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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 13, 2016 9:17 AM!

Heroes, Games, Adventure - Community In A Box in 3 Words & 4 Slides #ciab

Heroes, Games, Adventure - Community In A Box in 3 Words & 4 Slides #ciab | Curation Revolution |

Community In A Box in 3 Words & 4 Slides
Is your content about HEROES? Is your content an adventure your customers want to take? Does your content create sustainable community winning hearts, minds, and loyalty? Community In A Box helps with all of that :). Martin 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 30, 2014 10:47 AM!

Epic Personal Branding: 6 Tips - ScentTrail Marketing via @JeanneOmlor

Epic Personal Branding: 6 Tips - ScentTrail Marketing via @JeanneOmlor | Curation Revolution |

There is only one way to break out of the rat race and eliminate all competing rats - create EPIC Personal Branding. Here's how:

* BHAGs.
* Pictures & Video.
* Think TEAM.
* Use Social "Weapons".

* Give Your Skills AWAY FREE.

Appreciate @JeanneOmlor reminding me of this post about living a eulogy life and creating an epic personal brand on a Saturday :). M

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