen. I especially love her end call to action. Keep learning the craft of storytelling! If you missed Karen's the Best Stories Win for @SmallRivers' blog read it now as it is a MUST READ on how to tell a story:

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment October 27, 2012 6:04 PM
Hi Malek! Just an FYI -- I did rewrite my original review of this article, making some slight changes. I felt I was a little too harsh on the author :) Thanks for re-scooping this piece!