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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Digital-News on today
October 13, 2014 12:33 PM!

10 Tips To Increase Content Marketing Engagement via Biznology [+7 @Scenttrail tips]

10 Tips To Increase Content Marketing Engagement via Biznology [+7 @Scenttrail tips] | Curation Revolution |

Marty Note
I like Biznology's 3 Tips to increase engagement so much I added a few:


1. Ask Questions, Respond to Answers

2. Personalize

3. Test ‘Em

4. Curate Simple (i.e. not mean) controversy.
5. Curate Social Content.
6. Tap Branded Content (manufacturers or gurus).

7. Polls and Surveys.
8. Guest Posts.
9. Ambassadors.
10. Test for Engagement with new KPIs

When ask their customers Fostex or Audese? They got headphone lovers to weigh in on what they like about their favorite brands and why. This kind of simple controversy is great for creating online community since it doesn't destroy the "we are in this together" feeling.

When site sponsors and owners use THEIR content (User Generated Content) that action says, "We listen" more clearly than words. Follow those who follow you on social media and curate their content into your streams, websites and blogs with permission and attribution to increase engagement. Nothing like using what they've shared in a material way to prove the value you place in sharing.

Tap Branded Content
When you use a Seth Godin riff or TED talk you increase authority and authority helps promote engagement.

Polls & Surveys
When in doubt ASK and publish results. We are bench mark seeking machines we humans so always share results and incorporate results into blog posts and website content to reinforce value you place in those who vote (see #5).

Guest Posts
When you ask someone to help out you prove how much you value others. Your community grows when its open to outside influence. Salesforce increased blog traffic by 1,000% when they asked for guest posts. Guest posts have high built in engagement too since the writer is sure to share with his/her social net.

We are big believers in ASKING FOR HELP. Inside your traffic 1% wants to share high value UGC, 9% will vote and share that content too so find your 10% Ambassadors and ask for their help.

Testing for Engagement
We need new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that value UGC, shares, likes and links. If your content is creating engagement double down. If not review these 10 tips and test something new. Make sure your "winner" metrics include KPIs that speak to core content marketing and engagement values such as time on site, shares, comments, likes and links.

Via Thomas Faltin
Thomas Faltin's comment, October 13, 2014 3:24 PM
Martin, thanks for sharing!
malek's curator insight, October 15, 2014 6:42 PM

People intuitively perceive the strength in numbers, and take comfort in the company of others. Did I mention Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter...?

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 15, 2013 4:35 PM!

1st Give Guide & Why Lawyers & Real Estate Agents Need One Too!

1st Give Guide & Why Lawyers & Real Estate Agents Need One Too! | Curation Revolution |

Great Conent Marketing
We've discussed why lawyers and real estate agents must create content and social marketing. We haven't discussed WHAT kind of content they should create. Since we are speaking with lawyers let's stipulate a few important conclusions:

* Content marketing must generate social shares and links to matter.

* Cause marketing, since it is highly emotional, generates great social shares and links.
* The best content marketing you can WIN is UGC (User Generated Content) since it brings social shares and links along with it.
* Content marketing is expensive and takes time, but it can give any business that gets good at it an unprecedented market advantage.


That last bullet may be a little "trust me" for some, but trust me ANYTHING you do now must be supported by content marketing OR your assets will be stolen and/or be worth less.

Now that we have agreement on the base stipulations for our content marketing what kind of marketing should we create? A: Communal and cause.

Cause marketing like the IndyWeek Give Guide mashup is brilliant because you do almost NO WORK and achieve a huge benefit even as you help others (so win, win, win). found a handful of local nonprofits across a variety of segments, asked them to submit an application and then formed their profile page out of that application (could have automated it all and they will next year). Cost = CHEAP, amount of new content = 27 pages. Amount of new social links, shares and SEO? HUGE.

Lawyers & Real Estate Agents
Divorce attorneys could gather 20 or 30 nonprofits probably easily out of their rolodex. Each nonprofit should be aligned so women's shelters, Ronald McDonald House and other community support reinforce the office's business.

Real Estate agents are really community content gatekeepers. They know the best restaurants, schools and stores because that knowledge helps them sell houses. Great content and social marketing real estate agents like my friend Bill Gassett know all the great local charities too so create a Give Guide to share that knowledge.

I can't remember when I've seen such a clear content and social marketing homerun that costs so LITTLE especially since my friends at WTE Solutions know how to set up a Give Guide now, so I bet total costs don't exceed $5k. Benefit, on the other hand, has to run into the millions (done right).


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