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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 2:43 PM!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Biggest challenge to great web marketing may be learning to THINK like an Internet marketer. Here are 5 Secret Tips to help you become a great IMer.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 30, 2014 1:29 AM!

Conversations Are The New Money & Here's The New Money Math - via @Curagami

Conversations Are The New Money & Here's The New Money Math - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Every online transaction started with a conversation and that why conversations are the new money and the rocket fuel creating the New Ecommerce Revolution.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post shares a favorite metrics approach - model by isolating and assigning. I like to create models by marketing channel that assigns 100% of costs and sales in order to defeat the attribution monster.

The attribution monster exists because the web is so dynamic knowing who did what and why is difficult. Many things go into moving customers from visitors to buyers so accurate attribution is a myth.

Instead of trying to make web numbers make 2 + 2 = 4 sense I suggest isolating and assigning and then comparing. When you isolate and assign and then compare you see the FABRIC of the tapestry we lucky few Internet marketers weave.

Instead of attempting to assign attribution, something akin to putting a scarf on a raging bull, I like to make attribution moot by modeling around it (explained more deeply in the linked post).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 26, 2014 1:22 AM!

How Dr. Dre Newsjacked Super Bowl XLVIII - ScentTrail Marketing

How Dr. Dre Newsjacked Super Bowl XLVIII - ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

 Newsjacking the Super Bowl with Dr. Dre
How Dr. Dre, Richard Sherman & Beats By Dre Headphones NEWSJACKED the super bowl with brilliant Internet marketing furthering the company's dominance.

Beats by Dre put on an impressive NEWSJACK last week. Richard Sherman made the "slow news week" before Super Bowl Hype starts this week anything but slow. Beats by Dre, the dominant high-end headphone company founded by the rapper and entrepreneur showed just how to surf a massive traffic wave with an impressive multi-channel attack:

* has Richard Sherman on its cover.
* Richard Sherman's picture is magically linked to every model of noise canceling headphone the company sells (neat trick that).
* Richard Sherman is on the company's GPlus page.
* The company’s Richard Sherman ad almost has 2M views on YouTube.

Great lessons from a brilliant Internet marketing team on how to make an event YOURS for a fraction of the cost advertisers will sped for a single 30 second ad.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 22, 2013 10:24 AM!

5 Genius Marketing Ideas For The Holidays ScentTrail Marketing

5 Genius Marketing Ideas For The Holidays ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

Here are 5 Internet marketing tactics some genius friends are using to have a happy holidays (with names and website identieis kept secret as promised):

1. Mobile Games.

2. Disruptions.

3. Asking for help.

4. Listening.

5. Crowdfunding

What are you doing that is cool, unique and different this holidays? Tell me if you can, if not hope you will in January :). M  

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, August 22, 2013 11:45 AM
Thanks for the Rescoop Gladys :). M
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 15, 2013 7:37 PM!

The New Marketing: The Ask, Give, Share and Commons via ScentTrail Marketing

The New Marketing: The Ask, Give, Share and Commons via ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

Papa and Marketing Got A Brand New Bag
This post is about the triptych of The Ask, The Give and The Share and how those marketing actions create The Commons.

The Commons, that special place where the sum is greater than the parts. The commons is where the Holy Grail of authority lives, where we collaboratively compete and all of our Google dreams are answered,

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 10, 2013 6:27 PM!

Internet Marketing: End of Zero Sum - New Media Leaders

Internet Marketing: End of Zero Sum - New Media Leaders | Curation Revolution |

There is a "new altruism" meme growing in Internet marketing. The old notion of winning at someone else's expense seems outdated in a world of plenty, in a world where we buy from those we LOVE. 

And there are so many more ways to get to know and love the companies and products we invite into our lives. I wrote this post for New Media Leaders to explore the leading edge of our Internet marketing's "new altruism".  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Startup Revolution
December 20, 2012 12:19 AM!

How To Become A DISRUPTIVE Content Marketer

How To Become A DISRUPTIVE Content Marketer | Curation Revolution |

When everyhone is a content marketer you must become a disruptive content marketer to win. This post shares how. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, December 19, 2012 1:10 PM

Now that the content marketing sale has been made there are new ideas you and your Internet marketing team can use to become a disruptive content marketer. Why? Because disrupt or die :). 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, December 20, 2012 12:22 AM
Content Marketing is beyond the tipping point and that is both the good and bad news. Good news if you are trying to sell the concept of content marketing. Bad news if you are behind (and you are always behind someone in Internet markting). The key to success is DISRUPTION, finding ways to bend, manipulate and change content marketing so you do it just a little better.This post discusses how to become a disruptive content marketer.
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, December 21, 2012 7:07 AM
Added Are You A Disruptor Quiz.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 18, 2014 11:35 PM!

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post]

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post] | Curation Revolution |

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Cmmunity
@Guillaume Decugis  was nice enough to ask me to weigh in on his blog post. He knew it wouldn't be hard for me to write 1,000 words on something that I feel strongly about - what will tomorrow's marketing look like.

Little is certain OTHER than tomorrow's marketing will be very different than today's and unrecognizable from yesterdays. The post on G+ shares my reaction to Guillaume's post along with as much Nostradamas as I can muster at midnight after a long day.

The core is YES content curation is going to be an integral part of the friends of friends marketing creating community we see at our Triangle Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami ( ).

One BIG THING we've already learned is RESPECT, ADMIRATION and enough envy to fuel a train for what Marc, Guillaume, Ally and the Scoopiteers created. The post discusses how any cause moves from passion, through to business and finally into quackery.

That evolution is why all tactical online marketing is dead man walking. The key is winning and keeping hearts and minds. Certainly content curation is going to be HUGE in winning the LOVE any successful brand or online presence will require to be successful in tomorrow's marketing. Are there a few other things? You bet and I tried to share all of the hard won lessons about content, community and love team Curagami is learning.

My G+ Post

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 14, 2014 9:02 PM!

Social Media Conversations Are HERE - You In? via @Curagami

Social Media Conversations Are HERE - You In? via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Downloading the Vocus paper Monitoring The Social Media Conversation: From Facebook to Twitter via CIO Whie Papers is a pain. The paper helps explain what Curagami is all about. The paper has a PR slant, but its an important read for any and all Internet marketers: The prevalence of social media has not just grown …
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Many have asked what Curagami DOES? This post builds on an excellent Vocus post about monitoring the social media conversation to share how Curagami creates a tiny advantage that creates scale that creates a tiny advantage and so on to infinity :).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 19, 2013 7:33 PM!

Internet Markeing Lessons From Coke Freestyle Soda Machine

Internet Markeing Lessons From Coke Freestyle Soda Machine | Curation Revolution |

Can a soda machine teach important Intenret markeitng lessons? Yep, the brilliant Coke Feestyle machine is a stduy in Lego-like building simple, adding touch so even complex things feel easy and the "appification" of everything.

We share ideas for how to move Coke Freestyle machines into an Internet of things by using a mobile app to create community and gamify their very cool soda machine: :

  • Connect machines to the web and show top choices for this location.
  • Also show top "downloads" from major related cities (Charlotte or Austin for Raleigh).
  • Widgetize the "popular soda" app so it can be easily shared on blogs.
  • Have a contest on who can create the most tasty new flavor. 
  • Show a video on how to create new favors. 
  • Create FourSquare-like mobile - Freestyle games and interactions.
pk verma's curator insight, March 7, 2022 4:02 AM

Bulk SMS Saudi Arabia | Best Bulk SMS Company & Bulk SMS Provider Mobile marketing is a great way to market your products or services. It is definitely a new way of marketing brands. This form of marketing has enjoyed immense popularity in recent years. Advertisers use this marketing tool a lot to promote their brand. Businesses and organizations of all kinds use mobile marketing technology to advertise their products or services. This marketing tool is in high demand these days. It is a fact that advertisers get the most out of this brand promotional tool and create huge profits. These days, traditional marketing methods are no longer in high demand by advertisers. Although television, radio, newspapers, kiosks and billboards all play a role in promoting brands, these media have not had the impact that mobile phones now have on businesses. With the advancement of technology and communication, existing tools are being used to promote brands. However, it is not just mobile phones that are being used as a marketing tool these days. Email marketing has also become popular as a marketing tool in recent years. However, if you compare two different marketing tools, you will find that mobile marketing is undoubtedly more popular with advertisers than email marketing. bulk sms Mobile phone marketing is not possible without mobile phones. In fact, cell phones are a necessity for this kind of marketing. Without the use of mobile phones, mobile marketing is simply impossible. Mobile phones are not only used for communication purposes but also for marketing purposes. Mobile phone marketing has become very popular with the rise of short message service (SMS). This service became popular in some parts of Asia as well as in Europe in the early 2000’s when various companies started collecting phone numbers and sending content to the relevant customers. This is very important. It is important to send Promotional SMS to clients. If SMS is not sent to customers’ clients, others can delete it. So it is important to understand who the customers are first before sending the customers SMS in bulk. The importance of Mobile Marketing Nowadays, a large part of the population has access to the internet via mobile phones rather than laptops or desktops. With the Mobile Transfer feature, users can connect to the world anywhere, anytime via the Internet. The growing number of internet and mobile phone users is driving a revolutionary development in the marketing sector called mobile phone marketing. Here are some reasons that may explain the importance of mobile marketing these days: 1) Availability of fast service at all times: – People want good, simple and fast service. You are looking for a service provider who can meet your requirements at any time and is easy to reach. A company can contact a user with mobile marketing technology. The customer can also simply send an opinion.  For more information visit our website
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 10, 2013 9:45 PM!

"Asynchronous Thinking" - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith

"Asynchronous Thinking" - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith | Curation Revolution |

Discovered the strange secret of Internet marketing last week. We lucky few Internet marketers must do some things BECAUSE everyone is doing them. We violate these "conventions" at our risk, but we can't stop there.

We can't stop with mere emulation of current convention because there is no money to be made there. Our Internet marketing must win hearts, minds, love and advocacy to become increasingly valuable. We can't win brand advocates by copying others.

We must take the risk of passionate disruption. Disruption in Internet marketing is a tricky business. Too little disruption and your Internet marketing is conventional and boring. Too much disruption and your Internet marketing is speaking to itself about itself.

Testing is the best way to find the thin and ever-changing line between conventional boring and just the right amount of loyalty creating disruption. This @HaikuDeck is about how and why your Internet marketing must "think" asynchronously. Why you must disrupt to win.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 19, 2013 11:21 AM!

Surprise Is Still the Most Powerful Marketing Tool - HBR

Surprise Is Still the Most Powerful Marketing Tool - HBR | Curation Revolution |
Big Data's great, but it can rob your brand of serendipity.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

HBR makes a conclusive case for why SURPRISE creates the most effective marketing. Surprise is another way of saying exceeding expectations and I AGREE.

The warning shot is if we market ONLY to what we see in our data we become increasingly predictable. We KPI surprise OUT of our thinking and marketing.

Great article on how to build positive surprise into your marketing process and thinking.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 1, 2013 11:20 AM!

Outlaw Josey Wales Internet Marketing Advice Contest

Outlaw Josey Wales Internet Marketing Advice Contest | Curation Revolution |
Internet marketing shares humanity, warts and all, then weaves a sum is greater tapestry where YOURS, OURS and THEIRS lose value or distinction. Here's How.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Outlaw Josey Wales IM Advice CONTEST
What advice do you thihnk the outlaw Josey Wales would give today's Internte marketers? Enter on Atlantic BT's Facebook page:

Don't Piss Down My Back & Tell Me Its Raining

Josey Wales had a way of using a few words to say amazing things. The article linked here discusses a company that got their Internet marketing a little right and a lot wrong. 

Writing the piece I wondered what other advice the outlaw Josey Wales would share with today's Internet marketers. What do you think? Share your outlaw advice on Atlantic BT's Facebook page:

Deadline is Friday Feburary 15th.

Prize: Outlaw Josey Wales Internet Marketing badge. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, February 1, 2013 4:08 PM

Enter Your Outlaw Internet Marketing Advice into the Oulaw Josey Wales Contest. 

Enter in comments HERE or...



Atlantic BT Google Plus Page:  

Deadline: Friday February 15th

Prize: Outlaw IM Badge