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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 5, 2015 5:15 AM!

Content Marketing: Adding Scoopit Magazines To Your Blog or Site

Content Marketing: Adding Scoopit Magazines To Your Blog or Site | Curation Revolution |

Adding Magazines
Adding Scoopit Magazines to a blog or website is a Curagami post that shares the easy how and why of adding "magazines" (feeds) and content curation, to your blog or website. Content curation via Scoopit adds inexpensive reach and customer engagement generating loyalty and return on investment.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 9, 2015 11:42 AM!

5 Tips To Magazine Your Content Marketing via Curagami

5 Tips To Magazine Your Content Marketing  via Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Future of Content Marketing For Online Merchants
Online merchants are learning hard lessons about content marketing. Mainly that it takes a lot of time, effort and money. What if you could increase your customers engagement, support and loyalty without spending an arm and a leg? Interested?

This Curagami post shares tips on how to think like a magazine editor - at least an online magazine content editor. It shares five tips including:

  • Find 3 – 5 content groups that interest your visitors.
  • Decide your schedule (we recommend monthly updates at first because that is a big commitment that must be kept to gain trust).
  • Curate content from trusted sources such as brands, manufacturers and even competitors.
  • Automate at least one of your content groups with feeds.
  • Find and nurture free visual media sources such as Haiku Deck.

Read more about evergreen content and why thinking like a magazine editor can help your online store create TRIBE and MONEY on Curagami:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 31, 2015 8:52 AM!

Fractals, Ecommerce & The Web - Finding and Using Your 80:20 Rule [video]

Fractals, Ecommerce & The Web - Finding and Using Your 80:20 Rule [video] | Curation Revolution |

How To Make $30M Online
When people ask me how teams I've managed made more than $30M online I say it's simple - find your 80:20 Rule, double down on winners, leave laggards and hire great people.

None of those things are nearly as "simple" as they sound, but you must know what NOT to do. Any website has an enduring and constant fractal called the 80:20 Rule. This post includes a video about the importance of your 80:20 Rule, how to use what you find and a link to an earlier post on how to find your 80:20 Rule. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 14, 2015 12:29 PM!

Scoopit Makes Content Curation & Content Marketing Easy

Scoopit Makes Content Curation & Content Marketing Easy | Curation Revolution |

Why You Must Curate Content is a great tool we've used for years. We finally had a chance to use the easy to use and understand feed embed tool. The ability to easily add feeds into your blogs and websites means content curation is easy to create and add into your content marketing mix. 

The linked post explains why content curation is a MUST. Content curation is less expensive, has more reach and develops more community than content creation alone. We seen the damage pushing more content with less support can create in engagement and SEO. 

Don't do that (push content at the expense of curation) is our best online marketing advice. 

Neil Ferree's comment, June 14, 2015 1:50 PM
You're so right @Martin (Marty) Smith and its especially true when you "marry" a SlideShare Deck to as I mentioned in this G+ Post
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 29, 2015 8:02 PM!

People: 5 Ways People Fix Content Marketing - Curagami

People: 5 Ways People Fix Content Marketing - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Content marketing must serve a higher purpose & featuring people not things is how websites win hearts, minds & loyalty creating online community.

Post includes a Fareed Zakaria interview with hedge fund manager Ray Dolio because Ray shares 5 tips for how to become a great web marketer:

* Think more about how "the machine" works (Google in our case).

* Be in the middle of it and expect to get banged up.

* Have great humility and FEAR.

* It isn't KNOWING that matters it is what you do when you DON't KNOW.
* Find smart people who disagree with you and LISTEN.

I couldn't summarize how teams I've led have made over $30M in online sales learn to think and be. Ray may be speaking of how to manage a hedge fund, but he may as well be outlining how to be a great digital marketer.

This post explores an eternal truth - people not things sell.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 5, 2015 12:13 PM!

Content Director by Because We MUST Curate Content

Content Director by Because We MUST Curate Content | Curation Revolution |

Content Director Should Rock Content Marketing
I'm excited that th etalented @Scoop.itteam ( @Guillaume Decugis@Ally Greer@Marc Rougierand many others) are launching a new content curation tool called Content Director. As team Curagami shared in our 7 Reasons You Must Curate Content ( over 5,000 views now) knowing what content is making you money and why is a CSF (Critical Success Factor).

Can't wait for our demo tomorrow PM. Will report back.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 2:43 PM!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Biggest challenge to great web marketing may be learning to THINK like an Internet marketer. Here are 5 Secret Tips to help you become a great IMer.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 7, 2014 6:06 PM!

QDF - Quality Deserves Freshness & "Fixing" An Editorial Mistake

QDF - Quality Deserves Freshness & "Fixing" An Editorial Mistake | Curation Revolution |

What Is QDF
Google has a favorite core concept - Quality Deserves Freshness. The concept changes content marketing in many ways such as:

* Content is publish & done.
* Content that sparks comments is prized.

* Content that promotes links and shares is good.

* Static Content is bad.

On Monday I made an editorial mistake. @Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comwrote a great guest blog post for Curagami about content curation. My mistake was building a reference into an embedded slide deck in the title.

That editorial decision assumes too much. Any post MUST live up to its title and this one DID if a reader looked at Cendrine's great slides. If you didn't it was confusing. I added to the confusion by using a numbered list in the title and then NOT numbering the tips contained in Cendrine's slides.

We received a comment noting the dissonance my editorial decisions made. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO? Change the title back to Cendrine's better title and destroy the ripples the post earned. Change the blog title without changing the URL and Google sees and punishes the dispariety.

Better to ADD CONTENT IN because of QDF. I wrote in a couple of hundred words and re-shared the post on social as an object lesson in my need to become a better editor and QDF. NEVER take something away from Google they've indexed, has been shared or is inside your website's modeled evaluation.

Taking things away creates suspicion. Adding in new content helps with QDF and provides a new hook to share on social. QDF can be helped by:

* Comments.
* Feeds (if structured and embedded properly).
* Curation (of comments or other material).
* User Generated Content (UGC) such as social shares, comments, reviews and forms.

* Questions - great because "new to them" evergreen content promotes UGC for years.

* Polls - voting brings customers back and creates new social share hooks too.

If this information sounds like you really can't "fix" an editorial mistake as much as you create, curate and surf you way out of it you understand implications of QDF. Content in Google land is forever, but content in the new QDF world isn't static, unchanging and inviolate either.

Promise to write a post on QDF and how Google's search for the latest greatest and most relevant content means your content marketing needs to shift from "publish and done" to "publish, curate and publish again".

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 2, 2014 11:41 PM!

Invisible Giant of the New SEO via @Curagami

Invisible Giant of the New SEO via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Invisible Giant of the New SEO shows why Google, appification, mobile and other trends are making the new SEO hard to see, understand or create tactics for.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 19, 2014 8:18 PM!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips [New @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail]

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips [New @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail] | Curation Revolution |

Thinking Different = Hardest Thing
Web marketing is different, powerful and transforming. If you can adopt these 5 "Secrets" and shift thinking accordingly you can win BIG online:

* Hedge and Diversify.
* Over and Under.
* Card count & DOUBLE DOWN.
* Become a NOWIST.
* Hit 4 out of 10 = Hall of Fame.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 11, 2014 6:59 PM!

Got Authority? Become A Site Google Respects

Got Authority? Become A Site Google Respects | Curation Revolution |

Great tips from Curagami co-founder Phil Buckley (@1918) about how to create the authority your site needs to please the Google gods:

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 9, 2014 1:43 AM!

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Brand Sculpting creates a brand's online community in alignment with User Generated Content, a growing tribe of advocates & trending keywords & content.

5 Tips
* 10 Tools including ( @Kelly Hungerford), Haiku Deck, G+, Pinterest & Others.
* Community & UGC.
* Digital Listening.
* Analytics.
* Moon Audio examples.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 3, 2014 10:00 PM!

London Calling Crowdfunding Lessons From The CLASH via @HaikuDeck

London Calling Crowdfunding Lessons From The CLASH via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Clash Crowdfunding Lessons
Crowdfunding may be the ultimate "in your face" DIY (Do It Yourself) disruption. Much like the CLASH's "punk ethos", so well described in The Future Is Unwritten the biopic documentary film about Joe Strummer, marketers must create content and community with authenticity and awesome, daring and original content.

Working on a companion Curagami blog post too. Here is link to HaikuDeck:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 3, 2015 11:28 PM!

Homeland & SEO: 5 Things In Common New @HaikuDeck

Homeland & SEO: 5 Things In Common New @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Homeland & SEO
Watching Homeland episodes to catch up before the great TV show's season opener we realized our favorite spy story has a lot in common with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) including:

* Paranoid.
* Surprise

* Sisyphus

* Ignorance

* Tribes

Working on a post, in the meantime find the slidedeck here: 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 4, 2015 10:58 AM!

7 Reasons Why You Must CURATE CONTENT- A @HaikuDeck

7 Reasons Why You Must CURATE CONTENT- A @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Why You Must Curate Content
We shocked a SEO Meetup suggesting 90% curation to 10% content creation. This deck explains why you MUST curate content. Content curation is a CSF (Critical Success Factor) for online marketing.

Among the 7 Reasons we share content are these three:

* Proof of "Digital Listening"

* Reach
* Costs

Discover 4 more reasons you must curate content at Haiku Deck: 

Mery Elvis Mt's curator insight, October 7, 2015 7:48 PM

#ContentCuration is the core of Content Marketing

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 24, 2015 2:00 AM!

SEO: What Is THEIR Rank Telling You - Curagami

SEO: What Is THEIR Rank Telling You - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

How Their Rank Teaches You SEO Lessons
SEO: Their Rank Talks To You, but are you listening, emulating category leaders and finding ways to disrupt your space to win hearts, minds and loyalty online is the "new SEO". 

So if your question is, "You talking to ME?" and you are asking Google the answer is YES.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Updated this post with a PageRank is Dead note from my friend Mark Traphagen. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 30, 2015 6:59 PM!

Stop Making Sense To Win Online via @Curagami

Stop Making Sense To Win Online via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Burn Down Your House
Talking Heads know an important internet marketing truth – sometimes you need to put on a big suit, jump around and burn down your web marketing house.

Watch David Byrne carefully. Everything happening is practiced but not stale, choreographed but spontaneous and crazy & planned. If there is a better example for where our near real time, content, community and commerce online world is going we don't know it.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 20, 2015 12:29 PM!

Why SEO ROCKS Content Curation via @Curagami & Scoopit

Why SEO ROCKS Content Curation  via @Curagami & Scoopit | Curation Revolution |

Why Content Curtation Rocks SEO
The slide deck from about how content curation impacts SEO is an excellent SEO & content curation primer (embedded in the post), but let’s do a deeper dive to understand how content curation ROCKS SEO and every site's Uber-Goal of creating sustainable online community.

This Curagami post creates an interesting comparison between Oprah and Amazon. One knows how to create online community one doesn't. Both have great tips to share.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 11, 2014 5:17 PM!

Social Shopping: Why Internet Marketing Is A Game - New @HaikuDeck & Book Outline

Social Shopping: Why Internet Marketing Is A Game - New @HaikuDeck & Book Outline | Curation Revolution |

Social Shopping
This new Haiku Deck is an outline for a book we hope to write over the next few weeks. I'm headed to Ohio State for several weeks of treatment at the james Cancer Center and NO WAY I sit on the bench during November (not going to happen).

If you would like to help PLEASE DO SO (lol). Many ways you can help including:

* Writing content to be included.
* Suggesting resources.
* Suggesting great interviews.
* Reading and editing (need lots of help there :).

I'm lucky to have smart, giving friends who I regularly TEST, a test they've never failed. Hope you will join me for the Social Shopping book writing journey. Writing and publishing a book is on my bucket list and I get things on that list DONE :). M (with help, lots of help) 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 14, 2014 11:03 PM!

Content Marketing: Don't Over Plan - via @Curagami

Content Marketing: Don't Over Plan - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Over Planning Can KILL Your Content Marketing
We see a lot of experts, gurus and people who should know better sharing yesterday's advice. We've read thousands of words about the importance of goal setting, planning and objectives for content marketing.

People talk about creating content marketing calendars and planning everything to within an inch of your life. Good luck with that. Might have worked 3 years ago, but today's social / mobile / connected world means you need to become a NOWIST.

This Curagami post embeds the influential Joy Ito TED talk about becoming a Nowist by pulling from the network to meet demand. Your content needs to do the same.

AND You need to digitally listen. We riff a few paragraphs about what it means to digitally listen such as FOLLOWING those who follow you, Retweeting and curating content from your customers and brand advocates.

Next time you read 1,000 words on planning your "content calendar" STOP and read this Curagami post so you don't over plan your content marketing.

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, October 15, 2014 1:29 PM

Great post and insight by @Martin (Marty) Smith sure to help you with your content marketing.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 3, 2014 11:51 PM!

When Future Knocks Answer Door via @CendrineMedia

When Future Knocks Answer Door via @CendrineMedia | Curation Revolution |

Thanks to @Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comI got into a riff about how #contentcuration is leading a new train. The train's name is community and those who get on, or those who answer the future knocking, will succeed. Those who don't won't.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 22, 2014 1:25 PM!

Building Links? Beware...

Building Links? Beware... | Curation Revolution |

“Link building” as it is traditionally defined is fraught with risks, gray-hat techniques, and dangerous mistakes. Don’t approach link building in a let’s-build-some-links kind of way.


If you do, you’re headed for dangerous waters. Instead, consider link building as a byproduct of being a networker, a content marketer, a local expert, a personal brand, and a social animal.

 Read More:

Marty Note
When one of our friends shared his use of the disavow tool daily at a recent conference to our shocked and surprise. He went on to explain by alerting Google to spammy links coming into his content he was winning more and more SEO cred and suddenly we got it.

Acting proactively on the knowledge not all inbound links are equal or good can save some SEO PAIN.

Not all links are equal and some may be attempts to HURT your website. Knowing who is linking to you, thanking the good ones and alerting Google to your disdain for the bad ones is becoming an important "new SEO" tactic.

This post shares solid new ways to get good links in the first place and original great content is you best friend on that mission. What it doesn't share is the cost of bad unsolicited links. Treat all links with care and give them with even more care.

We suggest NOT letting the spider follow your links. No Follow links protect you from having the content changed or altered after you link. Even with No Follow Links ONLY link to trusted sources so you may become an authority too.

Via Antonino Militello
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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wanderingsalsero's curator insight, September 21, 2014 10:52 AM

Always a worthwhile subject... and this fro a reputable source too.

Brian Fanzo's curator insight, October 13, 2014 1:32 PM

Great resource here... thanks Marty! 

Rafael Jimenez Rodriguez's curator insight, December 8, 2014 2:55 AM

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management
September 18, 2014 7:25 PM!

Why I Stopped Curating From Top Content Blogs Like Mashable

Why I Stopped Curating From Top Content Blogs Like Mashable | Curation Revolution |

Neil's Note
Let start off with a question: Why would you share the most popular content from high traffic content sites that most people are already reading and sharing?

Marty 's Note: Why I Stopped Curating From The Big Boys
Interesting conversation broke out on @Neil Ferree's excellent share on G+. I agree with Neil's point and have long since stopped sharing posts from Mashable et al. I've stopped curating off of "big blogs" for several reasons including:

* Find these sites stop being BLEEDING edge and became more mainstream. My tribe and I live on the razor's edge of what's next.
* I share stuff that is too middle of the road and my curation reputation takes a hit and I lose audience.
* Mostly the BIG BLOGS BORE ME now (see note below about Gwen Stefani).
* No way to add value to curation from BIG sites because a. they start from some reasonable and KNOWN place and b. they are going to get 500 comments and a million shares anyway.
* My friends aren't there anymore.

That last bullet is the most telling. I'm part of a nomadic tribe of Internet marketers. Look at homepage today:

* Apple & U2.
* CC hacks at Home Despot.

* Gwen Stefani gives Jimmy Falon a lap dance...

BORING and CELEBRITY BORING. I don't have time to watch Jimmy Fallon (unless there is a laptop on my stomach lol) and could care less about the latest BIG whatever. That is NOT where my tribe lives.

Where My Tribe Lives - In the Desert
Imagine a long, broad desert. The sand whirls and wraps like water. It feels like you could walk for a generation before seeing anything other than what you are seeing right now. Suddenly there is an ornate tent. Inside the tent the strange is mixed with the surreal as monitors glow and keys click.

This is my tribe. Far from the celebrity obsessed too big and boring (to us) now for their own good BIG blogs we compare notes about a semantic future, community, content shock and the implications of wiki-ification and appification.

We have our own publications. We have our own tools to publish too. Tools such as, Haiku Deck and G+ are used in creative ways daily if only so we can smile and cheer each other on. We know and learn about what matters to us from people we've come to know, trust and love.

We don't read Mashable or HuffPost unless one of US is writing or being written about.

We LIVE, BREATHE and THINK about little else than what is glowing now in that tent in the desert where our tribe is busy clicking, thinking and changing the web and Internet marketing. These are the things we care about.

While Mashable discusses what Gwen Stefani did to Jimmy Falon we are thinking about semantic web, content marketing, curation and what Mark did to Phil (or other way around). Unless Gwen created a new startup, app or is publishing something cool and different we could care less what she did to Jimmy.

Oh & U2's new album sounds cool and we are sure we will hear it one night LATE when the desert winds blow and the only sound other than U2 is the sound of a million fingers clicking, writing, thinking, collaborating and doing.

The future is different. In the future we collaborate more and care less about the lap dance someone named Gwen gave someone named least in that tent far off in the desert.

Via Neil Ferree, massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Neil Ferree's curator insight, September 18, 2014 1:43 PM

Why you should Share Content From Lesser Known Authors?

Social media has a considerable amount of “noise”.

If you are going to be successful using content curation, then you need to be able to cut through the noise effectively.

If you are curating the same content everyone else is, from sources that everyone is already reading and sharing themselves, you end up amplifying the noise, not cutting through it.

This is how to How to Increase Your Social Media Presence 

Marco Favero's curator insight, September 18, 2014 4:43 PM

aggiungi la tua intuizione ...

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 10, 2014 7:39 PM!

Movement Marketing with - via @Curagami

Movement Marketing with - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Movement Marketing With
Why startups create movements & community from organic fuel such as narrowing focus, winning hearts, minds & loyalty and building online community.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 8, 2014 10:28 AM!

5 Reasons @HaikuDeck Rocks Visual Marketing

5 Reasons @HaikuDeck Rocks Visual Marketing | Curation Revolution |

Haiku Deck Rocks Visual Marketing
If you haven't used yet you should. Mark Traphagen turned me on to it and it is the best visual marketing tool out there. Here are 5 reasons we love Haiku Deck:

* SO EASY - the creators of Haiku Deck may have made the easiest to use tool on the plant.
* Free - Amazingly the tool is FREE (at the moment).
* Visual Marketing - we use the tool to find images from the Creative Commons. Content marketing is hampered without great images & Haiku Deck helps you find 'em.
* Their Community - great marketers creating awesome decks makes the Haiku Deck community one of our favorites (right up there with
* Their team - the Haiku Deck team is responsive, social and they want to help.

If you aren't using this awesome content marketing tool yet, you should be.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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