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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 7, 2013 9:43 AM!

SMBs and Content Marketing: 5 Quick Tips Trending On ScentTrail Marketing

SMBs and Content Marketing: 5 Quick Tips Trending On ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

Here are 5 Quick and Easy Content Marketing Tips for Small To Medium Sized Businesses:

* There Is No Them.
* Email Market With Personas.
* Create Q&A Content.
* Conversations Not Lectures.
* Have and Create FUN.

This post is trending on ScentTrail Maketing with over 1,000 views now.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 15, 2013 9:19 PM!

Is Your Website EPIC? Here's How Your Website Can Become A Hero's Journey

Is Your Website EPIC? Here's How Your Website Can Become A Hero's Journey | Curation Revolution |

Most Internet marketers agree. Your website must be heroic, a quest of and for greatness. But how can your marketing make customers heroes? Here's How:

Ways To Make Your Customers Heroes Online

* Gamification (nothing like social kudos to reinforce a heroic journey).

* Curate and Use UGC (User Generated Content). 

* Contests (who has the best Tough Mudder Pinterest board etc...).

* Leaderboards (part of gamification, but a constant reminder that a game is going on NOW). 


Website design tips and several examples of "heroic" websites are included. If you know of great heroic online experiences please share so we can curate in.  

Elsie Barone's curator insight, May 16, 2013 2:36 PM

Very Good Information;

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 29, 2013 1:04 PM!

Create 'Like Me' Tribes and Think Mobile First This Holiday Season to WIN Hearts, Minds and Money

Create 'Like Me' Tribes and Think Mobile First This Holiday Season to WIN Hearts, Minds and Money | Curation Revolution |

Lions, Tigers and Bears (oh my)
We've seen survey data from Content Marketing Institute and others that suggest those who tell the best STORY this holiday selling season will win hearts and minds. SALE without story is OVER.

This post is about how to create "Like Me" tribes (personas and segments) and then use your customer classifications to create great "Mobile First" marketing. 

The E-commerce teams that keep their content fresh and relevant will find mobile is a huge HELP to their marketing. Marketers whose emails look lousy on mobile or who aren't thinking like App Developers (i.e. lots of small cool games all relating to a goal and everything connected like Lego blocks) will find the holidays tough and not very rewarding. 

Turns out thinking like an App Developer is a good idea for every e-commerce merchant. Think small, fun and connected and your holiday marketing will win. Listen carefully and curate the winners and your holiday sales may set new records.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 1, 2013 9:05 PM!

SEO Writing Tip - How To Avoid STOP Words

SEO Writing Tip - How To Avoid STOP Words | Curation Revolution |

Better SEO Writing

Just Scooped a great #infographic about SEO Writing that didn't mention some of my favorite tips or anything about "stop words" so I added 5 tips to the Scoop and wrote a quick ScentTrail Marketing post about Stop Words:

15 SEO Writing Tips (10 Infographic, 5 from me)

SEO Writing - Eliminate Stop Words (ScentTrail Marketing)


There is great news about the elimination of stop words. When you tune your writing to use shorter sentences, smaller paragraphs and reduces stop words your copy reads faster and so becomes more engaging. Win Win.

Kathy Lenard's curator insight, May 1, 2013 11:26 PM

I sometime write long sentences; so when I saw these tips about the elimination of STOP words, I had to Scoop this.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 2, 2013 7:36 AM
Thanks for the Rescoop Kathy. Shortening your sentences, more Hemingway than Faulkner, can have positive impacts on SEO and visitor engagement. Marty